Anime Influences 331 members · 295 stories
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Regina Wright
Group Admin

For folks that just wants to talk.

Off-topic comments and thread derails are accepted.

Blab away.

Blab blab blab blan blab blab.

Am I doing it right?
I don't want to cum inside rainbow dash.
am I still doing it right?

4440589 What am I reading?? :rainbowlaugh:

Regina Wright
Group Admin


I wouldn't want to cum inside Rainbow Dash either.

But I would sleep in a cloud bed. Who knows what that feels like?

Greetings, I am Anemptyshell,

I say to each their own, if one wishes to cum, I say let em'. I for one say let the world be as crazy as any other.

So, the third season of Senki Zesshou Symphogear is finally here.

The prologue of the first episode consists of the heroines riding missiles into the upper atmosphere, reducing K2 to "just the third tallest mountain in the world", and Hibiki saving the day by tossing a space shuttle over a building.

I still can't believe a show about magical girls powered by J-Pop ended up being one of the manliest goddamned animes I've ever seen. Watching this episode made me want to go out and punch things, in a good way.



Because it's shonen, and because the Japanese are nine kinds of fucked up.


For which we should be eternally grateful.

When did the magical girl genre cross over into shonen, anyway?



I personally blame Sailor Moon. So many basement dwellers fapping to an over-developed fourteen-year-old, the industry was bound to see the profit in aiming this shiz-nit at the males.


So many basement dwellers fapping to an over-developed fourteen-year-old,

You do realize we bronies really aren't ones to talk, right? :twilightblush:

Anyway, Sailor Moon was very shoujo. Maybe it proved that male fans could like that kind of stuff, but it wasn't itself aimed at that demographic.

The first magical girls show I saw that used serious shonen themes was Lyrical Nanoha in the early 2000s, which was essentially a glorious mecha anime with the giant robots replaced by magic-wielding twelve year-olds. Pretty Cure (which I never watched) came out around the same time and supposedly has some shonen influences as well, but seems to be a more traditional magical girl franchise than Nanoha - lots of bright colors and rainbows, etc.

Between Sailor Moon and Nanoha, the only magical girl anime I watched was Cardcaptor Sakura, which deviated from the standard format but was still pretty shoujo in themes and style. Now, I was a huge fan of CCS back in the day, but that was because it has a less stylized, general urban fantasy style. I never really watched any other magical girl anime back then - it wasn't until they started fighting each other with laser swords and throwing giant energy blasts around I got genuinely interested.

So, I'm really not sure which show was the actual trendsetter here. Might have been Lyrical Nanoha, but that just seems like a very drastic tone shift. I would have suspected Pretty Cure, but it came out the same year as Nanoha so it's more likely they were both following a similar trend.



You do realize we bronies really aren't ones to talk, right? :twilightblush:

I don't fap to Twilight Sparkle. I just write her in situations and with themes inappropriate for MLP's intended audience.

The connection wasn't lost on me, and was in fact, intentional.

. Maybe it proved that male fans could like that kind of stuff

Pretty much what I was getting at, and not that it had any actual shonen influences, but the comment was also mostly for the lulz. I've got no clue. According to Wikipedia, the trend started in 2003, and the article gives a passing mention to the same anime that you speak of.

I haven't watched much in the way of magical-girl anime, myself. Back in 2012, when I was binging on anime romance like it was heroin, I ran across one called, 'Pretear' and watched it just for the simple fact that it was on some people's 'top ten' lists on YouTube. I knew that it was going to be girly. I didn't expect it to be such an irredeemable piece of shit. I hope the manga is better, because the anime is like a bad parody of awful shojo anime, with the male love-interest being nothing more than cardboard cut-out, to start.


I don't fap to Twilight Sparkle. I just write her in situations and with themes inappropriate for MLP's intended audience.

I'm pretty sure the same thing applies to many male Sailor Moon fans, or male magical girls fans in general. They do tend to have a lot of weird fanservice, but that's not the primary appeal for me. Heck, the reason I loved Cardcaptor Sakura so much was because of how wholesome and innocent it was.

Point is, we of all people should know better than to write a whole fandom off as a bunch of perverts.

