Flashfic 253 members · 77 stories
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Group Admin

I'm in a good mood today, since England have¹ won the women's European Championships, the first major international football trophy (men's or women's) won by this country since the 1966 World Cup. I'm not even a massive football fan, but it's hard to quibble too much with this. Anyway, that doesn't have much to do with FF150, but I'm both the admin here and an Englishman so you're getting my hurrah anyway. :yay: Okay, on to ponyfic, so a reminder of the rules:
¹ For any pedants reading, it's fine in British English to refer to a team as plural

Here are the full rules.
Please use this word counter.

You'll note that Rule 6 still explicitly disallows any G5 (and indeed other non-G4) content. This may change before this year is out, but that depends to a considerable extent on people's feelings here. So far there's been a distinct lack of comment on the G5 issue, and if that continues I doubt I'll change things any time soon.

Remember, there is no prize, as such, for this contest -- but if you win, you will be able to choose the prompt for the next contest. You'll also get a mention on the group's front page. You will not, however, get yourself splashed all over the front of the tabloids as a world champion. Well, not unless Equestrian newspapers have been watching FF150 and have got an entirely misguided idea of how these things work. Which, let's face it, isn't entirely impossible.

Prompt: "I hardly know her" (selected by Frazzle2Dazzle)
Rating: E or T
Word limit: 150
Closing date: Sunday 21st August 2022, 11:59 pm UK time (world clock)

Please reply to this post with your entry. This makes it easier for me to keep track. Please do not leave feedback until after the closing date.

Entries are now open! Have fun! :twilightsmile:

One of my favorite symbolisms is the one where a man is holding an apple in the palm of their hand. Apples imply a sense of wisdom or intelligence, and it being in the hand of a man indicates that we possess such a ability.

But much like with grapes, apples have a unique way of making 'sages' out of us.


"I like *hic* your hat, Applejack. You might ask, 'Why, Twilight?' Because i*hic*t shows that you're strong. In some cultures, ponies carry a jug of water on their heads, but you *hic*, you carry ten gallons on yours," Twilight chuckles with a snort, "how it that possible?"

"Somepony can't hold their cider."

"Oh Apple*hic*jack, you're such a silly pony. You sound just like *hic* like Rainbow Dash. Say... say, 'twenty percent cooler'."

"Twi, give me the mug."

"Now listen here, Applejack and Applejack, I am not dru*hic* wast*hic* hamm*hic* pick*hic* intoxicate*hic* drunk," Twilight gulps down the rest of her cider, "four eye've tastud thu fwoot ov nooleige!" she smacks her lips, "...it's bitter."

As Twilight begins to teeter, Applejack catches her as she flops off her hooves, "Come on, let's get you home."

"But Applejack said *hic* I could come along."

"Well Applejack says to get some rest!"

"...who's Applejack?"


So far there's been a distinct lack of comment on the G5 issue

Honestly, I just spent the whole time quietly assuming the answer would eventually default to "Ok, sure."

At the very least, I know I'd be cool with it!


You Made Me an Alicorn for That‽

Celestia levitated the sleeping princess in the air and shook her violently, "Twilight, you have to help me stop this new threat to the world that just surfaced!"

Twilight opened her eyes and nodded. “Just tell me what must be done and I promise I will do it."

"The creature needs to be hooked, and the only bait it will bite on is an Alicorn."

"Um, I'm not sure I follow, Celestia..."

"Why did you think I made an alicorn out of you? What, did you think you deserved it? Lol, no. I just needed bait for my hook, and that’s why I made an Alicorn. Now if you will, put this hook in one of your orifices. I'm going monster fishing!"

“Celestia, what you’re saying is insane. I hardly know you right now.”

“Yes, well, your promise is still a promise.” Celestia waved a hook before Twilight’s face.

Edit: 26 - You Made Me an Alicorn for That‽

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Same, I'm perfectly happy bringing G5 into the picture. I just assumed Logan would eventually pull the trigger as the material for it grew.

