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I appreciate that they've put more than black dots for the foal's eyes.
On the other hoof, it's even further from Faust's original intentions for alicorns, all for the sake of toys I assume, which makes me sad.

EDIT: I guess it's not so bad, though.

View the next post for pics and video.

What do y'all think?

T-This can't be real! Hasbro would never do this!

Right? Right?!

Group Admin

5011417 They've already made some pretty terrible design choices with the tree castle and ginormously-maned rainbow ponies. Even Rarity's outfit designs have suffered in some episodes.

LAAAAAAAAAARSOOOOOON!!!! But seriously, I'm OK with this, and I am not OK with the fact that I'm OK with this.

To be honest, I called this from A Canterlot Wedding

Group Admin

I'm annoyed that I also am okay with this.



Oh,, oh, what the he-

Oh-oh, here it comes!

Is there a name for this kind of situation? I do not particulary like the idea of a natural-born alicorn (especially with those oversized wings and horns), but.... I find her adorable. So adorable, it attracts me.

And I have never been in actual Babycon.

Holy crap.

5011403 still think she needs an better name

5011497 It's incredibly stupid. In a world where harmony and friendship are important, everypony should be born equal. Not born better than others. That's what's wrong with DT and SS's families and a majority of the wealthy in the show. They believe they are better than others just because they have some money. Everypony should be born the same, and only through certain situations should they be able to become Alicorns (the way Twilight and Cadance did). I mean, if a pony can be BORN an Alicorn, then Cadance's and Twilight's efforts and ascensions are completely meaningless. And then why is Prince Blueblood not an Alicorn? Was he not actually of "royal blood"? Or is it because he's a guy? There are only a handful of things that they could do to ruin the show, and it seems like they're trying to do all of those things.

Everyone knew this was coming from the get go, and the alicorn element of it is albeit not a surprise it's still not really a good thing. Granted it's cute but it's a marketing play plain and simple which is sad more than anything. They've already gone on record to say that Cadance and Twilight essentially "earned" the right to becoming alicorn. So where does this alicorn blood come from to make this new "princess"? Does this then imply that Cadance's parents, or at least one of them, was an alicorn as well? Further implying that Blueblood could be the son of one of the princesses that happened to not be born alicorn? It brings up a lot of question with no real answers to it, as I assume they'll skim over it like they always do in show with their typical "Magic=Just accept it" reasoning they use for just about everything nowadays anyways. Still though it's a tad disappointing they give us lore and background history before hand when introducing these characters only to completely sidestep it in favor of marketing later on.

Lets face it, the show has run its course and is quickly pushing the "overstaying your welcome" boundaries, so they're going to turn it in a cash cow as much as they can to milk its final days even if that means crashing it all into the ground in the process.

I ain't even mad, just vaguely disappointed.

Group Admin


Is there a name for this kind of situation?

Two words come to mind, both starting with "w" and ending with "boner."

Let's not be too hasty. I'm sure Twilight will freak out over fact that the baby is an alicorn. They can't just gloss over something as glaring as that.

I mean, even Cadance was explained in the comics. She used to be a pegasus, who earned her right to be an alicorn. She wasn't just born like that.

I think there's something we're missing here. Maybe not everything is at it seems...

Group Admin

5011536 Flurry Heart, Princess of rich-white-male-privilege alicorn-mare-privilege d'awws!


mean, even Cadance was explained in the comics

*Chapter book, not the comics


I'm not saying it's a completely bad thing, just yet anyways, I am saying however I don't hold out much for an explanation for it as that's not what they do anymore. Just look at the last season finale, It was more of "this just happens now" than actual reasoning, granted okay it's a show intended for little girls and I get that but it's in that fact that I personally don't believe we'll get much of an explanation out of it. Going too in depth on it, or at least enough to make it reasonably understandable and logical, would take up too much time and be too complicated. So instead I expect a "Love Magic" explanation and have it left at that.

As far as major plot points for the show go, they've all been rather underwhelming as of late (IE Sombra, Tirek, Starlight Glimmer, and so on and so forth.) and this one I don't expect to me much different. I'm open minded to it and will see how it goes, just not putting too much faith into it coming out as something actually good. I'll give them credit though this last season, with a few episodes excluded, was much better than the last two which was quite nice and enjoyable. Not to mention they introduced more new characters that are quite decent to say the least. So we'll see how it goes

Wait a minute... those images are way too saturated for the show! The colors are too bright, you can see it on the second one!

