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Group Admin

I can't remember what happened in September. Which is a bit of a problem when that's now, at least in my time zone. Hopefully this month-specific amnesia will clear up in time for me to realise that I'm the one who killed them all is supposed to be running FF150. Hey, would you look at that? It worked! Rules refresher here:

Here are the full rules.

Remember, there is no prize, as such, for this contest -- but if you win, you will be able to choose the prompt for the next contest. You'll also get a mention on the group's front page. If I remember that, of course. It'll still be September at that point, although by the time the next prompt actually opens it'll be October. Okay, shut up, Logan. Here we go:

Prompt: "Meanwhile, Down on the Farm..." (selected by last month's winner, Somerset Cider)
Rating: E or T
Word limit: 150
Closing date: Tuesday 21st September 2021, 11:59 pm UK time (world clock)

Please reply to this post with your entry. This makes it easier for me to keep track. Please do not leave feedback until after the closing date.

Entries are now open! Have fun! :twilightsmile:

I'm kinda worried I might've squeezed all the life out of my original rough draft in my efforts to get it beneath the word limit, but regardless, this was a fun prompt to work with. It's always nice when the story comes to you easily, y'know what I mean?

Anyway, here's this month's submission:

Country Morn

"It's all about positioning, Rainbow," Applejack explained. "Too far from the tree, nothin'll happen. Too close, 'n' if the trunk don't break, it'll be yer leg that does."

Too tired to heed her fiancée's advice, Rainbow bucked the tree from too far away. Apples fell regardless, but not many.

Applejack sighed. "Dash, what'd I just tell ya?"

"Look, AJ, you know I love you," Rainbow groaned, "but I'm just not a morning pony, okay?"

"Sorry, Rainbow," Applejack began, "but if yer livin' under our roof from now on, ya've gotta play by our rules. B'sides, y'know the saying: 'Early birds get the worms'."

"We're not birds, AJ!" the pegasus retorted.

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Y'know what? Follow me, Rainbow; Ah know what'll make a morning pony outta you."

"So, whaddaya think?"

Rainbow grinned, her eyes fixed on the beautiful sunrise dawning over the Acres. "I could get used to this."

There's a subtle choice I like to make when I write something like this. Can you figure out what it may be?

Magic Carpet Ride

He pulls her hoof into his, "Let's run away together, just the two of us. We'll take a bunch of seeds and start our own orchard farm, one filled with nothing but apples and pears."

She gazes up into those gentle emeralds that leave her lost for words.

"It'll be an illustrious garden, blooming with roses that perfectly captures our affection for each other."

Her skin shivers at the touch of his hoof caressing her cheek with long and slow strokes.

"And with the fruits that bare, our love will continue to grow. Lasting on, forever."

"Hello?" she waves a hoof over her friend's eyes that are caught on Bright Mac in the field over, but she can't break the blissful trance she's in, "Chiffon Swirl to Pear Butter. Do you copy?"

"...plant all your seeds. I want a bushel of apples."

Swirl cautiously moves back from the daydreaming mare.

Ehh, mine’s probably not the most creative or well written this time. I’ll settle for just good enough this month.

Might I now present the very average

Just Another Tuesday

I stared down the line of ponies as they walked up, bought apples or cider and moved along as the next pony repeated what they did.

Easy enough to just manage the bits as they paid me. Drop ‘em in a bag, hoof them the apples, repeat.

Then stuff got mighty weird as the clouds changed color, turning pink and raining down chocolate on everything.

This weren’t nothing exciting to Ponyville, an’ I just shrugged it off and continued moving the line along, though maybe I shoulda payed more attention to it.

Next thing I knew, next customer had leaves in their coat as they took root in front’ of the farm, an’ the rest in line started changing too, from turning ‘ta Zebras, to popping off limbs.

Things got fuzzy af’er that, but I remember a lott’a barking.

But that’s jus’ life on a Ponyville farm, I guess. Eeeyup.