Me too, but I think it would be wise to wait until next month before allowing it. Because with the cast of G5 consisting mostly of females...

*Looks at prompt*

Everyone would have a good excuse for their entries if they're off character.

Obviously not an official entry since I picked this prompt, but I give you

All In The Tabloids

A misconception about Twilight Sparkle, current ruling princess, is that she is as simple to understand as history books make her life out to be.

Yes, she is an arbiter of Friendship and it’s ideals, but that’s not the extent of her personality and worth.

Not many know of the strides she’s made in the field of magic theory, the quite well known “Mirror Doors” that have all but replaced most transportation being her creation. Few know of the breakthroughs in science she has delivered, the radio playing as I right this an astounding product of her brilliant mind. Fewer still know of the trade agreements she oversaw with Griffonstone, bringing it back from the brink of collapse.

And I think none know of the Smarty Pants doll she keeps behind her throne.

I suppose any one of you to read this can assume that you hardly know our princess.

Group Admin

On the G5 issue, I'm open-minded, but thoughts on that probably fit best in the general thread. Definitely still just G4 for the moment, at least.


Big mac's don't cry

big mac couldn't stop looking into the distance thinking, as apple bloom looked waiting hopefully for a answer "what do you remember about mom?" she sheepishly asked, but no answer came.. only tiny pools of water in big macs eyes trying to remember the very little he could, silence fell between them..

"i wish i knew her at all. All i've seen is pictures pf her, my memory doesn't go back enough to even know what sort of pony she could be or even how she sounded" she started to cry as she hugged the still big mac.

he had no answers, no words wishing to be able to answer the impossible question he sighed and pulled out a guitar "is that your guitar" apple asked? "enope" he said as he pointed to the back and a little message read.

"perfect peers bloom together but are best when given support".


Strange Girl

There was a distant rumble of thunder as the rain came down in heavy droplets outside the Crumbles-Flanks residence. Standing inside the doorway, Rarity could see that the orange-haired girl on the porch had been absolutely soaked by it, and was shivering as she looked up at her.

Rarity had seen her before, around school. The new girl, though her attendance had been irregular at best. It was a minor miracle Rarity remembered her.

Yet here she was.

“I just—” the girl stammered. “I can’t stay where I was anymore, and no one will take my bits… I’ve been stuck here two moons and I barely know what I am.” She shuddered, eyes trailing downward. “I don't know what to do, I… need help.”

Little of that made any sense, but Rarity mainly fixated on how pained the word help had felt.

“Of course, Sunset.” She stepped back. “Come inside.”


Gosh, it's been a while. Last time I was here taking part, it was 2021!

Well, since I'm officially around again, I'd like to give the flashfic contests another go. It's my equivalent of the newspaper crossword: something different, something fun and focused, something to test my brain with every now and then.

As for the subject matter of this month's contestant courtesy of myself, it was partly influenced by the larger project I'm working on elsewhere. Think of it as a spiritual cousin, of sorts, or an ongoing thematic contrast and relationship dynamic of which I am naturally and objectively inclined, somewhat coincidentally as per the zeitgeist of current company, et cetera and so on and so forth...

OK, yes, the subject matter is a Rainbow-Dash-Fluttershy fic. And yeah, it's partly judge-baiting. That did occur to me. Feel free to boo and throw tomatoes.

Hey, if nothing else, I'm putting my cards on the table. I still want to see if it does well on its independent merits anyway. I'll take the gamble.

The Spectrum of Spotlights

Her parents knew and cheered everything. They cheered the way she got up, brushed her teeth, flew to school, doodled in class, hid during recess, shouted at them. They cheered how she shuffled home, what she wrote in her diary, how she snored.

Her friend’s parents knew nothing. Except that she came over sometimes (after escaping). And that she listened to gossip. And didn’t talk about herself much. