The Bronies' Archive 114 members · 769 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Group Admin

Is this group dead? 'Cause based on the recent activity, (of which there's almost none), I can pretty much say that it is.

The heck happened with my post?

What's the point of this group, exactly?

5674062 Do I look dead to you?

Group Admin

5674300 Huh. Knew it.

Group Admin

Turns out on of the site mods deleted it (and my reposts) since it violated the rules in a handful of ways.
Fair enough, can't hate the guy for doing his job and keeping order in a mad world.:ajsleepy:

The oracle
Group Admin

Hey guys,, don't worry. All we need to do is convince people to start taking again. So, the question is, what can we do that is within site rules, but will grab peoples attention?

5789785 Bit of a topic necro, but while I'm here:

5674300 While I largely agree, I think saying the site is dying is a bit alarmist. I mean, I've heard that the brony fandom is "shrinking" since the end of Season 2 - which is when I actually joined. I think it's more that some people just naturally drift away from fandoms over time, and for others it was never really going to be a long-term thing. We may have less people coming into the fandom on account of most people who would be interested in it are already interested, but I think the fandom has life in it yet.

Eventually there will come a time when the fandom mostly consists of people who are in a "stable relationship" with FiM (assuming Hasbro doesn't come out with a related media that piques interest), and that can work. I mean, I've seen a number of fandoms, mostly about video games but also shows like Firefly, that have had fandoms that persist for years or decades after new material stopped coming out. And personally, I don't mind this - I'd rather have a modest amount of dedicated fans that a large number of transient ones.

I think calling the fandom "dying" is a bit misrepresentative of what it means for a fandom to actually die. I mean, you're arguably "dying" your whole adult life but that doesn't mean you don't have a long life ahead of you.

5789837 Now you're just being pessimistic if not alarmist. I'm a little skeptical at the veracity of the notion of the fandom stagnating for over two-thirds of its existence, particularly when so much fan work is from that period - and we're only getting new fuel, not just from new episodes but new tools such as SFM.

The fandom's already lasted long enough to prove it's not just a fad - while at the same time putting out a nearly unprecedented amount of fan material, enough that I could spend years looking at fan material after the show ends assuming nothing new in terms of fan content comes out, which is extremely unlikely.

I mean, you'd have to show me some examples of fandoms that what you're describing has already happened to - along with an explanation as to why the comparison can even be justified. Point being - I just don't see it.

Perhaps even the reason for this group's inactivity is because the end of the show is just an undefined point in the future and it's far too soon to really prepare for it?

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