Filly Fantasy VI 280 members · 0 stories
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October marks the 5th anniversary of this hack. While I've largely moved on from MLP back to the main FF community, and I don't actively work on monitor this anymore, it has been on my mind for that milestone.

While I don't have anything major planned, I will be making something to release in the time leading up to the exact date - an Easy Mode patch. The Easy Mode patch will be a very simple effort - enemies will have lower stats, the player's equipment will have better stats, shop items will be less expensive, and I may also reduce the amount of experience it takes to level up. This will be an optional additional patch, for people who aren't as into video games or RPGs much but may still want to play this to experience the story.

Feedback on these ideas, if any, are welcome.

To all who are still here, thanks for playing and helping me make this project awesome. :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for publishing the hack in the first place!

I don’t know what it would entail since it’s not out yet but I think it would be incredible if we could mod Filly Fantasy into the upcoming FF6 pixel remake.

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