Zephyr Breeze 159 members · 68 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Why is it that I seem to be the only one who likes Zephyr Breeze unironically? As far as I can tell, he’s much more relatable and likeable then the rest of the good guys. And yes, I am being serious about this.

I like him too he is perfect for anything that makes things more complicated then it ever have a right to be, being as ill prepared to face reality, of social life, I do relate to him. He is shallow, and self absorbed, he has a charm to him at how he seems to delude himself in being a perfect stud. I wish there were more fics with him as the hero honestly.

I genuinely like Zephyr, but I understand why people don't like him. He doesn't seem to have as many redeeming qualities as the other stallions. And on top of that, he gets far less screen time, which makes fans forget about him easily

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