I haven't watched much in the way of magical-girl anime, myself. Back in 2012, when I was binging on anime romance like it was heroin, I ran across one called, 'Pretear' and watched it just for the simple fact that it was on some people's 'top ten' lists on YouTube. I knew that it was going to be girly. I didn't expect it to be such an irredeemable piece of shit. I hope the manga is better, because the anime is like a bad parody of awful shojo anime, with the male love-interest being nothing more than cardboard cut-out, to start.

Never watched that one, and it's unlikely I ever will. Even now it's a bit hard for me to find magical girl anime I genuinely like: Not only do I avoid the girlier ones, but I also want nothing to do with deconstructions like say Puella Magi.

My-Hime was pretty okay despite being a deconstruction, but only because the ending was saved by blatant use of deus ex machina. Recently watched Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru, which may count as a reconstruction - it took a very dark turn but remained pretty idealistic all the way to the end. Otherwise it mostly reminded me of a darker, less pretty version of Vividred Operation.

That made me go back and watch all of Vividred Operation again, and it was actually even better than I recalled it. I think the first time I had just come off watching Symphogear, and Symphogear tends to make practically everything seem less awesome just by comparison.

Still waiting for a third season of Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya, which is probably my second favorite magical girl show after Symphogear.



Point is, we of all people should know better than to write a whole fandom off as a bunch of perverts.

Is that what it sounded like? I was poking fun of males in both that fandom in this one, but not the entirety of male within both fandoms.

Not only do I avoid the girlier ones,

Oddly enough, I was originally uncomfortable with Ah! My Goddess, because I thought it was girly, even though it's actually a Sienen, and aimed at young adult males. I still tend to avoid horrendously girly things, but I'm more capable of tolerating that sort of thing more than when I was younger, and whatever aversion I have to that conflicts with the fact that I watch MLP.

I knew that Pretear was going to be sickeningly annoying, but I was mentally prepared for that. I just wasn't prepared for it to be so shitty.

I might still end up watching Sailor Moon, not because I'm actually interested in it, but because watching anime with my sister is something that I like to do, and eventually, she's going to con me into it.


Is that what it sounded like? I was poking fun of males in both that fandom in this one, but not the entirety of male within both fandoms.

You mostly sounded bitter over basement dwelling Sailor Moon fans, honestly.

Internet, hard to read tone, and all that.

Oddly enough, I was originally uncomfortable with Ah! My Goddess, because I thought it was girly, even though it's actually a Sienen, and aimed at young adult males. I still tend to avoid horrendously girly things, but I'm more capable of tolerating that sort of thing more than when I was younger, and whatever aversion I have to that conflicts with the fact that I watch MLP.

Kinda missed out on AMG myself, which is too bad since it's one of the classics. Anime was hard to come by in Sweden back in the 90s, with some very notable exceptions. (Remind me to talk about our bizarre anime importing practices sometime.)

Oddly, Sailor Moon not only got a dub but was shown on mainstream television for some reason, which was highly unusual at the time. We probably had Sailor Moon fans who didn't actually know what anime was.

I might still end up watching Sailor Moon, not because I'm actually interested in it, but because watching anime with my sister is something that I like to do, and eventually, she's going to con me into it.

Old one or new one? I was never a huge fan of the original series, as I found it repetitive and a bit silly. The Negaverse Generals were kinda cool, though.

Sailor Moon Crystal apparently follows the manga more closely. Actually, I might check that one out myself, come to think of it.

Anyway, now I'm feeling nostalgic. I think I'm going to rewatch Cardcaptor Sakura again.


You mostly sounded bitter over basement dwelling Sailor Moon fans, honestly.


I might be a bit bitter over lolicons, to be honest. Got nothing against Sailor Moon fans, though.

Anime was hard to come by in Sweden back in the 90s, with some very notable exceptions. (Remind me to talk about our bizarre anime importing practices sometime.)

Didn't start watching anime, myself, until I left highschool back in 2004. My sister always watched DBZ and Sailor Moon, and I would occasionally watch an episode of DBZ with her, but it took regularly watching cartoon Network's late-night block, Adult Swim, to really get into anything.

Old one or new one?

