RaraJack 184 members · 20 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Lets have are first thread, let's talk on why this is an awesome ship.

Let's use proper grammar in our first thread, and maybe more people will join the conversation.

Well for many of the same reasons RariJack is an awesome ship: it's AJ getting shipped with someone who at first glance is her polar opposite. There's a couple things that make it different from RariJack, however. For one, AJ has a history with Rara, which adds in a nostalgic-fillyhood-friendship into the mix (and loves which have their roots in one's childhood, while sometimes cheesy, at their best can be heartwarming to the extreme, as exemplified in films such as "Up"). Secondly, Rara's not really quite as much of AJ's polar opposite as Rarity is (superficial appearances as Countess Coloratura aside), and this factor combined with their history together makes for a pleasantly surprising pairing but also one which realistically can be justified and make a lot of sense as well. So all in all, like with RariJack, in RaraJack, you have two ponies who definitely have their differences, but also complement each other nicely and clearly genuinely care about each other and could be expected to lean upon one another, making for a pair whom fans can easily become emotionally invested in.

you have very bad gramar but it doesn´t really matter since I´m not that good a writer either.

this is one of the cutest ships ever. RaRa´s similarities to Rarity bring the oposittes part in, that´s always fun. they´re also childhood friends, which adds cool story possibilities. they also kind of need each other What do I mean by that? see:

RaRa isn´t really a holocaust of self-confidence.she tends to stress, she thinks with her insecurities and not her heart or brain and gives into peer presure.she needs someone to take good care of her and keep her on check.that´s where AJ comes in, for she´s at her best when helping other ponies.

AJ is stubborn and won´t listen to reason most of the time but she seems to have a soft spot for RaRa, so maybe she would listen to her.

4872833 I am sorry about my grammar.

I can't write a detailed description of how and why this is an awesome ship, but perhaps their differences and their past make them both relatable and cute to see together. They could understand each other in a unique way, compared to AJ's current friends, 'cause of their childhood memories. One grew as a simple farm filly and the other grew to be a successful pop star. Their social status has a large difference, yet their formed bond fills in the missing parts.

4873554 you´ve been forgiven

4875642 no, this isn't a story its a thread so my grammar doesn't need to be the best.

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