Protect Flurry! 358 members · 250 stories
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Since Flurry is a natural born alicorn and all, would she have any secret and very strong powers that come with her magic? And would she have any dangerous magic that Celestia and Luna do not know of?

5302576 She's already giving her mom and aunt a hard time... and it'll be a matter of time until she's able to match her graunties in magical prowess.

5302576 nah cadence was natural born i think but twilights powerful than her no show would make another character more powerful than the main characters

Summer Dancer
Group Admin

5302576 Since she's a born alicorn, it's very possible!

5302598 Cadance is an ascendant just like Twilight. Didn't you read the first chapter book by G.M. Berrow?

5302576 She already has the ability to perform a Fus-Ru-Dah, so yeah, she's OP.

5302651 i haven't read any of the books sorry im just saying they wouldn't make another character more powerful than the main character

5302655 *shrugs* whatever.

5302658 that makes sense with my experience watching tv shows i just know they won't make her more powerful than the main characters

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