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Me, I want to see this call out:

"Oh, sure. Because bullying is wrong unless you're the ones doing it."

Used to call out the Humane 5 for participating in Sunset's bullying.

"So you forgive them immediately because they are your sisters, but turn on me like a pack of wolves at the slightest suspicion without evidence?"


I remember reading one story where the CMC are caught red-handed by the Human 5, and when they apologise, Sunset simply says, "Sorry you did it or sorry you got caught?"

I don't know if there's a fic where Sunset criticizes the Rainbooms for thinking that they could just apologize and go back to being friends like before.

Something along the lines of:

Sunset: "You honestly expect me to believe we can go back to being friends after the way you all reacted to Anon-A-Miss."

No I mean those fics where the Rainbooms participate in the bullying in some capacity, then have the nerve to tell the CMC that bullying is wrong, and for some reason no one goes, "Hang on, weren't you bullying Sunset as well?"

You know glass houses sort of thing.

“Were we every truly friends?” I want Sunset to say this to the Rainbooms.

"Come on, Sunset! Why can't you just let it go already?! We forgave you for all the shit you pulled!"

"...With all due respect, Rainbow Dash, I think we both know that's not true."

"Don't say 'sorry' to me! Say it to Sunset!"

Flash Sentry to the Rainbooms after the Crusaders's confession.

"Oh no. You and me? We aren't friends. I was just a trophy to you. Well guess what? I am done with you. I got myself a new place and a new school away from you. You got what you wanted. I am out of your lives."

Just as she is about to board the bus or go bavk to Equestria.

"Wait, you can't go! We need you! What of something attacks! Twilight won't talk to us so she can't help.


"Any problems? Frankly...I don't give a damn!"

Let's throw some Rick and Morty into the mix:

"OH! Should I have been more open and trusting and loving, like, oh I don't know, my backstabbing ex-best friends? Or their hellspawn little sisters, who, you know, ruined my life?!"

"Hey now, watch your language, missy!"

"Fuck you, Pinkie! And fuck this school, and fuck me for actually being dumb enough to trust you people, which I will never do again!"

(raises hand)

Mine. It's called "Reverse."

“I don’t think I have what it takes to forgive you guys for abandoning me on the spot. I just can’t take anymore heartbreak from you guys. Believe, I want nothing more than to patch things up between us and move on, but... I can’t bring myself to do that. Not anymore. I’m sorry, but there’s no way we can be friends again. Not ever.”

Interesting, what was the original context?

That was pretty original there. Nice work.

Comment posted by hattafan2593 deleted Feb 17th, 2020

Here's the dialogue from the episode Wedding Squanchers:

So basically I'm thinking another magical threat, Twilight shows up, they all need to work together, blah, blah, blah, Sunset's still angry.
Arguing ensues.

Group Admin

"You can apologize to me all you want but I don't have to listen, and I really have to thank Anon-a-Miss, they taught me that friendship is just a word"

I have nothing, you people took the lines out of my fingers.

"Sunset! You can't just, you know...say that word to our friends!"

"Your friends. And I believe I just did. Watch, I'll do it again." (flips the bird at Humane Five) "Fuck you!"

"What should I supose to do then, huh? A part of me just don't want to see her again. Another part of is begging me to give Scoots the beating of her life. A little part tells me to forgive her and pretend this crap never happened. And I only want to be alone right now."

"Rainbow darling, we are all dissapointed with our sisters actions in fooling us all. But you have to understand Scootaloo is a kid; and you can't blame her for every wrong we have done and said to Sunset."

"I know. And that is the hardest thing for me."

Scratch that found one. Sparkle and Flame does a pretty good job.

"Look, sugar- I mean… Sunset. Ah know we messed up, but we're here to apologize."
Applejack said.

"You threw and cast me away, didn't listen to my side and worse of all, you abandoned me when I needed you the most! Yet you have the nerve and audacity to act like nothing happened!?"

Wait, I got another one for fics where one of the Rainbooms is carrying a torch for Sunset.

Rainbow ('cause that's the usual suspect): "Thanks a lot you FUCKING brats! You cost me my shot at a relationship, but I guess that doesn't matter so long as you're fucking happy!"

"I want to ask you girls a question, and I want you to think, really think, before you answer: If Twilight hadn't of asked you to take care of me, would you have even given me the time of day?"

"I was never your friend! I was just your obligation! And the first chance you got to remove the millstone from around your neck, you took it!"

"Girls, remind me; the last time I tried something like this, how many years did it take for you to realize it? How many years did you refuse to speak to each other until Twilight pointed out how you were tricked?"

"So, Applejack, now that you know that Apple Bloom is Anon-A-Miss, are you going to abandon your sister like you did me?

I've got another one for those fics where one of the Humane Six has a crush on Sunset (seriously, why do those never cover this?).

"Look, Rainbow (because she's the usual suspect). Are you siding with Sunset because you actually believe her, or because of your crush on her?"

Group Admin

That last line sounds familiar

So there's this line from the video game, Injustice: Gods Among Us. Superman says, "I trusted you, you betrayed me!". Lex Luthor responds, "Who betrayed whom?"

I actually imagine one of the Human 5 saying Superman's line during the confrontation, and once the truth comes to light, Sunset faces them, repeats their words and then says, "Now tell me, Who betrayed whom?"

*Turns her back and walks away*

Here's a few ideas;

"The only difference between the Rainbooms and Anon-a-Miss is how you spell it."

