Filly Fantasy VI 280 members · 0 stories
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The name of the thread. Which rom of Final Fantasy VI should be patched?

I tried basically every one I can find (Japanese one, US 1.0, US 1.1) and none of them work. I keep getting the message that this patch isn't for that rom.

Edit: Just tried Final Fantasy III (USA) (Rev 1). Doesn't work either.

You need to be working for this file ---> "Final Fantasy III (U) (V1.1) [!]"
That is the only rom that it will patch to.

I tried that one and it didn't work either. Makes me wonder if that rom is corrupted somehow.

Try downloading it from a different source, preferably not one that gives an .exe file that downloads the actual rom from a torrent or something.

It could be. You might want to do a search again for any good sites that would have it. If it has lots of ads, the it's not a good site.

I'm having a similar problem. Worse, it seems like none of the roms I get seem to work with the patch. I'm honestly wondering if my only chance to play it at this rate is to hope someone who has got it to work sends a prepatched rom, since I literally am about hit the end of my rope here...

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