“Oh dear, where could she be?” Rarity cried out in desperation. “It’s all my fault.”

“Now, now.” Hondo Flanks patted her on the head. “Don’t blame yourself for the argument you had with Sweetie Belle. She had it coming.”

“Dear, how can you say that at this time?” Cookie Crumbles looked at him angrily. “What if something happened to her?”

“Oh, you mean something like a CAMPFIRE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LIVING ROOM!?!”

“Sweetie Belle was just expressing herself.” Cookie Crumbles argued.

“She was expressing fire!” Hondo struck a hoof on the ground.

“Dad, mom, for the love of Celestia, stop it!” Rarity screeched. “Think! Where haven’t we looked yet? Where else could she have run away to?”

Meanwhile on the farm in Feyona’s dog house, “Mmm, so comfy. Who needs a campfire, anyway. Dog houses are warm plenty.”

Edit: 14 - Runaway


Shooting Stars (I Could Really Use a Wish Right Now)

In the ruins of a coconut plantation on a deserted tropical island, a nerdy-looking girl sat wearing glasses and ripped, torn clothes. She scratched her dark, magenta-striped hair.

On the beach in front of her, a row of three signal fires burned. She doubted anyone but herself would ever see them.

She looked up at the night sky. Another meteoroid entered the atmosphere, burning a glowing trail across the heavens.

She sang, "Can we pretend that shooting stars...in the night sky...are AEROPLANES? Cause I could really use a RESCUE now. I could really use a RESCUE now."

She heard birdsong from a nearby tree. The girl picked up a rock and threw it. A moment later, a bird fell to the sand.

She bent over it, studying its blue plumage. "Huh. What's a Cyanocitta cristata doing here?" She shrugged. "At least it's something I can eat that isn't another coconut."

Author's Note

So, I heard there's this thing called Mordetwi. :twilightsmile:


If you want to see more short short stories by me, you can look at "Proverbial," and Other Very Short Stories.


I go, I come back. I can't even remember the last time I took part in one of these (March, was it?), but I feel reasonably less unconfident enough to try again.

A Voice Without Colour

Granny Tessitura found the old envelopes in the attic. She’d been searching for chaffsong herbals when her hoof stumbled across curling paper. And faded ink.

She read. Reread. Lingered.

Eventually, filly Staccatissimo popped up. “Granny?”

“Hm, what!? Nothin’! Nothin’s wrong!”

“Uh… Big Spinto’s about to start burnin’ the chaffsong crop. I can’t wait! I can’t wait!”

From downstairs, Ryder barked his head off.

“Land sakes, I’m a-comin’…”

By the time they’d gone outside, the fields roared. Smoke plumed. Among the blackness, fragments of songs escaped, flapping free from ashy husks.

Big Spinto watched.

“Bumper crop this year,” Granny said. “Lots of musical numbers gonna find nests now.”


“Lots of ponies gonna have happy moments.”


“Well… moments, anyway.”


“She used to love this.”


“Rara’ll be comin’ back someday, right?” pleaded Staccatissimo.

One hopeful song briefly roosted inside them, except that some hearts were nothing but broken nests.


Other Paths, and Their Passengers

The letter had been buried beneath textbooks and dust-crusted tools—an intentional prison, if a weak one. Blunt statements of facts and forecasts, dressed in rough curls and the imagined scratch of Limestone's voice, reached Marble Pie anyway.

The farm is fine. Short on hooves though. Gonna be a graft to meet orders.

For a moment, the sound of her dormmates getting ready filled the air; listening, Marble tried to pick out any sense of duty or obligation lurking beneath hopeful plans for the night ahead—familiar fears to draw comfort from.

Pa's better after his injury. Be easier once we build up the savings and get some hired hooves in.

Marble met her reflection's gaze, judging eyes framed by her eyeliner—the curves of the latter as delicate as her submission portfolio.

Limestone wasn't mad. She was just speaking of facts and acceptance and duty.

Marble's curves sagged anyway.


