Those Feeling Left Out or Unpopular 499 members · 3,903 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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My stories, my blogs, my threads, etc. Is it because of me? Or something I did wrong? Seriously, I need to know the answer.

Those who respond to content are a tiny, tiny, fraction of the people on the site. It's not you with low activity, it's everyone.


What do you mean? Every single one of your stories except the most recent one have comments on them.

7585801 You do understand you're a niche writer, right?

That's part of what I mean.

7585880 The stories you write. They're not for the general public. They're for a specific audience.

You don't write what people want to read. You write what you want to write.


Do any of you want to comment on my recent story and tell me what you think?




I think they meant some of their more recent threads and their latest story have gotten no comments. Not as in "not many" or "hardly any", or "less than I wanted/hoped", but none.


i have noticed that no one had commented on some of your more recent threads, and I'm not really sure why. As for any stories that have gotten no comments, I saw that the newest one has no comments, it got (right now) only 65 views, and given it's been out for about 2 weeks, it's not too unusual for a story with that number of views even after 2 weeks to get no comments, if it's not that interesting or engaging--two of my stories took almost a year to get its first comment. So it's probably not personal that you didn't get a comment on it.

I took a quick look at it, and one issue that stands out is that the story never really established who Odium was or more about his apparent issues, a problem that the Sid story you once asked me to check out had, which I also pointed out, so I'm not sure if you just chose to not do it, or if you just didn't think of it. Another one is that the story didn't really have much in the way of hijinks and hilarity (likely because the story went too fast to really have much) despite it saying in the story's long description that there would be. Take this part here:

"Dancing!" Pinkie Pie tapped her hooves in quick and random succession. Odium's eyes followed her movement. She seemed pretty good… Too good! And too fast as well! He groaned as he held onto his straining forehead.

"Oops! Sorry." Her legs stopped. "Okay. Now, you try." She said, backing away as she gestured towards herself.

The wolf stepped onto her spot and let out a deep breath.

Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!

"Ta-da?" He uttered, doing jazz paws.

"We'll work on that, too."

That's an area where some kind of hijinks could have happened, But all that happened was Pinkie showed a dance, Odium tried a quick one, Pinkie commented that we'll "work on it" but no real hijinks, such as maybe Odium trying to dance and he breaks something, in comedic fashion, and causes a mess. This is not a problem per se; I only brought it up because the story's long description mentioned it, but I don't think the comedy had much comedy, so the "Slice of Life" tag on its own would have sufficed. The characters' lines generally seemed okay though. As for any further details to point out, right now I don't really have much.

I suggest not adding or limiting the ammount of sound words like "Pow! " over three stops the flow of reading.

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