Pretender Ponies 10 members · 0 stories
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Darkly Hooves
Group Admin

Well the forums are a little sparse currently, - I've been rather busy with my life and haven't dedicated much of it to completing the pony-pony mod for Dom4 but in the meantime, why not share our mutual love for this odd little 4x fantasy mythology strategy game by sharing strategies, tactics, quirks or little hidden secrets in the way this wild world works... I'll start.

I did not actually find this out until I was glancing through the Bay12games other-games forums, but apparently, the cat talisman and bear talisman flavor text is apparently a bit more than flavor. Placing a bear talisman on a succubus allows her to seduce female commanders as if she were a male herself. (Please don't take this to imply that Dominions and Invasion of Elysium are inherently biased against same-sex coupling, its just a odd game mechanic) and vice versa with the cat talisman's feminizing side effects.


Interesting does that mean that the reverse is true as well and your male commander can't be seduced if he has the Cat Charm... I'll have test that later.

EDIT: Anyway my big hint for any and all that play multiplayer is as followed. Scouting,Speed, and Diplomacy are two of the most important things you must keep track of in this game. Knowing when you are going to be attacked by a enemy and what they have to use against you are key to beat whatever the opponent is throwing at you. Knowing what spells they are using and where there forces are focused are huge for finding what to do against your enemies.

Speed is important because almost any strategy will eventually be countered in one way or another speed is how you take the wind out a nations sails before they do that. Multiple squads of strong Flying units are really good at this.

Diplomacy is the easiest way to make any nation can gain power beyond it's normal limits with alliance, and trade. Being Formorians without a nature pretender means you can't make a Thristle(sp?) Branch to give your few nature mages the ability to do a lot of very useful magic, but with one simple trade you can not only get such an item but make more of it.

Darkly Hooves
Group Admin

Yannow, that thought never even occurred to me. But then again, I wasn't the one to discover this quirk of the talismans either.

My preferred stratagems are a bit crude and basicly boils down to mass recruitment, a contineous line of armies moving towards the front-lines and "We have reserves" and the aquisition of gold to fund that mass of cheap infantry. My scouting leaves much to be desired, but if I run into something that can't be handled by one huge army. I got six more converging on it. And all my magic is focused on providing logistic relief to that strategy. While juggling all that and still somehow prevent my dominion from petering out, which has cost me more games than I care to admit.

A friend of mine can't be bothered with all that and focuses his efforts into thug tactics.


Effective certainly, if horrible for the troops involved. Still my strategy is to start with a blessed based expansion strategy , that transitions to a thug based strategy for the first war/mid game, before finally going super heavy on gem based armies while building temples at all owned provinces. For this Tir na n'OG and Formoria or my main nation of choice.

I imagine the Ermor is yours?

Tip for new players: Most ritual summons cost no income so many games endgame armies are entirely based on summons with researchers being the main exception

I've begun to enjoy Tir na n'Og
Small armies of blessed Tuatha Warriors are amazing for expanding
and the Sidhe Lords and Ri make amazing thugs very early
with them all being sneaky you can pull some nasty sneak attacks.
I've had armies of around 40 Tuatha destroy armies of over 100 humans. it is so satisfying

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