Even in her old age Fluttershy didn't mind getting her hooves dirty to spend time with one off her daughter's Harmony, "it's always a blast to spend time with you mom, planting grape seed's to help the hedgehog's", squeaked the small, lively harmony as her elderly mother grinned.

Fluttershy carefully whispered to the seed as she lowed the seed into the hole and slowly coved it up in soil wishing the seed all the best..
"oh, sorry, I was so focused on the seed, my deer, its just nice seeing you happy and helping the wildlife makes it better, I'm just worried my little pumpkin is growing up, and will soon fly the nest like your big sister" Fluttershy cried.

Harmony gave a big hug "oh mommy you silly me and windy will always come back no matter how far we go, we won't forget you" Fluttershy knew she was right.


Finally I get around to entering this contest, albeit tenuously to the prompt, but still...

Rarity plucked the vinyl disc from the shelf of Records and Bagels, a relatively new shop to Ponyville, “Of all ponies to have a successful rap career, who would have thought it would be Applejack?” she mused aloud.

“Of all ponies into rap who'd have thought it would be you?” retorted Rainbow Dash.

Rarity raised an immaculate eyebrow, somehow adding sarcasm without changing her tone, “And just how is the latest Daring Do book?”

“Oh, so awesome,” her excitement was immediately palpable, “I'm just at the part where Daring Do's triggered a razor-sharp bladed pendulum trap and-” she stopped in her tracks, “OK, point taken. So what's her latest album called?”

A surprisingly pleasant mix of country, hip-hop and southern drawl filled the air as the record was placed onto the store's sample player, “Meanwhile, Down on the Farm,” Rarity replied, feeling herself starting to drift into the music.


Recalling Past Deeds

What was the meaning of this nonsense?

In all her imaginary years of expertise in the fine art of proper communication and negotiation, Rarity couldn’t possibly conceive how her partner had persuaded Twilight Sparkle, who was one of the brightest mares she ever met, to join in this charade.

I’m not actually mad at Rainbow Dash. I don’t need any model.

She understood Rainbow Dash had her priorities at the time. What was the Bearer of the Element of Loyalty going to choose if she must decide between stopping and allowing two of her so-called friends to get back into the carriage or convinced Applejack that nopony blamed her for not being able to win all those events in that rodeo competition?

But why did Rainbow Dash let them strand in the middle of nowhere?

None of them remember us.

The Bearers claimed to be friends, but they were not.


The Apples had agreed to deal with the latest changes in the morning, and the dreaded time had come to take stock yet again.

In the orchard nothing grew but the trees, jutting from hexagonal stone plinths as far as the property reached, their onyx boughs were bent double, overladen with globular fruit the likes they'd never seen. Of the remaining animals, the roosters had taken to laying golden eggs balanced perfectly on the roof of the chicken-coop.

Applejack tended the coop while Mac towed their now square-wheeled cart to the acres. Apple Bloom was still missing; Twilight had offered in passing during her apologies that she should turn up sometime next week.

Applejack glanced to the castle, still vividly aglow and eager to spout another wave of magic. She huffed and returned to work. For her part, this Discord Magic Exchange Program couldn't end soon enough.

That 'meanwhile' bit of the prompt cannot be ignored, and look what it made me do...
ETA: I had read none of the earlier entries prior to submitting this; any similarities with "Just Another Tuesday" are entirely coincidental.

So, thought I'd chuck my hat into the ring, even though it's not elegible.

A Wooly Jumper

A far away village, a baker snaps open and closed a small jewel box.

A diamond briefly sparkles in the light.

“Oh dear, what have I done” she mutters.

Meanwhile, down on the farm, a mighty red stallion rests after a long days labour.

He drifts in to a slumber dreaming of his one true love.

Their eyes meet, a coy smile and a flutter of lashes.

They walk in the glowing moonlight side by side, almost touching to a quiet place down by the brook.

She leans against him as they sit, turning to rest her soft lips against his ear as he yearns for her to say the words he longs to hear……….


