My Little Pony: The Movie 264 members · 126 stories
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Well, it seems as though our movie has accrued the reviews listing it as an average flick - mixed to positive, with polarizing reviews in between. I cannot say that I'm too surprised, given the rather alien subject matter nearly all the critics have been plunged face-first into, but I do admit that the results in and of itself are fascinating. With the critical consensus of the lesser primates who run the site of Rotten Tomatoes being

'Charming and sweet, My Little Pony: The Movie will please its dedicated fanbase, even if it's unlikely to encourage non-devotees to gallop along for the ride'

, I do think we can call this a win, if not a Pyrrhic victory. All the negative comments I see are obviously biased and something along the lines of 'oh, it's just hasbro making a quick buck' whilst ignoring the obvious effort the team and actors gave, while the positive ones point out the splendid art style, voice acting, music and backgrounds. The line stands that the audience reaction to the movie is past ninety-percent, so I think we can come to the conclusion that the critics feel 'meh' on it, while everyone else has much higher and more open-minded opinions; and it's surely the movie we, the fanbase, deserved.
What do you all think? I'm actually hoping we get ourselves a sequel...

I liked it, thought it was worth seeing. The problem is that any non-Disney or Pixar animated movie tends to get poor reviews, and My Little Pony is no different. Not the best movie of all time, but it came out well.

Not to mention that this, a movie about colorful ponies, is getting good reviews at all by those have never seen the show before? I'll take that over it being outright panned any day.

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