Behind The Fic(s) 134 members · 355 stories
Comments ( 26 )
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Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

Hi, everyone thank you for adding those tidbits to your fan fic or fics, I haven't read everyone's, but the ones I have read were very interesting.

So this thread is for the group, if there are any comments, complaints, suggestions on the group, this is the thread to put it in.

Do you guys like concept of one thread per author if not why?
What more do you all think should be done for the group?

Keep in mind that I'm new to this as well so if there's something I don't know I apologize in advance.

Constitutive criticism against the group is welcome here.

Behind The Fic (or fics)

Behind The Fic(s)

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

4569221 :twilightoops: Ah okay good Idea I'll fix it, thank you :pinkiehappy:


Comments, Suggests... ect

Comments, Suggestions... ect

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

4569231 :facehoof: Yeah spelling and grammar is my Achilles (or Achilles's idk) heel unfortunately thank you for the correction.

4569189 a folder for stories featured here?

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

4569326 Okay but can a folder hold that many fics ? Also what about the fics ain't on this site for whatever reason


It's not it's hard work, this group is deviated to authors.

It's not, it's hard work. This group is dedicated to authors.

There are a couple of other grammatical faults and errors in syntax. But all you need to do is a quick revision and you should spot each fallacy easily in about ten minutes. Sorry, I like correct grammar. Blame Twilight, I always blame Twilight.:twilightangry2:

Also, I need to ask a huge favor of you. If you ever get around to reading any of my works, please point out any errors in grammar and/or authorship. Criticism is the best and most well proven way to get better at something. Thanks for your time and have a great day.:twilightsmile:

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

4574254 Yeah as I said before spelling and grammar is my Achilles (or Achilles's idk) heel unfortunately,but if you would to like edit it I'll be sure to credit you.

4574442 Okay. What all do you need me to do? And how will we do it?

P.S. The correct usage of the coined term is Achilles' heel.:twilightsmile:

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

4574455 You can edit the whole description, I wrote up for the group if you didn't mind.

4574461 It won't let me save the changes, so here ya go.

Do you think that writing a fan fic is easy? It's not, it's hard work. This group is dedicated to the authors of FIM.

Mainly this group is for telling the tales behind various fan fictions and what inspired them.

How was an author able to relate so well to his characters? When did a writer first think of this story's premise? What methods were used when writing a particular fiction?

All of these questions and more are intended to be answered here in this group.

How it works

Add a new thread for every author and their fan fic, or multiple fics can go in one entry. As much as we would love a form entry for every fan fic, I don't think there's enough room.

What to write about

Well write what you had to do when you wrote your fan fic.
What were your influences and inspirations?

What did you have to research in order for something to be in your narrative? Did you have watch a movie? Read any books? Did you play any video games or a watch any certain MLP episodes? Did any other TV shows play a part in writing said fan fic?

How many times did you have rewatch, reread, or replay to get the correct and accurate details?

Were there any ideas that failed or drafts that were scrapped for whatever reason?

Write about that, and anything you can.

1. Just like any other group, respect each other. No insults to other fics or authors YOU WILL BE REMOVED!!
2. Each Author gets one thread and every story can have one post in the thread, per author. I know it's not fair but it's the only way we could fit everyone in.
3. None of this: "I read {insert fan fic title here} and I thought that was the worst fic ever! So I started to write because I could do better than that in my sleep." No! I don't care if it is the worst ever and nobody likes it. You don't get to do that, unless it is your own fan fic.
3. Please try to keep the details clean, so everyone can read it. However if you have to get down and dirty, please put a warning under the fic so everybody knows.
4. Try not to complain or whine in your details, use it sparingly.
5. If needed other rules will be added.

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

4574530 thank you so much I really thankful

4574595 No problem. I am happy to help people. If you ever need anything else, just let me know.:twilightsmile:

4569189 One small item; could you sticky the group threads for the important issues to stay on top, no matter what?
Then all the other threads would just line up as before, under this thread, and which ever other threads you consider important.

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

5052092 Oh okay I can do that, Thank you for the suggestion.

5052130 Thanks, this will look great. None need to go look for this thread, when it is on top.
Just curious; do I ask for a thread, or do I place it there myself?
And, are there any other rules on how to post on the form or how to manage my thread, if and when I do have one?

I had the impression that we were talking about what inspired us to write a story, and what thoughts went into the stories.
Having so many myself; I would have a wealth of thoughts to put up here, eve if I don't recall exactly what went into every individual story.

This does look like an interesting group, from my perspective.

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

5052156 I'm pretty sure I already put this thread as a sticky thread, but ok. No, you don't need my permission, just make sure you read the rules.

how to post on the form or how to manage my thread

Well. if you read my thread I give a model how to post your stories. You don't have to do it like that but maybe you'll find it easier.

I had the impression that we were talking about what inspired us to write a story, and what thoughts went into the stories.

Yeah exactly that's what this group is about! :pinkiehappy:

4569335 For fics on this site, you could do a folder for each category. One for Comedy, one for Gore, one for Slice of Life, one fore Equestria Girls, etc. For fics not on the site, how about a thread where people can leave links?

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

5285315 hmm alright. So what about this instead I make a folder for each author and inside their folder we can have folders for each genre if they want it to be organized in that way sound good?

BTW I am not dismissing your suggestion, it is a good suggestion but the groups I have seen who have this kind of system the authors are random. And I think it's easy for any author to get lost in the shuffle.

5286129 I think that's a good idea, then authors can just link to their folders in their threads rather than to each individual story.

Comment posted by Phantom Dragon deleted Jun 14th, 2016

I think that if an author has a massive amount of things to tell after already creating a thread, then it should be okay for them to create a new author thread. :twilightsmile:

Phantom Dragon
Group Admin

Well the thing everyone gets only one thread and it would not be fair to have more than one.

Alrighty then. I'll just delete my old one and create a new one.

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