“Consarn it Mac! Git up! Those blessed crystal ewes have escaped again” Apple Jack pounds into the barn scattering small sheep in all directions. “Darn Fluttershy for convincing me to take them”


Group Admin

Just over one day to go, everyone!

Do I get a last minute submission if I get here before the judge has closed the contest? I'm gonna say yes? I guess like Somerset, I don't mind if it's not eligible.

Apple Cider Spell Buzzer

Thunder boomed outside the Apple family home, rain rhythmically pelted every shingle and slat. Moisture streaked down the windows and the gutters sputtered with downpour. Distantly, twin ravens cawed in time with flashes of lightning.

Completely oblivious, Applejack took a sip from one of numerous, now empty cider mugs. "Now, now these here," she gestured to her cutie mark, "These here are the jewels. The jewels of the family."

"Eeeeeyup," Big Mac hiccuped, tilting back on his chair, "Them's the rarities."

Distantly, from beyond the candle-lit kitchen, a knock at the front door.

Big Mac dizzily stood up, "I'll get it," he slurred.

Big Mac bumped/thudded through the hallway, disappearing. Eventually Applejack heard the door open. There was a sound of scuffle...


"Who is it?" Applejack called.


A furry, misshapen body lumbered into view.

"Wuh," Applejack sputtered, "Whut?"

"Revenge, Marshmallow Pony," The diamond dog started his chainsaw.

Group Admin

It's eligible! Entries close at midnight UK time, which as I type is in just over two hours. So you're fine. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

7560599 7560600 7560707 7561017 7561246 7561264 7562194 7566702 7567503 7568527 7569293 7569982 7572204

Time's up, folks! A pretty healthy entry list this month, so thank you to all who contributed to that. First time we've been in double figures for a few months.

The usual setup applies, ie that I'll take a few days to mull things over and then post the winner (and, I think, an hon mensh) in the thread. Given the G5 film coming out, it's possible it may take a day or two longer than sometimes, but the result will definitely be up in time for the winner to choose a prompt.

Feedback is open! :twilightsmile:

Now this… This I like.

KwirkyJ makes things even worse somehow

7560599 (Country Morn)

I feel as though you're burning words unnecessarily, but can't pinpoint where so I guess ignore that. The unyielding power dynamic scares me a bit for the couple, but that's also my problem. I, too, love the sunrise, but I've seen more through staying awake than waking before them, regardless of outstanding incentives (again, that's on me).

7560600 (Magic Carpet Ride)
Imagination spots, like dream sequences, are tricky beasts. Her last line to herself sits oddly with me. Lady, pining isn't enough; gotta take action.

7560707 (Just Another Tuesday)
I do this a lot, too, but nothing happens: it paints this little idea that neither sets up nor pays off anything... not even to suggest the cause of this ordinarily extra-ordinary situation.

7561017 (Runaway)
I don't fully buy into this one, but that joke in the middle is gold.

7561246 (Shooting Stars (I Could Really Use a Wish Right Now))
Without the supplementary information (and arguably with), this makes no sense. You can just use this character's name. You can clean up the meteor bit (it's in-atmosphere, it is now a meteor by definition) and salvage a few words at the same time.

7561264 (A Voice Without Colour)
I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this correctly but the notion of 'growing' songs and 'releasing' them by burning the paper is really cool. The rest didn't grab me, but I could be missing external information that would make it more interesting.

7562194 (Other Paths, And Their Passengers)
Marble left for university or somesuch, it seems? I'm not sure how to react to this one; there's a line between understated and numb, and this is toeing it. Marble's curves sagged? Oh, her eyeliner... because she's crying, I infer? Her [eyes], or her eyeliner? The language is inconsistent about what refers to what.

7566702 (Late Bloomer)
Are spelling and punctuation merely suggestions to you?
...Story attempts to be cute by giving Fluttershy foals?