"I can't guarantee it'll be a smooth ride. But I'll try to patch things up."

And my number one idea;

"Why does everybody in this school have no brain?"

This sounds like it could signal a start (or rather a restart) of darkness for Sunset.

I had an idea for a line for Sunset, in anger:

"No womder a few simple lies broke you 5 up when I was mean. I should have realised that, if you were stupid enough to believe that, you are stupid enough to believe this garbage."

Sunset Shimmer: “I mean, really, girls. Come on. This is amateur work. In all those years I’ve bullied people online, I’ve always covered my tracks. I never exposed my identity. Whoever this ‘Anon-a-Miss’ is, they’re obviously trying to frame me. Can’t you see that?”

Sunset Shimmer: “It’s okay, girls. I forgave you a long while ago. I understand. I mean, I did bully the entire school for years, I can’t just expect all that torment to be forgotten in just a few months.”

That second one inspired by SamRose’s Role Reversal, which is honestly one of the best Anon-a-Miss fics out there. You know, one of the most beautiful things about our show is that everyone has their flaws. No one’s perfect. In the Anon-a-Miss comic, everyone shares part of the blame. The Rainbooms did f-k up, true, but Sunset did bully them all for years. You can’t just expect that to be forgiven so easily.

Group Admin

I have another one

Princess Twilight: I trusted you to look after Sunset and you let me down, you betrayed not only her but me as well, you have a lot to think about

Rainbow Dash: Well, sorry Twilight, but you have a hand in this as well. After all, you dumped her here on us. And one more thing; stop using our world as your dumping ground!

Group Admin

Twilight: true.... but at least I believed her unlike you!

Rarity: as if you can talk. We heard about what happened at the Royal Wedding, where your friends turned on you for no reason at all. Is it really that surprising we have difficulty trusting somebody who spent years wrecking friendships for fun? Remove the log from your eye before asking me to remove the speck from mine.

"It weren't just her. And ta answer yer question, we're sendin' them away. Happy now?"

"Hindsight is a wonderful thing, Sunset."

I could imagine Rarity saying something like that.

Group Admin

Twilight: and yet you didn't bother to talk to each other when Sunset ruined your friendship with each other

Applejack: Did YOU talk to yers when they broke off theirs with you?

*10 second silence*

Nope. Didn't think so.

Group Admin

damn I couldn't think of a comeback for that, reminded me of the Justice Lord Batman and Batman argument from A Better World

I must use this exchange in a story.

Sunset: HA! You say that as if you have any say in what happens with them. Let's be real you three aren't going to be the ones deciding anything. Applebloom's gonna be sorted by Granny Smith and Big Mac, Sweetie Belle's got her parents, and whatever happens to Scootaloo's going to be handled by her aunts. But hey, way to throw your biological sister under the bus while she's standing right here Applejack. Goes to show how much you're willing to fuck up to save face I guess.

Applejack: As if you wouldn't do the same to protect yourself. Welcome to the real world Sunset; humans are selfish.

(This comic really is stupid, isn't it?)

Sunset: Is that what you're gonna tell Twilight? (I had a longer version of this response but frankly, this version is nice and short.)

RD: Frankly, Twilight can pontificate all she wants about how 'oh, you should have been able to figure out how it wasn't Sunset', or 'ooh, how dare you have difficulty trusting a girl who spent years breaking friendships for fun!'.

We'll all have the same response for her. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. You can talk all about what people should have done, but the simple fact if the matter is she wasn't there.

Sunset: That so? *hands her journal and a pen to her* Then put your money where your mouth is and tell her that. If you truly believe every word you've said, take the book and pen and tell her everything you told me. You've already burned my bridge, what's one more?

(I know you probably have a counter to this.)

RD: Sure thing. We'll get rid of the portal whilst we're at it. After all, magical things can't get through if there's no magical portal to the magical world. As for you, Sunset... go wherever you please. It's clear this gulf can't be bridged.

(Any random character):

"Look, I know she was a bully in the past, but do you really think she would throw all that hard work to redeem herself away?"

"Well aren't you five 'special snowflakes', outing someone because of something suspicious. Remind me why she's friends with you again?"

Granny Smith:

"Lemme git this straight, y'all created a gossip blog to spill folks' personal secrets, blamed it on a young lady who was mindin' her business, and ruined her life. All cuz' y'all were jealous of her spendin' time wit' yer sisters? Ah have never heard such a petty reason in all mah' life."

"So y'all believe she's this 'Anon-A-Miss', all because she was rotten to ya in da past? I thought I raised ya better/your parents raised ya better."

Sunset Shimmer:

"You're sorry?, oh don't be! I should be sorry, 'sorry' that you girls are so hollow-headed, you automatically believe something without investigating further. 'Sorry' I was stupid enough to trust you. 'Sorry' your 'pwecious widdle sisters' are so clingy and possessive, they resort to literally ruining someone's life! All because of something that could've easily been talked about."

"Forgive you? Well let's see here: you five are completely willingly to diss someone because you had a rough start with them, participate in bullying them, refuse to listen to their side of the story, and not think someone else may be behind it. Does that sound like you're worth forgiving?"

"Why shouldn't I leave? You didn't have a problem doing the same thing to me."


"Ah'm sorry 'Bloom, but if you and yer friends are willin' ta do this, then maybe ya three can't be trusted.."

I have one to add to that first list;

(Potentially any character)

"Can we please all calm down and just talk to one another?"

(This line from Thomas and Friends summarises the comic as a whole very well.)


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