Foalmance 1,229 members · 375 stories
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Since every forum should have a General Discussion thread i think ill start one.

4616831 That's true I know the same feeling you had when I first start my discussion

4616831 Well, I tend to like General Mills. What is your favorite General? :yay:

4617072 hm not sure never paid attention to the military

4617072 General Lee... the car, not the man. Don't think he would be very nice.

Also I wanted to make a general discussion thread before, but didn't know if anyone would comment or care for it.

4617569 the whole point of a general discussion thread is to have a place to relax and be silly or at least thats how i see it anything can go up for discussion on pretty much any topic that doesnt break group and/or site rules

Group Admin

4617569 I like General Lee the person, myself. If it hadn't been for him, the south wouldn't have stood as much of a chance. According to history books back in grade school, he was never for slavery. He just wanted to defend his family and friends, and he did a great job.

4617072 Generals... hmm... Oh! I think my favorite military leader is Saladin.

Saladin’s reputation for generosity, religiosity, and commitment to the higher principles of a holy war have been idealized by Muslim sources and by many Westerners including Dante, who placed him in the company of Hector, Aeneas, and Caesar as a “virtuous pagan.”

I couldn't think of any silly general puns, and I don't know much military history, but there's my answer.

Group Admin

4617683 I could go for a meme-war or just some talk about the latest rumors.

4617734 ... general discussion. Great, uh, so what got you guys into writing Foalcon? I got into it upon reading a few stories myself and knowing the romance and love can be written up well for any age. I currently practice since I'm terrible at writing romance at the moment.^^

4617750 Meme wars... are they same as gif wars?

Group Admin

4617755 I imagine they're the same.
4617753 Same here. Reading and a love of writing led me to write.

4617753 Well actually to answer your question I'm not a good writer, cause of paragraph space, and vocabulary, so I just read the stories like romance, and foalcon.

4618890 Oh, well that's great. I like to read them both as well. However, I can't help but to try my attempts at making good stories even though I'm really far from anything called a good writer either.^^

4619062 I agree with you 100% it's hard for me to not write especially when you just want to write

4617776 Is it possible to become good at writing foalcon by setting to write two hundred words a day? I want to be really good at it, but most times a thousand words is just hard to kick out when the idea comes in small chunks, and other times no ideas at all, you know?

I'd love to write the stories I come up with but I suck at grammer and sentence structure. It just wasn't a thing I learnt at all. At least I have spell checker so I don't have to worry about that.

So yeah anything I do want to write just ends up in notes and never sees the light of day. I think I will try write an idea I came up with recently and maybe even post it if I ever find it legible.

4619147 Yeah, same here. Most ideas I write never see the light of day although I make strides to get to them. However if you do write it, you have us to look over for you. :3

4619147 my writing usually ends up in the form of really really long RPs that end up becoming far too long for me to collect go through and turn into an actual story

Yeah anything I write would probs need checking over. I normally ask family to look over anything I've wrote to make sure it sounds alright buuuut that wouldn't be the best thing to do for these kinds of writing haha! :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

4619145 What professional writers have told me repeatedly is that in order to become good at writing, you need to write about a million words. Not exaggerating... That can include thoughtful blogs or reviews and doesn't have to be just story writing. Throughout my lifetime, I've written probably close to two million words, but more than half of that was casual nonsense without any attempt at form. I think it only counts if you're honestly trying to make it sound good. A hundred words a day will get you there, but only after 10,000 days.

In any case, It's my firm belief that it's helpful early on to get familiar with advanced punctuation, like when to use em dashes and ellipses next to quotations and how to space the marks. The sooner you learn it, the sooner you can write fluidly without as much editing afterward.. but this is all subjective.

I've also been told -- and found truth in this myself -- that more skilled authors have significantly greater sensitivity for what they're reading. A writer that most love, like J.K. Rowling, for example, may come across as flavorless, simple, or even frustratingly dull to a writer with a lot more hard-earned experience under his or her belt.

There's a level at which most professional writers plateau, and that level is the selling standard -- where you need to be, skill-wise, to make adequate sales, balancing your time and effort. You can go a lot further, but it then becomes more about the art than the money.

