My Little Pony: The Movie 264 members · 126 stories
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I know this is weird to be thinking about before the movie is even released but I thought I could write my own retelling fanfic retelling the events of the movie but my own way,c hanging things and using rejected concepts from the movie art book

I am asking for someone to help beta and co write and the story will be after I see the movie after the release on the 20th

Yes you read that night, I like in the uk and the 20th is when the movie gets released here

Anyone interested?

You've caught my interest... mostly because I'm sort of doing the same thing, but its more along the lines of my own OC being added into the movie, which comes out Oct. 6 for me here in California

This sounds very... tempting.

Rub it in please
Kidding but seriously at least we Brits have the MCu movies first

Point taken... XD

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