My Little Pony: The Movie 264 members · 126 stories
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Well Bronies and Pegasisters living in the USA...... we just have 1 day left to go for the MLP Movie, of which it will be Tomorrow for those living in the USA!!! :D :D :D the long wait for the MLP Movie will finally be over tomorrow!!! (again it's for those that live in the USA) :D :D :D :twilightsmile: :moustache: :ajsmug: :rainbowdetermined2: :raritystarry: :yay: :pinkiehappy:

Can't wait! Expect a lot of fan fictions, specifically that unicorn... who's name I don't know...

We be treadin' on historic ground, mon.

There are some theaters in the US that will be showing it today, including one in the neighboring town, and there's a good chance that I'll be seeing the movie in theaters this evening.

6143294 I know that I'm got to our local theater to see it tomorrow evening, and I look forward to it with much anticipation!:ajsmug::pinkiehappy::rainbowwild::yay::raritystarry::twilightsmile:

you mean Tempest Shadow? :)

And don't forget early showings tonight ;)

6143365 Yes, her. Hell, there is already stories of her.

Gonna do my best to catch the 6:30 PM showing tomorrow, as that's the one with the best window of time for me.

Yeah. Tempest Shadow is the one MLP Movie character I'm looking forward to seeing in the MLP Movie =3

yeah. the best window of time for me to see the MLP Movie is around the early part of the afternoon hour, namely around the 1:00 hour because of two things:

1. my dad helping to serve food for the football players at the church we go to.

2. attending a Homecoming Football game at the school I used to go to.

I Can't even watch it on the first showing, because of work... So I'll have to watch it sunday. :trixieshiftleft:

6143438 *nods* Cool, and good point.

Around here, though, the only Homecoming game that Steve and Terry would go to would be that of my grand-niece Maggie's school, Troy Buchanan High School (mainly 'cause she's in the band there), but their was last Saturday, so I'm good to go tomorrow evening.

'Course... that's NOT saying that they might not go to the game tomorrow night IF it's a home game, but we'll have things worked out before then.
(I don't have either a car OR a driver's licence, you see, so they'd have to take me and drop me off so they could go on up to Troy for the game.)

Oh, and btw, thanks for the Watch, my friend. I really appreciate it.:ajsmug::rainbowkiss::twilightsmile:

You guys are lucky. The local theater isn't going to be getting the movie in at all, meaning I'm SOL.

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