Printed Fiction Hardcopies 398 members · 710 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Admin

Not new news but, I believe this book is pretty unknown.

The story I.D. - That Indestructible Something from Chatoyance can be bought directly on Amazon. This book should not be confused with a different bookprinting of the same story by Nonexistent Publications as a print run in June 2021. The formatting in both books is divergent.

Site Blogger

Wait, on Amazon? I was under the distinct impression that Hasbro would come down hard on anyone daring to go through such an obvious source, and that Amazon would be all-in on helping them, in order to save face with them.

Unless Hasbro's gotten to the point where they just don't give a rat's ass about G4 stuff anymore.

How focused on the human side of things is this? For context, I enjoy stuff like AdmiralBiscuit's Ponies on Earth stories, which although in the human world, focuses more on how a pony navigates it etc. But something like Through the Well of Pirene was a bit too much human for my liking.

It's not too expensive, so I don't really mind if it turns out it isn't that great after all, but if it's super human focused I might as well not bother at all.

Group Admin

To not get to offtopic, I wrote an preety long answer to this question in a new thread called Fanfiction printing on Amazon:twilightsmile:

Site Blogger

Indeed you did, and I commented on that thread in appreciation for the information I was unaware of before.

I would have said something more, but was (and am) working, so...

Group Admin

Yep I saw it. I just wanted to Link the new thread for other people who are also interested in the question.
My hope was that my reply there would have been a bit faster, so you did not need to comment here. :raritywink:

Site Blogger

Oooooh. I knew that, yeah, uh-huh. Totally.


I'm not blushing, you're blushing!

Guess I'll find it out eventually myself, because I just ordered it. It's so cheap, even if I don't end up liking it, it'll at least look nice or I'll throw it into some kind of auction or whatever.


It's a good book, good sci-fi/fantasy on Earth crossover. A young lady wakes up transformed into a small pony with gigantic eyes and a short muzzle. No one else can see the change. My only real quibble is that at first it's not clear that the apartment setting takes place in the US, not Europe where the grave exhumation happens.

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