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Applejack: and how exactly did Sunset "steal" me, Rarity and Rainbow Dash from you three?!

You can also have Rarity or Rainbow Dash ask this question as well

Fluttershy: and how exactly did Sunset "steal" your sisters from you three?!

you can have Pinkie ask this question as well

Group Admin

it's a combination of two of the most controversial episodes of MLP but with no redeeming qualities

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what did you think of my questions?

also you know which ones I'm talking about don't you?

Group Admin

these ones unless you mean the episodes

Applejack: and how exactly did Sunset "steal" me, Rarity and Rainbow Dash from you three?!

You can also have Rarity or Rainbow Dash ask this question as well

Pinkie: That is a dumb excuse, by that logic Fluttershy, Twilight and me have also stolen your sisters from you.... *GASP* Were you three going to do the same thing to me, Twilight and Fluttershy?!

you can have Fluttershy ask this question as well

Those would work really well.

Group Admin

I’ve see the “she stole our sisters from us” line in a few AaM fanfics

It's a concept hinted at in the comic. I don't have the exact quote on hand, but Apple Bloom states she was jealous that AJ was always spending time with Sunset, not her.

Group Admin

changing one of the questions, I made a forum post around those two questions and one person raised a really good point

Twilight: "I trusted you to help Sunset... and you ended up betraying that trust. Worse yet, you betrayed Sunset's trust in you. And now, as a result of this, Sunset's faith in friendship has been shattered, perhaps irreparably so."

Twilight: "I'll talk to Sunset, but I'm not doing this for your sake! I'm doing it for the sake of Sunset's wellbeing, as you should have done when this whole Anon-A-Miss fiasco started!"

Twilight: "You may have to live with the fact that she won't want to have anything to do with any of you after this, and I honestly wouldn't blame her. As it is, I can barely stand being around you."

Twilight: "I cannot speak for Sunset, but maybe one day I can forgive you... but not today... not for a long time, if ever."

Group Admin

one from Twilight towards the students

"from what I understand, most if not all of you also sent secrets to Anon-a-Miss and you went on to blame Sunset for your OWN actions, so tell me, what's your excuse for being hypocrites?"

Group Admin

"I don't want anything to do with your friends Twilight"

"you mean our friends"

"no, your friends"

Group Admin

"you do realize that you three have screwed yourself over, once the truth gets out and the students find out the reason you did all this, you won't ever be trusted again"

[To the Humane 5]
"You keep saying that Sunset betrayed your trust. Well, that simply isn't true at all. There's no way she could have betrayed your trust, because that would mean that she actually had your trust to begin with. With how quickly you turned on her with the slimmest of evidence, can you really, truly, honestly say that you trusted her? Because anyone with the slightest bit of common sense certainly wouldn't think so."

"You never trusted Sunset as much as you think you did... You never trusted her as much as she thought you did... you never trusted her as much as she trusted you!"

[To the EQG CMC]
"Well, girls, you succeeded in ending the friendship between your sisters and Sunset, so much as you could call that whole farce a "friendship", and all it costed you was your sisters' trust in you and a black mark on your permanent records... was it worth it?"

[To the EQG CMC]
"It's ironic, poetic even. You wanted Sunset gone because you wanted to spend more time with your sisters. Well, now that Sunset's dead she won't be able to steal any more of your sisters' time, but you won't be able to enjoy all that new spare time, what with you spending the next few years in juvie."

"You could have said "no"! You could have told me that you couldn't trust her! You could have told me that you didn't want anything to do with her! I would have been disappointed, but I would have understood. I could have found someplace for Sunset to start things fresh, I could have brought her back to Equestria if it came to that. But you said that you'd watch over her, and I believed you."

"You know what, you're right, Rainbow. I do indeed have a hand in this. I made a big mistake and Sunset ended up paying for it... well, I won't make that mistake again. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, I will never trust any of you again! Our friendship is over!"

Group Admin

"and don't worry, nopony won't be using this world as a dumping ground any longer, I am going to find any magic object sent here and take it back with me and then I will be closing the portal permanently"

Group Admin

Inspired by Ducktales for this line

Twilight: Well you five have successfully let lies destroy your friendship... again. I hope you're happy.

*After it is revealed the CMC were the culprits*

Twi: What you three did is... is...

Rainbow: Disgraceful!

Rarity: Disgusting!

Aj: Despicable!

Twi: Uh... yeah, that...

Comment posted by draph91 deleted Jul 20th, 2021
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Ok my last post was a bit too controversial but this line was inspired by this:

Sunset: and why should I be friends with all of you again when it’s your fault for what I went through!, you could have taken me aside and spoke to me in private but no you loudly accuse me and denounced me in front of the other students!

"You wanted old Sunset back? Then you'll get her back in full force!"

Here's a not terribly specific line, but a good one nonetheless.

Older man/woman: Fucking teenagers. They demand all the respect, but then go and pull this, and then wonder why their elders don't take them seriously.

Group Admin

how about "I missed the part where that's my problem"

Nice reference to the Tobey Maguire Spider Man movie.

