My Little Pony: The Movie 264 members · 126 stories
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I tink I be seein' why dere's a few sites out dere who are pannin' our pride and joy three years in da makin'. It's just a buncha uncarin' dolts who be tinkin' dey know what dey be seein' before dey even begin analyzin' anyting. IGN, Metacritic, and Hollywood Reporta are just to name a few, da last of which has really got me into a bad mood. He declares it 'worse dan de Emoji Movie,' witout even comparin' it wit dat piece of raptor scat.
For added proof, about ninety-five percent of all da comments on dat foolish review page are criticizin' him for his biased hate, and pointin' out how he's ignorin' all da good stuff. And rightfully so, I might add.
Examples dat show why we shouldn't be listening to dese fools right now and judge the film for ourselves (contains spoilers):

"Tell me, Michael Rechtshaffen, how do go to sleep at night having typed the sentence "worse animated feature than The Emoji Movie" with either a straight face or a shred of conscience?

Half the time you don't even review the movie, just let loose a vacuous snark fest about the irrelevant studio politics. It doesn't take anyone with half a braincell to realize that the cynicism, product placement whoring and inane dumbness in The Emoji Movie already puts it well below this movie, even if it is as mediocre as you feebly claim it to be."

"Oh, what a great and detailed, totaly-not-biased review."

"I can sum up your review in eight letters, but I shall refrain from putting them on there. I knew critics like you would dismiss this film like you do most every non-Disney animated film."

"are you serious? THIS could be worse than The Emoji Movie? can't be serious, there's no way in hell you can say that with a straight face! you gotta be joking. this has to be joke! either that, or you were totally stoned off your ass when you wrote this. i mean, for god's sake! HAVE YOU SEEN THE EMOJI MOVIE?!"

"Worse than the Emoji Movie?

Tell me.

How does a movie that is the most cynically-made film anyone has ever seen, boasts about having completely shameless product placement, and concept is so hated and creatively sterile be worse than a movie based on a TV show with an actual plot and lore that's been going on for seven years?

This review is just plain terrible."

""Worse than the Emoji Movie"

Sure, the MLP Movie may not be that good, but REALLY?

This is why I don't trust most critics these days. Bias."

"Would a little elaboration kill ya?"

"You either have an agenda or some serious angst against the franchise for some reason.

You don't comment on the animation, music, or any number of points that would actually make up a legitimate review. Instead, you blithely ramble on about the movie in a way that any simple summary written months ago could tell.

Like many of the other petulant reviewers out there that are instantly dismissing this movie, you don't even address the powerful lesson of Tempest being harmed (the reason for her scar and broken horn) and finding her way to self-acceptance.

You could legitimately argue that the pacing of the movie felt rushed or contrived at some points or that The Storm King's own character had little to no development, but you couldn't be bothered to craft an actual review. It's not a perfect movie by any stretch of the imagination, but you put in zero effort in a pitiful attempt to slam the movie to the ground for no good reason at all.

Sadly, you give legitimate reviewers a bad name and do a disservice to all the good ones out there."

"This... this is a review? Did you even see the movie? There's a lot of "it appears" and "remains to be seen" and vague references to the future while dropping a basic description of the movie that was already readily available with any half decent internet searching skills. And for crying out loud, you even get Fluttershy's name wrong!"

And da list goes on and on. honestly, I be tinkin' our film's gonna get polarizin' reviews for a little while, until, dat is, people actually go in-depth wit what dey got. Dis be a movie made for us, the fans, and possibly for dose who seek to watch sometin' new wit a fresh and open mind.

Here's to judgin' da film for ourselves, my friends. I, personally, am going to go see it next Tuesday. And I plan to blog about it as open-minded and truthfully as da twit on Hollywood Reporta ignorantly and dishonestly stated his opinion...

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