My Little Pony: The Movie 264 members · 126 stories
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So, October 6th is coming up. And I'm so excited to see that movie we've been waiting years for - Blade Runner 2049! And the other major release - The Mountain Between Us! :trollestia: Of course the movie I'm most excited about is My Little Pony: The Movie. But I must admit, I do want to see the other two wide releases listed above. Any of you planning on checking them out?


well.... my dad will be seeing the Blade Runner 2049 movie. but for me? I'm so seeing the MLP Movie!! <3 <3

I'm requesting the day off, so maybe I'll pull a double feature day if Blade Runner doesn't conflict showtime.

6125192 I'm planning on going to see the MLP movie, but I'm also going to mention Blade Runner 2049 to my sis and brother-in-law, just in case they might want to catch it, or another movie at our local theater.

Comment posted by Dreadnought deleted Sep 23rd, 2017
Comment posted by Dreadnought deleted Sep 23rd, 2017

Don't get me wrong. I plan on seeing MLP at least twice over the weekend. But BR2049 looks good too. I've seen the original and was, well, less than impressed. It lacks a strong plot, and is more about setting and tone - a scifi film noir. But follows up after the original and might finally address the biggest unanswered question of the original - is Harrison Ford a replicant? But who knows. Ridley Scott's recent film (an Alien prequel) did less than spectacularly. Personally, I'd like to see MLP take the top spot at the box office. That might finally give MLP the respect it deserves.


Who knows. Maybe I'll do a double feature of MLP! :pinkiehappy:



Personally, I'd like to see MLP take the top spot at the box office. That might finally give MLP the respect it deserves.

agreed <3

speaking of movies...... I saw The Lego Ninjago Movie tonight <3

How was it? I thoroughly enjoyed The Lego Batman Movie but was underwhelmed by The Lego Movie - so I'm not sure I'll go see it. Also it's based on a tv series I never watched.


I'm gonna see it too. As you can see from my other thread. :pinkiesmile:

it. was. AWESOME <3

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