Note: This post alone is over 200 words.

4621108 Then I guess I have a long way to go then.^^

shouldn't this be pinned?

4621478 possibly but from what i know and understand only admins and or moderators of the group can pin a thread

Oh... maybe we could ask Flutters to do it:ajsmug:

Wild Zontars
Group Admin

Stickied by popular demand :derpytongue2:

Group Admin

4621821 Glad this was stickied. Thanks.
4621534 4621503 4621120 4620188 4619073 4617072
Here's a thought and a question...

In the DSM-V, the section on pedophilic disorder prompts diagnosticians to specify not only a pedophile's gender(s) of attraction and whether they might also be attracted at all to non-children, but also whether an individual's attraction includes or might be limited exclusively to incest. I find it interesting that incest is clinically relevant in dealing with pedophilia. We see that Fimfiction's incest group is one of the most relevant groups to the old Foalcon group as well.

Why do you think incest is so closely tied to foalcon and similar fetishes or orientations?

The first thought that comes to mind is the common taboo between them, but for some reason that just doesn't satisfy me, maybe because "taboo" is so broad and encompasses many other things. If it's just the taboo that makes foalcon appealing, why isn't torture or scat play equally connected? Those are taboo too, right? Maybe some just like young characters in sexual situations for the taboo while others like them for being young (and there'd also be some overlap, of course)

4656194 The main reason I like Foalcon is because of the innocence of the characters. These are characters that don't know enough to have ulterior motives (usually. But sometimes those other stories are alright, too.) They are sharing their genuine feelings with the one(s) they feel strongly about, without regards to society or laws. I enjoy the romance part of stories more. The more romance, heart-warming emotion, and genuine feelings that are displayed in the story, the better I feel about it. I like the clop too, don't get me wrong, but I'd much rather read a well-written emotional romance between two fillies than a poorly thrown together clop.

Incest is wincest. I'm not sure why it's tied to foalcon, but it seems like a pony could genuinely develop a connection with a relative within the first few years of sexual development, especially if the two were very close prior to said development. Being in a family is more of a society designed idea than a nature designed idea. If one is close enough to a sibling to think of them as a best friend, then it's only society that distinguishes the familial connection. The mind would still see a best friend, and like with any other best friend, a romantic relationship could be a future desire. Relationships are still a vastly unknown phenomena, and there are many ways they could develop between ponies (or people) so there's really no way to say WHY these things happen. But it's silly that it's illegal for humans to do, yet we force breed some dogs and their offspring to create "pure breeds".

Another thing society has declared bad but is not actually naturally bad is pedophilia. Several hundred years ago, it was common for girls to get married and have children at 14 or so with older men. That was when the oldest people were in their 50s, and women/girls really had nothing they could do in society besides become mothers. Short life span and lack of choices kind of pigeonholed girls into it. The more children they had before they died, the more chance their family blood had to continue (with all the diseases and things going around killing everyone, having many children was a better chance to spread genes to future offspring). And with ancient ancestors, more children meant more foragers/hunters for groups, more protection from the wild, and increased chance of survival all around for the human race. It is only recently that society has decided it was bad, but if the thought was programmed into us through evolution, then there's really nothing we can do to squash it other than punishing those that do it, and trying our damnedest not to do it.

I don't know the exact reason that society has suddenly changed these laws, but I speculate that it was to give young girls more options than just motherhood. Now they're getting into every job, getting into college for their education, and doing something with their lives besides popping out babies every few months. It's a GREAT thing. But, it's kind of stupid to just suddenly make a law against something that we really have no control over (like homosexuality).

Just to be clear, though, only fxf foalcon/incest relationships appeal to me. (Not saying others are bad, just saying that these are the ones I go for) With a fxf foalcon/incest relationship, there is no possibility for a child to accidentally occur, so the foals' lives aren't potentially ruined by a child they cannot take care of (I know a few girls that have had children but have no monetary way to raise them well), and there is no child between two relatives that could develop an unknown birth defect due to similar DNA being shared from both parents (I'm not 100% sure if this is an actual thing, or just horror stories created to deter people from the act some consider "disgusting." Any info on this would be great. There is that video about dogs, but I don't know if it's the same thing. One generation of incest vs. 100 years of incest.)

