Protect Flurry! 358 members · 250 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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Group Admin

I've been pretty inactive on this group for a while. How's everyone been? Is the inquisition still up and running?


It's a quiet, peaceful time for our princess, her enemies being silent long since..... But the inquisition is still here, attentively watching, in case any threat that needs to be purged should arise.

5727997 Unfortunately, I'd say it's dead in the water. A ship without a gale you might say.

Group Admin

5728120 That's unfortunate.

5728166 Fluttercheer put it more... Well, cheerfully than me, but that's the situation unfortunately.

5727997 Oh wow, I didn't even notice this group was there. We need something to get us started off.

Group Admin

5729510 yeah we do. Any ideas.

Group Admin

5728117 Stay strong Fluttercheer. The time will come when the Princess needs you again.


I will never fail my duty. *salutes*

5729776 How about another writing contest or a group collab?

Group Admin

5730071 Well, I was supposed to write a story for the group but that has yet to get off the ground.
I'd love to host another writing contest.

5730215 Alright, then it's settled. Do you have any writing prompts we could write on?

Group Admin

5731388 I'm having a tough time thinking of one. I thought maybe we could center this contest on cute shipfics, but that opens a risk for judge bias.

Group Admin

5731388 I have an idea: (It came from the internet, so it may sound stupid) Everyday someone leaves Flurry Heart a cookie. One day they leave something else, but this time, there's a note.

5731796 Sounds good. When's the deadline and what's the prize? (If there is one)?

Group Admin

That's just it. I have nothing to offer.

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