Anon-A-Miss 1,337 members · 1,277 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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Group Admin

If I've categorized any story wrongly please let me know

Group Contributor

5668368 I think you might have miss-posted my story it is supposed to be its own universe set in the comic of the Anon-A-miss fiction story. Basicly loosely based on it yet while at the same time using elements from it. Uh if that makes any sense at all. I like the folder that is in however the AU I feel does not belong to that story line.

Group Admin

oh sorry I'll make it a separate folder

Group Contributor

5668385 Cool thanks. Oh have you had a chance to read the story I am always looking for any comments on it to help make the story better?

Group Admin

I have read it and I suggest you have a chapter where the CMC realize this has gone too far

There's a story called Four Little Words in the completed group that has nothing to do with Anon-A-Miss. You might want to let the one who added it there know to be more careful.

Group Admin

removed it, and whoever added it, read the rules

Four Little Words was added again by Waspinator.

Group Admin

took care of it, I assume he's the one who added it the first time?, I've sent him a warning

There's a fic called Any Questions in the completed folder that doesn't belong there.

Group Admin

Darker Harmony in the completed folder and Other folder. Not an Anon-A-Miss story. Didn't check if it was in any other folders.

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