Group Admin

Here's another one where Sunset calls out Twilight, this is in relation to Twilight's advice

Sunset: where were you when I was going through Tartarus?, do you even care about me?, all you did was give me some stupid advice "Sometimes, all you can do is stay strong. Stay yourself. And find your family." what family?, my friends who abandoned me?, or the friend who clearly didn't care enough to come and help me?

if anyone want to rebutt this, feel free to

Comment posted by draph91 deleted Oct 28th, 2021
Group Admin

“Don’t, Apple Bloom. Just… don’t. There is absolutely no excuse for your actions. Because of you and your friends, The entire school turned against Sunset all because you were jealous. I want the three of you out. Now. As of this moment you are expelled from Canterlot High, I have also notified your families of your deceit and they are not pleased as to what you have done, Luna please escort them to their lockers so they can empty them, I have to make some changes to the school so hopefully this never happens again”

I was inspired by Love Hina Consequences for this one

Group Admin

Inspired by the Batman Beyond episode "Heroes"

Twilight: satisfied?

Apple Bloom: No. You don't understand. We didn't intend to hurt anyone...

Twilight: *disgusted* right... *walks away*

How about this from Fresh Prince
Sunset: I'm not going to get revenge on you Apple Bloom.
Apple Bloom: Really? You mean you forgive us?
Sunset: No. I'm not going to get revenge in you today. Not tomorrow or even tonight. You see, I need to think REALLY long and hard on how I want to do this. It may come to me in a few weeks or maybe tonight. So be afraid Apple Bloom. *grabs Apple Bloom's shirt* Be Very Afraid...

Sunset or anyone else reacting to AAM (these guys would have common sense btw) and say: "Everything is ILLOGICAL HERE! WHO EVEN THOUGHT OF THIS CRAPPY GODFORSAKEN IDEA OF A STORY?!?"

Forgive me-

Power of Friendship's got nothing on the power of law!

Apple Bloom: sis! sis! *panting* you gotta see this!

*shows Applejack and Sunset her phone*

Apple Bloom: Look!

Sunset: Anon-a-Miss? Is that honestly the best name they could come up with?

Comment posted by draph91 deleted Jan 10th, 2022

"So, Applejack, now that you know that Apple Bloom is Anon-A-Miss, are you going to abandon your sister like you did me?

"'Kinfolk stand by each other' you say? Funny. I remember not too long ago that you considered me family... that sure as hell didn't stop you from abandoning me. So, Honest Applejack, were you lying then about how I was family, or are you lying now about how family stands by each other?"

Inspired by Spider Man No Way Home and took place after Dainn's Anon A Miss.

"So let me get this straight," Princess Twilight began, her eyes daggered to Wallflower. "You have been keeping a dangerous equestrian artifact for a long time, an artifact that not only messes with people's memories but to also create a problem for the multiverse if it's used incorrectly!"

"And you!" To her human counterpart. "A while ago, you came to my world and suggested me a time spell so you can go back to months ago where the CMC created Anon A Miss, in which I said no because it's not an option and it's dangerous! But that doesn't stop you from seeking help to Wallflower who has the Memory Stone this whole time, and then next, you two tried to cast the spell to make everyone forget about Anon A Miss, only for the spell to backfire and you two had screwed up with the multiverse!"

Starlight piped in, "Well, it could've been avoided if we just go along with the time travel plan."

"No! Time travel is not an option!" Princess Twilight grumbled. "Now we need to deal with the visitors from the multiverse!"

Group Admin

"how could ya, Apple Bloom?, how you destroy our friendship with Sunset, tell me, were you going to do the same with us as she did if we spent time with each other?"

Group Admin

”Instead of framing Sunset, why didn’t you three take the more rational option and, oh I don’t know, TALK TO YOUR SISTERS?!”

This is something I want to see when Sunset or Twilight or sunset try to bash the The Rainbooms or CMC.

Twilight/Sunset: What you all did was unforgivable.

Rainbooms/CMC: So turning into a she-demon and mind controlling people is forgivable?

This one's inspired by those lines from John Marston to Javier Escuella in Red Dead Redemption 1.

This is in Dainn's universe where Sunset calls out to Rainbow Dash.

"What you and everyone did was wrong, the way you did the was wrong."

And also:

"Didn't the life we live mean nothing to you?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

Sunset snarled. "The life we lived is over. And when we were living it, it didn't mean anything at all! It's all an excuse to keep me around just because Princess Twilight told you so! You know it and I know it!"

This actually makes me wonder what would’ve happened if twilight asked them to look out for her and they said no.

Here's a set of lines that could make for a rather spicy story, especially since AaM is such a perfect set up for that specific crossover:

I want to see one where Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie and The Dazzlings defend Sunset while the others accuse her of Anon A Miss. Second the identity of Anon A Miss is not the Cutie Mark Crusaders but someone else instead.

I do find anon-a-miss being someone else sometimes interesting. Such a missed opportunity in the comic.

Oh okay that sounds great would you like to do one like that with me?

I’m not really a writer.

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