Anime Influences 331 members · 295 stories
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Summary:Would you believe me if I recall the legend of the rare Sleigh Beggy and how she became the wife of the mage that can only be described as neither fae nor human?

Whether you are an Ancient Magus Bride fan or not, I hope that the anime and mlp fans in the group will give my story a chance & check the latest chapter and old chapters for this story <3 While it is not a crossover, it is an anime based/influenced story that I think anyone in this group could appreciate^^ Thank you and have a lovely day <3

Best Wishes, Miss Koi

I freaking love this series. PLEASE DO NOT MESS THIS UP!!!

Trust me my friend, I have absolutely no intention to mess this up. Just like you, I love The Ancient Magus Bride with all my heart. It is my favorite anime of all time, my favorite manga series of all time, and just one of my favorite all time stories out there <3 I've seen all the episodes and rewatched them all too many times to count, read all the volumes of the manga & re-read them too many times to count and I always keep up to date with the latest volumes, I buy the merch, I read all the light novels, I read the behind scenes mermkal books they have for it, I've read the new manga spin off series for AMB called Jack Flash & The Many Faerie Case Files, and I'm planing on reading the other new manga spin off series being released on Sept 29th called The Wizard's Blue. In other words, I KNOW The Ancient Magus Bride story VERY well. Along with all this, I have been taking my time with each chapter that I write for this story. Like I've been spending months on each chapter. Once I write a chapter, I send them to my editor to make sure that each one are absolutely perfect. Once they are, then they are published for all to see. As a die hard fan of this series, I am putting my blood, sweat, tears, heart, and soul into this story I am writing and I hope all of this will convince you to at least give it a chance <3

It shows! I'm a couple of chapters in and I'm loving it already. You keep the feel of the original without doing an exact copy-paste of it. Discord is a wonderfully twisted form of the original magus, and Fluttershy's characterization is perfect. I cannot WAIT to keep reading!

OMG really!?:0 You started reading my story and you're liking it!?:D Oh my gosh, wow thank you^^ I'm so glad that my dedication and knowledge shows and that you appreciate how I'm making my story different from the original AMB story while still keeping intact the core vibe and atmosphere of the original AMB story <3 I cannot tell you how much I appreciate such a compliment like this cause one of my main worries for this story was to make it too similar to the original AMB story <3 So glad that you're enjoying how I'm writing Discord and Fluttershy in this story, I've been having a lot of fun writing Discord for this story cause Discord is soooo different from Elias in sooo many ways and because of this, Discord gets to change up the original AMB story in a lot of fun ways for me;) ^^ You picked the perfect time to start reading this story cause I will be updating a new chapter to it next Sunday^^ I hope that you enjoy the rest^^

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