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Hello, everyone. I thought I'd drop in and talk a bit about a Sonic-Flash crossover that I'm planning, entitled "The God of Speed," and maybe get some feedback for it. In this story, the characters are gijinka because, uh, reasons, and someone gets their hands on the Philosopher's Stone, and has a result becomes Savitar, the God of Speed. That someone is none other than...

Yep. Sonic's gonna become The God of Speed. For those of you who are wondering what I'm playing at, there was a point in the Spider-Man comics where Spider-Man gained nearly infinite power following a near-death experience from something called "The Enigma Force" in order to become Captain Universe, who could lift a fully-loaded barge like a plastic tub toy, punch THE INCREDIBLE HULK INTO OUTER SPACE, fire powerful concussive blasts that could shatter tanks, listen in on supervillain conversations Arkhamverse Batman-style without the use of gadgets, fly, and was pretty much invulnerable to harm. As a result, the Webhead found himself fighting a whole new class of villains, I'm talking God-tier villains. Of course, after Spider-Man/Captain Universe prevented the crisis that he'd been given god-like power to deal with, he reverted back to normal, well, he was back to his original power set anyway. I planning on doing the same thing, albeit on a more permanent level, to Sonic. So, while he may be used to rollin' around at the speed of sound, he now has to learn how to use this vastly enhanced skillset and learn how to deal with god-tier villains, including Scourge, who becomes a sort of "Reverse-Savitar" once he gets his hands on his world's Philosopher's Stone and this of course means he's red and black with black lightning( in other words, he's "The Devil of Speed"), Nazo, and even Sonic.exe (something about "Immortality vs Soul-snatching" as my research indicates. And like I said, if you were to merge with the Philosopher's Stone/Sorcerer's Stone, which creates the Elixir of Life, which is supposed to make you immortal if my information is correct, I'm pretty sure you won't be dying anytime soon if ever. Sonic will still age very, very, very, very, very, very, very, VERY slowly and his body will eventually die, but Sonic himself is immortal thanks to the stone, and he teaches those destined to become the next Savitar how to be a hero worthy of being considered a god. Savitar vs. Sonic.exe will probably be a Halloween special or something, and a story involving Sonic's successor as Savitar will probably be a sort of Epilogue thing. But, those are stories for another time.) However, there is a trade-off: by becoming Savitar, Sonic trades in his connection to the Chaos Force in exchange for the Speed Force. In other words, he won't be able to become "Super Savitar" or Super Sonic, or even be able to use Chaos Control ever again. Not that he'd need it, given what Savitar is capable of.

Now, let's talk about the finer details of Sonic/Savitar. Sonic is able to transform back and forth between his normal form (in which he keeps a portion of his enhanced speed, which is faster than his original speed, but is nowhere near what Savitar's top speed is, if he even has one, and a portion of his enhanced strength) and his Savitar form at will, although when he turns back into Sonic, he is extremely exhausted. In fact, for months if not a year or two after he becomes The God of Speed, he passes out and is unconscious for several days, although as time goes on this decreases. Sonic/Savitar has a very different interpretation of being a god than the CW Savitar. Whereas CW Savitar is all "KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!" Sonic/Savitar believes that the title "God of Speed" is really just a description of his power, like how Shadow is called The Ultimate Life Form not what he is or who he's become. In other words Sonic doesn't change one jot from who he was before he became infused with the Stone. In terms of physical description, while he looks like the CW version:

Due to being a teenager at the time, his body figure looks a little more like this:

Now then, with that taken care of, I have a question for you. If Sonic's Savitar, who should I use for Dr. Alchemy? Also, please give me some feedback and suggestions!

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