7567503 (untitled)
Everyone has interests that might not be obvious... Connecting that commentary to non-obvious career choices seems dubious.

7568527 (Recalling Past Deeds)

What was the meaning of this nonsense?

Best guess is relating some how to the episode where Applejack runs off after performing poorly at a rodeo, but even that doesn't fit even most of the clues.

7569293 (Fount)
Be more strict with the mad sorceress in the tower, you silly pony.

7569982 (A Wooly Jumper)
Dream sequences, like imagination spots, are tricky beasts.

7572204 (Apple Cider Spell Buzzer)
'Marshmallow Pony' doesn't make much sense here. Actually nothing makes much sense here. But it's amusing in a slasher kind of way, so whatever.

Just meant to be a throwaway entry, nothing serious, depicting what Big Mac and others were doing when Discord first broke out in the show, and the immediate chaos. Probably could’ve been handled better with more context, but I’m terrible at world building and word management.


The rest didn't grab me, but I could be missing external information that would make it more interesting.

Just to check: you know who "Rara" is, right?

I forget the episode exactly, but she's the superstar who gets a sanity-check and abandons superstardom for a more low-key (i.e., honest) musical tack, right?

Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback!!

Done well, indifferent, tripe?
As my entry is ineligible, 'twas written to amuse my self.

I did say KwirkyJ makes things even worse somehow...

I still can't decide what works there and what does not, nor whether I enjoy it overall per se. It's tricky I'm not okay. Also echoing and mirroring my comment on an earlier story demonstrates my great wit. I'm sure others got something out of it, and more importantly you are your first reader - you get to amuse yourself with it and (try though I may?) no one can take that away from you.

Group Admin

Right, having now got my G5 viewing out of the way, I can turn my attention back here. I'll post up the results on Tuesday (28th) which should give enough time for the winner to pick next month's prompt.

Group Admin

All right, everyone: it's results time! As a little consolation for making you wait longer than usual, I'll depart from my usual practice and give everyone some (very) short feedback. Please don't expect me to do this every month! But this time, yes. Oh, and the hon mensh/winner will be given after that. Okay? Right...

Simple, calm and cute bit of AppleDash, even if I'm not a great shipper myself. I liked Dash's irritation at the "birds" line.

I don't grasp what your "subtle choice" is, so maybe I'm missing something. Not sure if the penultimate line is deliberate innuendo...

Big Mac's take on the events of the S2 premiere, I assume. He's a straightforward guy, but is he that oblivious to weirdness?

The campfire stuff amused me quite a bit. "Expressing fire"... clever wordplay, but would Hondo use such phrasing? Last line felt a bit on the clunky side.

Honestly, I think this one at least borders on falling foul of the "no crossovers" rule. If I read it as strictly MLP it doesn't make that much sense.

I haven't seen this take on Rara's family before! Feels slightly weird yet amusing, haunting and magical which to me is the essence of Equestria.

Struggling slightly to untangle all the calm understatement. Probably just me, but though I'm interested (and appreciate a Marblefic), I'm also a little bit confused.

A simple scene of domesticity of a quiet kind that suits Fluttershy, though is it really a story? Badly needs some proofreading.

Okay, that made me chuckle. Enjoyed the dialogue, and "Records and Bagels", though as you say yourself the link to the prompt is tenuous.

Not sure how this fits the prompt. Absolutely intriguing last line. That long sentence in the middle seriously needs some breathing spaces.

Another bit of Discord-related fun. The Apples stoically getting on with things in the face of total chaos seems pretty fitting.

The Baa was so perfectly placed. An amusing piece that maybe loses something from a slightly clunky ending. Also needs minor proofing for punctuation.

Diamond Dogs aren't the sharpest tools in the box, are they? Nice tense atmosphere. The "Rarity/rarities" thing feels a bit forced, though.

Thank you to everyone who entered! You may all have a yay: :yay: But the non-prizes go to...

