My Little Pony: The Movie 264 members · 126 stories
Comments ( 14 )
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So, here we are, just about a week out. I had a few things I wanted to address:
1) Is anyone going to see it with a group? I've seen the meups on EQD, but the closest is still a couple hours drive. I may see if I can go. How about you?
2) Is anyone kinda, angry, about the early showings? I saw there's a few this weekend, but alas, none near me.
3) Has anyone had issues with the title? Couldn't they have come up with something more creative than The Movie?


6133817 1) I'll be going solo next Friday, I'm afraid.
Although me sis said that she and her hubby might just catch one of the other movies that'll be playing there whilst I'm watching it.
2) No, not at all.
3) Not really, and probably so, but we're getting it, so I'm not about to gripe about the title.
We're getting movie ponies.
'Nuff said.

1) I'm not going to see it in theaters. With as much as it costs to get just the ticket, ignoring the added cost of food and drinks, there's no way I'm going to the theater. And the theater's a bit too far for me to want to ride my bike there, and I can't drive. And I'm not about to ask someone to drive me to a pony movie.
I might love MLP, but I'm enough of a cheapskate to not pay for a movie ticket. I'll just wait for it to be online or for the library to start buying DVDs.
2) *see above
3) Not really. I'm just glad we're getting a pony movie.

Hmmm.... the link didn't work.


Hopefully i'm going to be seeing it on or around my birthday (19 oct) with my family and friends

I'm definitely watching it probably the 3rd day after it comes out at my local theater because of my work schedule.
Oh yeah, I was a little irritated because it said it was coming to theaters Friday, But it's actually coming out Thursday. :applejackconfused:

Although.... I'm going to be alone watching this. :fluttershysad:

Lol. I can't wait to see what the Box office employee is going to say to me.

It's not a week if you're in the UK like me :fluttershysad:

I have to wait until the 20 October for it

I can't lie. That really sucks.


1. well, I'm going to be seeing the MLP Movie by myself because my dad will be seeing Blade Runner 2049 movie, but if I'm lucky I might find some fellow Bronies and Pegasisters from around my area that will be seeing the movie :)

2. I'm a little annoyed by the early showings because one thing is for certain, I will be seeing the Movie on the day it comes out and not on any another day besides that.

3. I'm fine with the title as how it is because it does provide a reference to the same name back in 1986 :)


I'm a little annoyed by the early showings because one thing is for certain, I will be seeing the Movie on the day it comes out and not on any another day besides that.

I will certainly see it on October 6th, but maybe another day or two as well.


ok :)

yeah, it's really rare for me to see a movie while it's still in theatres more than once because my dad has a busy schedule ^^;

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