Protect Flurry! 358 members · 250 stories
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hello battle brothers! i'm coming to you today to talk about a future threat that could be a great threat to our glorious flurry heart!!

and that great threat is.... BOYS.

5423523 how can this be?!

5423523 Ah, she's too young to be worrying about boys. Give it a few years, then she can start worrying about them.

Mega NewWays97
Group Contributor

5423523 she's to young to worry about boys plus.... you know she might have inherited her mothers "Love" if you know what I mean.

5423528 i know battle brother! not even i saw this coming! but we must act now to neutralise this threat!
quick bring in the royal guards!

5423546 that is why i said this is a FUTURE threat!

that and sir shining armor has given me the go ahead to warn everyone of this threat.

5423523 Well, there's always Shining and the Royal Guard... Word of the wise though, let none of this get out to Cadence. Princess of Love and all that.

5423559 that is why the fall back plan is to blame foot soldier flash sentry if lady Cadence were to ever find out.

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

5423523 We must mobilize the inquisition!!!

...why are boys the enemy?

Group Contributor

*Hisses* Not until she's thirty.:flutterrage:5423523

Group Contributor

Excellent plan, sir. 5423566

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

5423570 they be sneaky and manipulative, and they tend to think with their dick.
So the inquisition will arrive and punch all the boys in the dick to keep the poor impressionable Flurry heart safe >o<

5423602 ...that seems really sexist, tbh.

5423615 it's cool! i'm a guy so i can say stuff about guys.

5423586 sadly i have seen some young foals giving her flowers.

5423578 we respect her and don't judge. but still keep any possible evil seducer at bay! even if they be boy or girl.

Group Contributor

:rainbowlaugh: Wonderful Battle tactic! This is the best plan ever!:rainbowlaugh:5423602

5423523 I bet that'll be Shining Armor's worst nightmare as a father when the time comes.

5423633 still won't stop those horndogs!

5423644 by flurry hearts glorious mane! how could i have been so blind? i-i'm ashamed to call myself a marin...

in my quest to protect her i was becoming a monster who was doing more harm than good.
as punishment for my deeds strip myself of my armor and title! may one day i regain my honor and my right to protect flurry heart!
(takes off armor.)

so long former battle brothers! one day i'll regain honor!

5423523 Something tells me Shining would teach her how to defend herself against any of the boys out there if they do something she wasn't comfortable with.

Group Contributor

I'm pretty sure she'd be able to defend herself, Shining Armor being her Dad, and all. I'm just getting in on the joke. It's actually pretty funny, think about it, one boy does so much as even wink at her and the entire Royal Guard, under Shining Armor's command, is at her side! :rainbowlaugh: It's pretty amusing. But seriously, I have a feeling she'll know when to say no. Cadence of all ponies ought to teach her that.

And if all else fails, I've got my machete.:pinkiecrazy:5423644


5423717 the entire royal guard AND every member in this group as well.

5423724 snips and snails.....

Group Contributor

*Gasp* :pinkiegasp: Plot Twist!5423749

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

5423644 everyone needs a little bit of guidance. Everyone can be fooled into doing something they will always regret. just a sec I cant find my dick punching brass knuckles

5423749 Not even Rumble...? I could deal with Rumble, but Snips and Snails...? No...

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