Literally whichever one my sister forces me to watch. She recently watched 'Crystal', and I'd bet money that it's the one she'd choose.

On Sailor Moon Crystal, I hated the art style. The characters looked too doll like, and really lacked expression compared to the original. also, the movements are pretty stiff. Not to mention that the animators seemed to really struggle with faces at times.

It's true the original is in a lower resolution due to being made in the 90s, it's animation quality is far better. Personally, I say stick to the original (either in Japanese or one of the dubs), or choose a more modern magical girl show that might pique your interest. Crystal comes off as just kinda mediocre in quality.


Looking a bit Picasso there, Ami.

So far for this season I've seen the first episode of Gangsta and Monster Musume.

For Monster Musume, I'll admit that I wouldn't even have given this show a shot if it wasn't for the fact that I have a soft spot for monster girls. I generally avoid any anime tagged as ecchi or harem. I'm glad I did give it a shot. The writers definitely put effort into making it a comedy first and foremost, rather than just a bunch of breast shots with the occasion bad joke. The first episode did a great job of building chemistry between Kimihito and Miia. It also helps that Miia is just flat out adorable.

As for Gangsta, if you're seen Black Lagoon or Michiko and Hatchin then you know what to expect. A dark, kinda gritty action show taking place in a city run by organized crime leaders. Great first episode, and I'd definitely recommend it to actions fans that aren't squeamish.

Symphogear aside, I have so far checked out GATE, OverLord, Rokka no Yuusha, Chaos Dragon, Ushio & Tora, Jitsu wa Watashi wa and Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan.

GATE, OverLord and Rokka no Yuusha all look like very promising fantasy anime on first impression, for various reasons. I have no clear idea what to expect of them, however, so I'll need to see more before I anything additional to say.

I would put Chaos Dragon in the same category, except the first episode has some pretty heavy implications and I'm dreading that it's going to get all depressing. I don't mind a few dark themes, but in general I prefer my anime more lighthearted than not. (With some very notable exceptions, like Fate/Zero or Black Bullet.)

Ushio & Tora was a bit of a surprise, but it actually seems very faithful to the manga, which I recall liking a lot back in the day.

Jitsu wa Watashi wa looks generally fun in a supernatural-high-school-shenanigans kind of way. Will keep an eye on it - it's been a while since I watched something primarily comedic.

Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan has people fighting monsters with magical swords, which is always a plus in my book. The rest strikes me as a bit generic with nothing particular standing out, however the first episode did make me kinda curious about what the heck is the deal with the main character. I'll probably watch a few more episodes just to see where they're going with it.

All in all, this is an unusually high number of interesting shows by my standards, so at least I'll have stuff to watch for the foreseeable future.

So, the first episode of Gakkou Gurashi... holy shit. I can't say much without giving too much away, but if you have twenty minutes of free time, track down and watch Gakkou Gurashi (or just go here: ). You absolutely will not regret it. Also, go into it as blind as possible.

So, the Fall season is nearly upon us. Is there any series you all are looking forward to?

Subete ga F ni Naru: The Perfect Insider: Mystery anime can be good at times, if the director and writer give the storyline good pacing. Seems worth checking out at least.

Heavy Object: I'm kinda neutral on mecha anime, and usually don't check it out unless one of the genre tags or characters seems really interesting. With Heavy Object, it looks kinda generic to be honest. However, it's directed by Takashi Watanabe the same guy behind the Slayers series and Boogiepop Phantom. That caught my interest. I'll give this a three episode try.

One Punch Man: I've seen a few random pages of this manga and it seems to be a good parody of shonen series. The first episode of this actually leaked a few weeks ago. Sadly since it's a leak it only has bad fansubbing to go with it, but it was still fun to watch.

Is The Order A Rabbit?: I'm a sucker for cute girls doing cute things, slice of life genre, and the first season was pretty good.

Yuru Yuri San Hai!: Yuru Yuri has been on my watch later list for awhile, and with a third season coming up I've been marathoning through it. Pretty good if you want a shouju-ai comedy that doesn't have much ecchi content.

Young Black Jack: Main character seems kinda interesting. figured it's worth a look.

I might also watch Hidan no Aria AA, but I need to watch the original Aria the Scarlet Ammo first.

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