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Spoilers for those who haven't seen Season 3:
The midseason finale has left us with questions on how the future will turn out, as Iris dying. We're also thinking about Killer Frost, Kid Flash's developtment (who I'm excited about), and when Harry and Jesse will be back. It also confirmed that there will be a two episode arc in Earth 19, and Barry may be possibly teaming up with Grodd against Savitar. I think that season 3 has been really good, maybe a tad not as good as season 2 or season 3, but in general, really interesting. How do you think season 3 will follow after the midseason finale?


Personally I kinda hope they wrap up the Time Travel shenanigans real soon because it's getting annoying.


I hear that a lot when it comes to Flash's many speedster foes. But with regard to time travel, I don't think that's ever going to happen. For one, I haven't read much of the comics, but I've heard that time travel is a very big part of The Flash mythos.

And two, Reverse-Flash said back in season two that he and Barry fight each other across time. And that's just pre-Flashpoint Reverse-Flash. Even if it's just a time remnant of Reverse-Flash (as opposed to the post-Flashpoint one that we're seeing in Legends of Tomorrow, there's going to be a lot more of both him and time travel in the series.

And let's not forget the night of Nora Allen's death. Present-day Barry still has to travel back to that time just to save kid-Barry from Reverse-Flash.

Regardless, that seems to be the main theme of season three: the consequences of time travel. It's something that Rip Hunter lectured them on in episode after episode in Legends season one. It's just that season three Barry has to learn each and every lesson the hard way.

Group Admin

I've gotten used to it

Group Admin

Yeah, now he is going to try to save Iris in the future, in the latest promo

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