Whether the "taboo" nature of these two things ties them to other fetishes is hard to explain. We don't have scat play groups on the site (I don't think, anyway. Never looked for one), so it very well could be a common trait. I have read some foalcon/snuff stories (not on this site), so maybe they're just overlapping fetishes. This is one of those things that could never be fully explained.

Anyway, these are my thoughts on the subjects presented above. Feel free to reply with any info.

Group Admin

4656605 There are scat groups on Fimfiction. My Little Toilet is the largest, I think, and it includes urine and vomit play.

I know of at least one well-established hypothesis which attempts to explain why incest is taboo: the Westermarck effect. If two family members are separated after growing up together, they change in some significant way, and then they're reunited, the Westermarck effect has a reputation of sometimes wearing off. It's not a developed theory yet, and there are contradicting hypothesis as well, like genetic sexual attraction, as well as instances where families practice incest without any such separation.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Maybe a lot gain their sexual preference from interacting with the siblings or parents they are raised up with. Maybe while now they cannot go back and live that fantasy, they like to imagine it and perhaps like looking at art that is also of that nature involving others. It would make sense that many fans of incest (Plus or minus pedophillic tendencies) would be interested in it due to wanting that to of happened with themselves.

Of course I'm only talking about those that love any pairing that's incest regardless of how much backstory is put into it. If you just like the idea of one pairing then I don't think you wanted an incestuous relationship yourself

Group Admin

4657190 Personally, I find the thought of being with either of my parents revolting, but maybe I'd have felt differently if I were groomed for it. On the other hand, I needed no grooming to find incest fantasy appealing from a dominant perspective.

4657316 Same here man, it would be pretty blegh to wanna be with my parents or siblings. :pinkiesick:

But you know different strokes for different folks. All our brains work differently and we all like different things. So I'm not saying all fans of incest wanted that themselves but I imagine there must be some that do.

Group Admin

4657403 I've thought it would be hot to have a little sister growing up. I often wonder how much of the incest taboo exists because of nature vs. nurture.

4668201 I think that our original nature would have still had gone against the idea of incest, unless it was necessary, like a lack of other partners available. Now a days I think its our society that tells us that its bad. Tbh they aren't wrong, since children from incestuous relationships can develop more problems then non incestuous ones. But that would be after two generations, one after the other, going into incestuous relations.

But that doesn't mean there would be anything wrong with the relationship between related partners if they weren't trying to have a child. As long as both agreed and understood the social implications of their relationship, then it should be OK to allow.

Also hurrah we now have 100 members! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

4669360 Huzzah! We've made some good progress for just starting out. Thanks for the screen shot!

For children of incestuous relationships, the physical repercussions are important, but ultimately shallow and, I'd say, no reason to restrict a related couple from getting married. Children of violent rapists or any ill person, arguably, are at risk physically and emotionally, but the law doesn't restrict whether their parents may choose to bear them.

4670745 Heh at least staying up past 5am had it's advantages. :twilightsheepish:

But yeah like I said before I'm not against marriage, just the kids they would give birth to I'd have concerns over.

First off, wow, don't know how I'd managed not to notice that I hadn't actually signed up to the group, for so long.

Secondly, and the reason I'm posting this:
You guys are the ones who've been most reliably helpful with emotional stuff I don't want to share with people who know me to well.
How do you deal with it when you find out about something that just pounds it into you yet again that people act in mind-breakingly horrifying ways to even the most innocent of people, who have done nothing to wrong anyone and who pose no threat? That humans in general are just awful things, and that there's nothing you can do to stop these things happening?

Just feeling really bummed out right now, and it's happening more and more often. Seemed to be a good set of people to ask. Sorry if the sudden interjection is jarring; I don't think it's important enough a post to warrant its own topic, and "General Discussion" sounds like as good a place as any.

