Sunburst 257 members · 161 stories
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Now we all have probably seen the Crystaling by now but SPOILERS just in case.

Sunburst, while being a poor spell caster still is a great magic scholar. To me this means something. It means that any one can be a magic scholar too, right? Sunburst is a case that proves that magic aptitude is not a huge factor in that occupation.

True, but you could use all that time studying in the gym. I've always found the life of a warrior is more fulfilling and exciting than that of a scholar. :twilightsheepish:


Or you could be like the main character of My Twilight Facade, and do both :)

5151731 Yes, but by the time a normal person, pony or otherwise, completes training in both they normally look like me...

I'm not sure about that. Sunburst considers himself a failure at the beginning of this episode, and I think its because he has tons of knowledge and understanding of magic, but he doesn't have the raw magical power that Starlight or Twilight have to actually cast advanced spells on his own. His special talent is magic, but it appears that unlike Twilight Sparkle, his special talent doesn't help him cast spells, it just helps him understand magic better.

I mean, anyone could be a magical scholar if they want to study books, but as an occupation, if you can't actually cast the spells it may be difficult to turn that into paying work.

5152860 It seems to be a case of booksmarts that doesn't translate into talent, and that can happen.

5153192 Sure, that's what I'm saying. He knows all the spells to cast to restore the Crystal Heart, and he can even help cast it as part of a ritual with other, more powerful casters, but Sunburst doesn't have the raw talent to cast the spells himself.

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