Behind The Fic(s) 134 members · 355 stories
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Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

Ok so I will start so I can to give a model of what or how to post. So as I said in the rules One thread per author and one post per story.

part of my writing process is.
Step 1: An idea comes into my head. So either one of two things will happen. A) It will fizzle out I can't think anything to do with it. B.) My brain will constantly annoy me until I write. Then I brainstorm ideas and type up down they are not usually full sentences. Then I write, during that process another ideas with add more until it's done.

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

One Time More


So this is my first MLP fan fic, I will never submit under Fimfic because really not much happens, it is just simple and nothing more. Oh fun fact when I wrote this fic fan I had a theory that unicorns could do only one spell at the time which was disproved by Starlight Glimmer. :facehoof:

One time more

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin


Status:It will be never complete

So this fan fic was going to be my first fic here in Fimfic, but the the cover art never came ( I don't blame the artist these things happen), so this kind of went on the back burner so to speak. I decided not to write it and to cancel the fic altogether, because I came the second chapter I could not write anymore.

So what this story was going to be about was Pinkie Pie sudden fear of balloons (Globophobia), and how she deals it, fear streaming from the Return to Harmony episode it was going tie with Trials Of The Six be either Discord feeling guilty or Pinkie confronting Discord about it, but again it will never happen.

No link it was never published.

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

The Trials Of The Six

Status:Hiatus, will be complete

So at the end of Twilight's Kingdom (S4 ep 25-26) Fluttershy did forgive Discord but I thought about her trust, I thought what if Discord went through trials kind of like the labors of Hercules, to gain trust. Bam this was born so this fic was written before season five started, but then delay had to happen because of school. Than Make New Friends but Keep Discord happened and well looks like Fluttershy trust him again, so I had change to alternate world.

Originally this going was to titled, The Trials of the Seven. because there was a plan to have Spike to have a trial but then I thought maybe Spike could help Discord.

Oh yeah the cover art was done by me

The Trials Of The Six

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin


Status:Incomplete; will be complete

So this started with Tyranee - Let's Dub Project videos I started watch them when I found the Phoenix Wright let's dubs, I was hooked and then they came out with Presentably Liberty dub

and after I watched Markiplier

Then I said hey I can do this with Trixie, Now I can't say why I choose her because it will spoil the fun,
However I will say that this game has major plotholes which I had to fix, the whole mail bird thing was totally my idea because in game it's unclear who is delivering the mail to you. I had to type every single letter that appeared on Presentable Liberty, which meant going to let's play a pausing the video multiple times, and it making sure I got it most the letters right.

Oh yes I did the cover art for this one too


Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

You're not alone
Status: Complete

So after I watched Do Princess' dream of magic sheep? I thought ok why don't I write a story where Luna talks to Celestia in her dream about the torturing herself. Then I thought hey I seen the Celestia as a tyrant, and I thought what if I put my own spin to it. what if Celestia has hidden guilt and fears for being a tyrant the most. So Luna comforted her and that's what basically happens.

Link:You're not alone

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

Blueblood's Soliloquy

Status: Complete

When I saw the writing prompt of Cutie (Re)mark this idea popped in my head. The first title of this was Bloodblood's lament but I decided against it because I thought it work more if the character was kind of angry at himself. Then I wanted to try something different that I hasn't done before, write a story where the whole thing is a soliloquy. So I had to rework so the whole thing was a soliloquy.

Also did anyone notice that during the Somber war timeline there were no foals. Also I don't think Spike's birth would only happen because of Twilight.

I have a theory that Spike is possible where all the children are, so it ended up in this story.

Blueblood's Soliloquy

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin


While readingThe sculptor I thought okay could somepony use the turning someone into stone to prolong a medical disease or cancer something? Thus this was idea was born. Well I saw that the group was holding a contest. So I thought why not and wrote this story. Honestly, I kind think this fic too has many cliches ( I'm my own worst critic ) at first I thought who be desperate enough but that are many who have foals. So at first going to be Derpy. But then I planned later in fic, that she would know about the Euresia from Twilight's diary and she get a sleeping potion from Zecora. None of those things sounds like something Derpy would do. So Carrot Top and Noi were chosen btw I thought her name was Nora so I thought why not use the name and made Noi her nickname. Also the Carrot Top's sister won't planned at first but since it doesn't fit the word count it was added later.

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