Group Admin

4670957 Glad you joined us!
How do people in general deal with cruelty dealt to the innocent and pure? Most often, I've seen people get angry, become depressed, become twisted, or turn to faith of some sort. I'm generally of the latter, believing in the healing, restorative, and refining power of a loving higher power that allows bad things to happen to good and innocent people so that we'll ultimately learn how to become Gods ourselves. Meanwhile, in life, I believe that if we turn to that higher power, we can find profound and lasting peace and comfort. There's more than just this kind of "faith." Anger and sorrow push us to find reasons and responses to tragedy no matter what our convictions or beliefs.

I wish I could go into more detail, but the daily grind beckons.

4671885 interesting question for me depending on how cruel it is ill hunt them down beat the crap out of the perpetrator and then deposit them at the nearest police station so i get very angry and very violent

as for people in general thats difficult to answer

I think that as a species, we can be a very naturally cruel one. We try to stay in groups of others like ourselves and shun those who aren't the same as us. We see whatever they are doing as wrong (See football fans as an example).

I think though focusing on the good interactions we have and dismissing the bad ones will help you a lot more. I work in a cinema and have to deal with some of the worst people you can meet. Heck yesterday I was threatened by a guy just because I told him to turn his phone off when it rang in the middle of a film (We don't use signal jammers in the UK). Said I was disrespecting him in front of his girlfriend and started calling me names. Pretty sure he ruined his rep with his girlfriend more with doing that and thus having security remove him from the cinema with no refund and everyone watching them leave, rather than me telling him to have his phone turned off during the film.

But I put that all behind me and focus on the good interactions I've had with others like this lil community or the people who attend my events.

But if you feel its a lot to deal with then you can always message me or something. I'm always got a lil time to listen or respond to a pm. That goes to anyone in this group too, I don't mind.

Sorry I like resurrect this thread but I just wanted to put something to help others. Plus I like the idea of this general thread still going.

But hey let's focus on another topic then?
Ok so what was/is the best burger you've ever eaten?
You seriously think a guy called Cheesey Burger isnt going to ask questions about burgers? :trollestia:

Group Admin

4697915 That's one crazy-sounding patron. Better his g/f find out sooner than later that he acts that way. I'm glad to keep the thread going as well.

I agree that focus is huge when finding peace and happiness as a member of the human family.

I think my favorite burger has been the Hawaiian burger from a local Hawaiian grill chain. I love the pineapple and sweet sauce on it.


But hey let's focus on another topic then?
Ok so what was/is the best burger you've ever eaten?

That would be a super-sized hamburger served in an Italian resturant chain called "American Graffiti." It was a beacon and cheese based one, with double meat, some salad and loads of spicy sauce and BBQ one.

I may have to give the Hawaiian burger a try since I normally don't because well I'm not a fan of fruits unless cooked into something (E.G. Don't like apples but like apple crumble), but I might give in just for once.

I think one of the best ones I've ever had though had to be one from a gastro pub that had one the size of a dinner plate. Was covered in chilli and onion rings too.

But if we wanna talk about best burger from a fast food chain then the burger my BF got me at an In 'n' Out was one of the best fast food ones I've had. Lived up to his years of hyping it up at least haha!

Group Admin

I think the best foods are the ones we don't get all that often. I'd probably get tired of the Hawaiian if I had it regularly. The pineapple was cooked with the burger so it was juicier. Normally, I like a good bacon cheeseburger.

I feel like I should make a joke now about the fantastic In 'n' Out meat your bf gave you. Of course, that would be immature of me... *snrk*

Gosh damn it I should have known there was some innuendo in there! I don't think even he has quite realized it yet.

Also I'm sure you are allowed to be a bit immature, especially in this group...
I'm sure there are those that like immature here after all :rainbowwild:


Of course there are. We have our foal corner here, after all. They like it when we get on their level. :rainbowwild:

*Moth to mouth attempt*

What kind of music do people here appreciate the most, when they "get busy" with the stories here?

I tend to prefer thigns like this:


There is someone who listens to music while reading Foalcon clopfics? Isn't that distracting you?

I do. In fact, it enchases my apprecciation of Foalcon clopfic readings.


But your mind is busy with something else at the same time then. How can you concentrate on the plot when the second impression that comes from the music always shoves itself in the way?

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