The Flash Fan Group 36 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

I really hope it's better in writing compared to season 3. I hope it has that light hearted touch to it that was in season 1 and 2.

If not the thinker I don't want the main villain be another speedster, they should have used dr alchemy as the main bad guy as it seemed like last season instead of savitar

Group Admin

There isn't gonna be a speedster as the main villain. I doubt that they will this time. Reverse Flash may appear in a few episodes, as a villain of the episode kinda thing.


I'm not exactly hoping for that, but I wouldn't mind it either. We got a reminder of that near the end of the season in Cause and Effect, when Barry lost his memories (though it does bring up a bit of a plot hole, albeit too minor of one for anyone to really care. When Savitar lost his memories alongside Barry, he was still a prick).

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