Maybe this is a vision? The main six wondering what the baby will look like? :rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

5011508 We could nick-name her. I can think of a bunch of dirty and clean names, but the right mix of cute and innuendo escapes me.

Group Admin

5011661 That thought occurred to me as well, much like the S4 premier's supposed return of NMM in the trailers. It might be a dream.

5011693 so when you think we'll see new fics in the group that have ''Flurry'' in them

Group Admin


I don't have any plans for one, but it'll happen, no doubt.

Group Admin

I just finished re-watching the s4 finale, Twilight's Kingdom, and the thought occurred to me, just because Twilight was exceptional enough to transform into an alicorn, that doesn't mean that she had immediately grown into her role as princess.

My current headcanon is that, like in the real world, Twilight and Cadence had to earn what others might be born into (however rare it might be). Faust's original intent, as I understand, was to have the alicorn sisters be their own race and for there to be no other alicorns in Equestria (though she has said that she imagined Luna and Tia having parents, so maybe they'd be the exception outside of Equestria). Faust hinted that she meant for Twilight to grow into a much larger role, likely the new ruler to succeed Celestia, but she never made clear whether Twilight would become an alicorn. She's also said that she intended for Twilight to grow into her title much more slowly than she has in the series thus far.

That said, I think that the current writers are still following Faust's ideas as closely as they can while also giving Hasbro what it wants to help sell toys. (There had to be a reason that Faust left the show, after all, and maybe the demands of the company were too at odds with what she was willing to do as a director.) In order to compensate for Hasbro's mandatory increase in alicorns, the writers and current director seem to be treating alicorns (pegacorns before fans changed what writers called them) as though they're really not as big a deal or so unique as they were originally intended by Faust. Being an alicorn seems more of an achievement than a status, though we've always seen it come to those with status as well. The status is earned alongside alicornhood, but alicornhood doesn't necessarily mean the highest of status. Otherwise, I think filly-Dash would have shown more shock in the S5 finale when only Tia and Cadence were around, and I think Twilight would have not needed to learn her mission and earn her kingdom in the S4 finale.

In other words, Flurry Heart might be born into royalty, but that wouldn't necessarily have anything to do with her alicornhood and vice-versa. Alicornhood, may be magic/gene-based while royalty is not (as seen in the Hearth's Warming episode). It begs the question as to whether there have ever been other alicorn foals (beside Princess Erroria) in past ages, rare though they might be.

Or this teaser might just be a dream.

5011957 Honestly, I'd love it if this was just a dream sequence. I'm still waiting for the CMC to wake up from their "Cutie Mark" dream to earn their actual Cutie Marks for their actual talents.

The only things that I thought would ruin the show for me were if the CMC got stupid fucking Cutie Marks for no reason (which they did), if Cadance's child was born an Alicorn (which it appears might be happening), if Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash wind up in relationships with anypony other than each other (some would be worse than others, but they would all feel forced and unsupported (especially FlutterCord)), and if Scootaloo ends up flying (which has been teased throughout the show and hasn't YET actually happened, but still might). Those are the three biggest issues that I would have with this show. There are a few minor gripes I would have with certain other scenarios, though (changing Derpy).

When I first saw her I didn't like her wings but the rest of her design is actually really adorable and its kinda toned down the wings for me... I mean just look how cute she is!

That lil bashful look she gives near the end of the gif is just so adorable my heart wants to explode every time I see it! I've never liked babies before but I would 100/10 cuddle her sooooo much!

On the Yahoo video's page it shows the new Crystal Empire toy set and on it you can see Flurry Heart and a close up of her too. Complete with over the top wings. So I think the wings are here to stay unless the show pulls a complete U turn part way through.

I have never ever ever been into babycon or toddler foals before... But I think we may be slipping to the even darker side of the dark side in relation to foalcon...

5012211 yeah I don't like the wings, they don't go with her at all

5012227 I don't really care for too much her myself

Group Admin

5012211 good point. The toys are another sign it's not a dream, but she's already growing on me. The wings are just ... huge.

Honestly it's probably some kind of magical surge. I dunno. We'll see when the episode rolls around.

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