My Little Pony: The Movie 264 members · 126 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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So, I've seen the trailers for the new movie (really, what kind of brony would I be if I hadn't?). And I noticed some things:
1) We get to see all the mane 6. Yet they are not treated equally. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and even Spike have lines. Yet Applejack and Fluttershy are silent. Yeah, the latter is not surprising. But no lines from Applejack? (And seeing as she's the best pony on the show, it's really a let-down.)
2) We have the Great And Powerful Lame Trixie, Bulk Biceps, the princesses, and several others. Yet we have no Starlight. Also glaringly, we have no CMC. Why?


We do have Starlight - she's seen with Trixie doing magic tricks

Hmm... I'll have to take another look. I had heard that she wasn't in the movie, her absence being explained as traveling with Sunset Shimmer to CHS.


Seems that twilight gets the most focus in this, twi is my best pony so I'm not complaining
Just like the season openers and endings and since I see this movie as a season opening or ending adventure only one. Bigger scale I think it's appropriate

True. But one of the great aspects of the show has always been its ensemble format. Twilight may be a princess and the star, but without her friends she, and the show, would be nothing.


Yeah but this is not really the avengers were we try and hel give focus to each member of the mane cast since animated films have smaller run times than blockbuster superhero films
Still I am sure the rest of the mane six will have their awesome moments in the movie

I never understood why animated films can't have comparable length compared to regular films. It's certainly possible.


You have to dray ever seconds 24 times

Well, if the studio can create twenty-six 22-minute episodes per year (572 minutes), then can't an animated movie run longer than 80 minutes?


Does it look like it's made in Flash ?

No, but other animated tv shows that made movies were hand-drawn, and it also took years to produce. The Simpsons Movie, for example.


and the Animation looks jest like the TV-show ?

I guess what I'm driving at is, I would think all the effort that goes into a 26 episode season (or however many per series), would be equivalent to a two-hour moive. Granted the expectations are higher and the animation requires more work per frame. I'd think you'd just be trading quantity for quality. See my line of reasoning?


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