My Little Pony: The Movie 264 members · 126 stories
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It's made just over 15 million munnies at the box office so far, holds mixed (some say 'mixed-to-negative') reviews from critics, and mostly positive reviews from audience viewers. It holds 50% on Rotten Tomatoes as of now. (And to think it was at 67% at one time... sigh) What do all think of it so far? If it ends up not making back its budget, do you think that it could have consequences for the show? It's just a thought that's been worrying us.

I believe Hasbro knows that the movie won't make a bunch of money at the box office. This was something for fans of the show, which I'm sure Hasbro is ok with. Most of their money will come from the toys and I think they knew this going into it. So I don't think there will be any negative effects on the show

It's just that most shows that make their own movie adaptations are changed in some way or another afterword. (Take Spongebob, for example! After the first movie, the show went *fizzle, fizzle, fizzle, crackle, pop!*) I hope that doesn't happen with our show.

6156792 I don't think it'll have too profound an effect on the show. Hasbro definitely promoted it, but they have plenty of other show endevors to fall back on. I'm fairly certain the movie will break even at the box office, and most of the reviews will be critical specifically because they're not familiar with the show and are gonna see it just as another kids movie. As long as the overall fandom conseus is that the movie was great (if somewhat flawed), I don't think it'll effect the show.

Gall and I already know why the critics were so judgmental, and even biased at times. They got dunked face-first into a world that had seven seasons worth of development and world building. I'm just always afraid that something just might happen anyway. (We wanna see Tempest appear in the show before it goes! Wwwwaaaaagghhh!)

I don't think the being " dunked face-first into a world that had seven seasons worth of development and world building " is a valid excuse since that happens with a lot of movies. The film conveyed what it needed to about the world, and got across what was going on. You didn't need to watch the show top understand the film, and I feel it stood on it's own merits. But reviewers are human just like any of us and as such give it more negative reviews because of it. Like how some of the male critics will look down on it for being a film that is "for little girls". I'm sure Hasbro are aware of this though and understand that fighting such things, especially with how some members of the fandom ahve acted in the past, meaning they'll take this on the chin. The real question is will their investors and such. if not that COULD affect the show (unless it's still making a killing in ratings and the toys are still selling like hot cake). Plus as Subject19 said, if most of the money comes from the toys, then they'll call it a win. So everyone that wants them to do more, need to buy the Tempest merchandise and such.

But to answer your question. No it won't affect the show. The usual stuff will. All this film will do is have an affect on the future of weather they'll make more films or not.

I think Cellspex said it best when she said the movie was like an anime movie from a series, its pretty much non-canon and won't ever be mentioned or referenced again

6157847 Pretty sure they've announced that some of the movie characters will cross over into the show, and that the movie takes place between Seasons 7 and 8.

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