The Official Modern Disney-Haters' Club 27 members · 0 stories
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Brony God
Group Admin

It seems that Disney is tightening control over Marvel and it is interfering with the casting decisions which resulted in a miscast for Mary Jane Watson in Spiderman Homecoming. Disney did not cast Zendaya as Mary Jane Watson to be "multi ethnic." Disney got Zendaya to use the race card against their critics especially those who bring up why Bella Thorne was rejected by Disney to play Mary Jane. Bella Thorne would have been the perfect Mary Jane Watson but she was put aside by Disney for very stupid reasons. The first video will explain the true reason why Disney did not want Bella Thorne to play Mary Jane.


It seems Disney cares more about appealing to these godless fanatics than their real fans...

Brony God
Group Admin

5447110 Disney stopped caring about what normal people think a long time ago. They only pander to the lunatic fringe. And Disney treats their actors and animators like property.


Very true, and I believe I once met an actor who was in a contract with Disney; my friend asked if he could record her talking and she said I she did she'd be fired.

5447110 Disney seems to be concern with staying in the times yet wwhile that is all well and good they also seem to aliemate there older fans and make desisions that can enrage the fans they "Got in the deal".

Disney treats their actors and animators like property

It does look like that at times, at least they aren't as bad a viacom (who been known to toss away shows for spongebob and treat the series they get like trash for no real reason)


Not everything that's in the times is good. To bad they're blind to that.

Brony God
Group Admin

5447578 Wow that's bad.

5447581 Disney did killed off Wander Over Yander for no reason and what they did to the Star Wars franchise is Unforgivable. Disney is no better than Viacom and Konami.


Eeyup. That's Disney for you

Comment posted by ClayClaymore deleted Dec 15th, 2017
Brony God
Group Admin

5447628 :eeyup:

5452723 Welcome to the Brony fandom Andre Cedeno. Oh BTW you are falling for Disney's tricks because they all criticism of what they did to be brushed off as racist.

The Bosnian Brony
Group Admin

5452723 How to defeat your logic, with your logic:
Step 1.
I deem you racist because you say so. Your argument is invalid.
Step 2.
Step 3.
I am victorious!

Comment posted by ClayClaymore deleted Dec 15th, 2017
Comment posted by ClayClaymore deleted Dec 15th, 2017
The Bosnian Brony
Group Admin

5452982 ...
Sir, there seems to be a derogatory statement about black people missing from there.
ONE statement even remotely bad about black people, and you couldn't find it. Literally nothing in that statement says anything insulting to black people.
Furthermore, I'm assuming you'd be completely accepting of a white man plaing Miles Morales, no? It's only extremely inaccurate to the comic, but that's no big deal.

The Bosnian Brony
Group Admin

5453002 So... idiot? Good to know.

Comment posted by ClayClaymore deleted Dec 15th, 2017


*sigh* You think Disney will one day work like Rome? Where they have crappy leaders and good leaders.

Brony God
Group Admin

5453002 The truth is that you are an official Brony now that you came out of your way to join this esteemed website. And also the truth is that you are an obsessive 40 year old psycho who literally can't get enough of me. Seriously you need mental help.

5453469 I don't know.

5452950 Logic and reason won't work on trolls like him.

The Bosnian Brony
Group Admin

5453255 Nope, a black Fiury was introduced before the movies. Since he needed to prtrsy that Fury... yeah.
Then again, you ignored my points. Where's the derogatory sentence to black people, and would you prefer Miles be played by a white man?

The Bosnian Brony
Group Admin

5454263 Got nothing better to do.

Brony God
Group Admin

5454315 Well there is a reason why one of his nicknames is Movietard Express because he is a retard. And yes Movieworld Express was the name of his very first Youtube channel.


Time will tell, sooner or later, time will tell

Comment posted by ClayClaymore deleted Dec 15th, 2017
Brony God
Group Admin

5454513 :eeyup:

5454542 There is nothing more ironic than to be called a freak by someone who is morbidly obsessed with Zootopia. Oh BTW you are the one who wishes death to Hasbro executives for making MLP FIM. And I know that you wish ISIS would attack Bronycon.


Who knows what next atrocity Disney will make.

Brony God
Group Admin

5454930 I have a gut feeling that it will be Star Wars Rogue One.


I had almost forgot about that. Now I remember the trailer...*sigh* Return of the Mary Sure

Comment posted by ClayClaymore deleted Dec 15th, 2017
Brony God
Group Admin

5454991 This time it is going to be about Mary Rey Sue's mother.

5455027 I am sure you are thinking it. I bet you are fantasising yourself dressing up like Kylo Ren shooting up Bronies and Pegasisters at Bronycon and the Hasbro execs and then shooting up everybody including children seeing the MLP FIM movie in the movie theaters in 2017 because they did not go see Star Wars Episode 8: The First Order Strikes Back instead.

Comment posted by ClayClaymore deleted Dec 15th, 2017


Oh god. They're in the prequel sequel stage...

Brony God
Group Admin

5455073 Well you are the one who keeps fantasising me shooting schoolchildren and you also fantasise about my friend Hollywood God molesting kids in playgrounds. I am just simply throwing back what you thought up first.

5455197 You can safely call Star Wars Rogue One "Episode 3.5" because it takes place shortly before Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope.


So we're just seeing what unfolded to make that last atrocity happen. Maybe they'll give more info on the First Order and the supreme leader

Comment posted by ClayClaymore deleted Dec 15th, 2017
Comment posted by Brony God deleted Aug 30th, 2016
Brony God
Group Admin

5456296 I am sure the backstory for Supreme Leader Snoopy Dog and his First Order is going to be a silly mess.

5456381 Well I am just calling as I see it too.


Leave it to them to crush potential


WHat's the next franchise you think they'll buy and desecrate?

Brony God
Group Admin

5457704 It could be anything. They might try to buy Toei Animation again or even go after Hasbro and DC Comics.

Brony God
Group Admin

5458404 At this point nothing is safe from Disney. Hell there are even Disneynites in Youtube promoting Disney taking over DC Comics.


Disney can do it. I hate them but undeniably they're one of the most successful entertainment companies in the world

Brony God
Group Admin

5458842 Disney is almost like the evil Umbrella Corporation from the Resident Evil games and movies.


Who do you think has the bigger budget?

Brony God
Group Admin

5460196 I think they have the same size budget.


Sounds about right.

I'm gonna wind up seeing rogue one just to know how it goes.

Brony God
Group Admin

5461323 I predict that Rouge One is going to be a disjointed mess of a movie because half of the movie got a last minute reshoot.

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