Protect Flurry! 358 members · 250 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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Like, REALLY hates her

Some people in EQD are really mean jerkasses.

Poor Flurry...:'(


That's Equestria Daily for you nowadays. The hugbox site for the dregs of the fandom, with the mods either being unable or just refusing to step in even against users who do much worse things, like, openly insulting show staffers and calling them names, placing demands they should leave the show, ect.
I talked with the head of moderation, Octavia, about this a while ago, but she did not say anything that would give hope that the mods on EQD would do anything against that behavior when I brought it up and said that the mods should target such comments and the users making them.
The comments sections on Equestria Daily are a wonderfully open and inviting place, where everyone can express his/her opinions freely, even if those opinions entail insults, name-calling and spreading malicious rumors and lies about certain episodes of the show (or about the official comics, don't get me started on that.....), everyone's welcome there.
A place of purest Tolerance. Only the Love is missing there, but hey, who needs love anyway?
I give Equestria Daily another year at max before it has become completely like Horse News or Derpibooru.

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

5663287 .... OwO mobilize the inquisition!
..... we have some heresy to purge!!!

been a while since we inquisitors had a family outing.... this was where i took the screen sho

I'm currently going under the name Flurry_Heart

5663287 Even if he could burn her, he'd be dead before he could. Why? Example: Flurry Heart is Dovahkiin.

Mega NewWays97
Group Contributor

5663287 EQD? That's crappy.
5663377 I'll go get my flamethrower

Passions Star
Group Contributor

EQD = Equally Quite Damning

Sanguine Eyes
Group Admin

5663464 Estartes heavy flamer

I heard there was hatred, and I have the urge to purge.



Does this guy suffer from a severe case of social insecurity?

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