My Little Pony: The Movie 264 members · 126 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Woo-hoo! The film's actually making a decent profit right now! So far, anyway. Last I saw, it was just a little over $15 million. Now, it's at $26.1 million.
Let's hope this keeps going!

Oh and don't forget about the bluray/dvd release! I'm going to get a copy myself.

Well it wont get any from me because apparently, it wont be showing in any cinemas that's i can get to within 1 day


Rotten Tomatoes still has it at 8.8 million. Where did you find these numbers?


Don't tell me you believe anything from rotten tomatoes. They are even less credible than the idiots who hold "The end is near" signs on street corners.

>Rotten Tomatoes is reliable.


Already starting to figure, cause the kind of "reviews" they accept there (I look at you, Roger Moore, or should I say, Mr. Insipid?).....
I was hoping that RT would at least get the box office numbers right. Currently, they still show the numbers from the first weekend, but they have what seems to be an estimate of the second weekend's numbers on the left, so I'm still in good faith they will update once the numbers for weekend #2 are confirmed.
If not, I'll stick to Box Office Mojo in the future.

I'm going to get a copy as well.

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