Anon-A-Miss 1,337 members · 1,277 stories
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Sunset Shimmer has given up, with everyone hating her because of Anon-A-Miss and Her friends cutting ties with her, she has nothing left in this world. Even Princess Twilight has stopped responding to her messages. Deciding to end it all, she goes on top of the roof of the nearest building and stands on the edge, she leans forward and falls off the roof. She closes her eyes and smiles sadly, her suffering will finally end. But she has made a crucial mistake, she isn’t human.

Sunset’s face contorts in pain, her body stiffens straight as her head impacts the ground. Cracks form on the cement from the impact, a familiar scream can be heard as Sunset’s body falls. Sunset’s eyes flutter open, she is in a hospital and she has a massive headache. She notices five girls at her bedside, all are extremely relieved to see her awake. But the relief is short lived as Sunset doesn’t recognize them, in fact, she has no memory of them or her time in this world.

The Rainbooms try to help Sunset recover her memories while caring for her, all the while Anon-A-Miss continues to post. The Rainbooms now realizing that Sunset was telling the truth the whole time, making them feel awful for how they treated Sunset which is made worse that they are the ones who pushed Sunset to take her own life. They try their best to be there for Sunset and along the way they will discover hard truths that might lead to not only Sunset’s recovery but theirs as well.

What will you call it?

Interesting plot, if you write this I would love to read it.

Hmm, I’m thinking of calling it Forgotten.

That’s a good name for the story. I kinda was thinking… “lost but not forgotten” since sunset lost her memories but the mane 5 don’t forget to watch over her and remember their sins. But that’s just me thinking..

Oooh! That’s a good one!

This sounds like a GREAT idea, and I really hooe it is written!

This sounds like a amezing idea, I hope you write it. I would like read a new story from you, it has been a while.

Sounds interesting, though you would have to come up with a good reason why Twilight would stop responding to Sunset's messages.

This actually sounds very interesting, but
7945440 is right. Princess Twilight has been established as being Sunsetʼs only friend the entirety of the comic, so there had better be a good, convincing reason as to why the Princess would stop responding to her messages.

I would love it if this was written

Will Twilight find out about this?

I'd like to see that story here on Fimfiction.



Right on. I was thinking "Memory Lost, Friendship Found" but that's just the impression I got from the premise.

Of course, the Rainbooms send a message to Twilight and she will be the first one Sunset remembers.

Looking forward to it.

What made Twilight to stop responding?

I believe that Sunset getting amnesia is a good idea though and I like to think the Rainbooms are discussing if Sunset getting her memories back will be worth it because of their actions. On one hand, they feel responsible for making Sunset to commit suicide but then again, not everyone will feel the same,

I haven’t yet figured out why she stops responding, but the Rainbooms will help Sunset get back her memories. As they are helping her try to regain her memories, Sunset keeps telling them how lucky she is that they are her friends and that she’s not dealing with this mess alone. Knowing that they are a major reason she committed suicide, accused her of betraying them and turning their back on her. The Rainbooms can’t in good conscience let Sunset remain an amnesiac, they owe her after what they had done.

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