Hon mensh: KwirkyJ -- I liked this one. AJ has of course encountered Discord many times, she knows what he's like... and his chaos and her straightforwardness don't sit that well together. She knows what's up, and she's waiting for it to stop.

Winner: Impossible Numbers -- This is a great mini-example of world-building, and one which (to me, anyway) is a believable piece of Earth pony magic. The ending is right in the feels, too, but with that hopeful note given what we know happened in "The Mane Attraction".

Congratulations! Impossible Numbers, this isn't new to you so you know the score, but to be explicit about it: please choose a prompt for October's contest and post it in this thread in the next day or two.

Thank you again to everyone who entered! Feedback remains open for all who'd like to say more. :twilightsmile:


I was honestly wondering for a while if I'd played it too heavily: "Oh, Impossible Numbers, they're so obviously copy-paste Apple family members! Come on!" Then I had the opposite suspicion and wondered if I'd played it too opaquely again. :applejackconfused:

No worries about a prompt: I've done Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo themes before, so this time I'll complete the trio and pick something for Apple Bloom. And since next month is Hallowe'en month, how about...?

The Potion

And like last time (the Sweetie Belle prompt), and the time before that (the Scootaloo prompt), let's add an optional bonus challenge, just for fun (not for points):

Normal: Write whatever you want.
Easy: Make up your own potion(s) or potion ingredient(s).
Medium: Include any potion(s) or potion ingredient(s) seen in canon - canon as defined by Loganberry for this contest.
Hard: Include a Heart's Desire potion only, which grants your wish but in the worst way possible (see "The Cutie Pox" for an example).

If it helps, canon potions can be found using CTRL+F and searching "potion" on this wiki page, and the "Magic Plants" section on the same page is a good source of inspiration for potential potion ingredients.

Also, if that "hard" challenge seems too narrow, keep in mind I don't specify how you use the potion. As a straightforward cautionary tale, as a prank, as a researched thing, as an inventor's creation, a prop for something else, however you like it.

Lastly, a reminder that the challenges are optional and won't give you any particular advantage in the judging: they're just challenges for the taking.


Oh, and:

I haven't seen this take on Rara's family before! Feels slightly weird yet amusing, haunting and magical which to me is the essence of Equestria.

:twilightblush::twilightsmile: Thanks. That was really sweet.


I don't grasp what your "subtle choice" is, so maybe I'm missing something. Not sure if the penultimate line is deliberate innuendo...

It was a little forced, I'll admit. I guess the best way to explain this is by retrospection Pear Butter's life.

Pear Butter married into Bright Mac's family (the Apple family) and raised three foals together, the only second largest number of offsprings the show has given us that I'm aware of (the first being the Pie family with four). With 3 baby Apples in a society where the norm is usually 1-2 babies, I would say that those two got a 'bushel of apples' on their hooves.

I like Hon Mensh! It means the non-prizes are at least doubled, my ego-anxiety complex gets a head-pat, and I don't have to think up a prompt!

Maybe I should point out, it's Discord's magic but...
'Magic Exchange Program'; glowing castle; Twilight making the apologies
...He has an accomplice apprentice.

I'd say your interpretation still holds, though: she knows Twilight very well, too. :ajsmug::twilightsmile:

I mean… He usually focuses on the deeds that need doing, and it IS Ponyville. I’m sure that plenty strange things happened in the year going up to that.

Group Admin

Sounds good to me! :twilightsmile: I'll make the relevant updates in a minute, and of course the next thread will go up in a couple of days.

Possibly I'm just dense and miss things that are basically in plain sight. But that's part of the risk you take here! :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, I'm sure he'd continue with the necessary jobs. I just meant that he might have taken a little more interest, and then carried on with the job. But it's arguable I'll freely admit. I am certainly not saying I thought your fic was bad!

On a more general note... I can't help noticing that downvote on my results post. Those very rarely appear (slightly to my surprise, if I'm completely honest), so if whoever left it wants to expand on why then please feel free to do so. I apologise in advance if anyone feels i was unfair to them.

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