Anon-A-Miss 1,337 members · 1,277 stories
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It's been months since last year's semester on Canterlot High. Months after the fiasco happened in MyStable prior Christmas.

Everything to went back to normality, or it seems so save for one Rainbow Dash. The moment she and the rest of the Rainbooms heard from the Crusaders they were the culprits behind Anon-a-Miss, Dash stormed off on Scootaloo like ever with another person in her life.

Since that night Rainbow cut ties with Scoots, plus Dash constantly claims to be sastified with it if asked about; afterall she didn't want to have anything with a person who made her turn against somebody who did nothing and to her in the face. Yet, unknow to everyone, after all these months the jock feels miserable.

She doesn't want to admit it, but she miss Scootaloo. Sometimes Rainbow Dash blames herself for how she treated the purple haired teen, and wishes to never tell her such awful things. Despite Scoot's involvement in Anon-a-Miss and the motives behind it, it wasn't fair for her to be treated as scum; she did something dumb... just like her idol.

Dash knows this and is willing to ammend things between them, but her stubborness and pride are always stopping her in doing it. Doing a personal investigation, Canterlot High's atlethe found out Scootaloo got another sister figure looking after her - from Crystal Prep much for her disgust.

Now the rainbow-haired girls seeks advice on Applejack and Rarity - who have some trust issues towards Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, they don't hate their little sisters and still cares for them - as well on Sunset Shimmer, the girl she harmed.

Wait, rainbow dash says she doesn’t want anything to do with the person who turned her against her friends, but isn’t that what sunset did? Will that be brought up?

Hmm. I donʼt think this is going to work.

I understand Dash being mad at Scoots and needing time to think about it. But cutting off ties completely? It makes Dash seems like a complete hypocrite, given that she also abandoned Sunset in her time of need. That, and as 7944539 mentioned, Sunset herself once broke the girls up and she was forgiven eventually.

So, yeah, if you are going to write this, youʼd have to make it really convincing.

Or at least have it be called out.


Or a better idea would be to have Dash still be Scootsʼ sister figure, but having Scootaloo herself think that Dash has abandoned her. For instance, Dash is being unintentionally distant and busy, and in Scootalooʼa guilt-ridden mind, she thinks that Dash hates her and no longer wants anything to do with her. Scoots then seeks a sister figure elsewhere. Classic case of Poor Communication Kills.


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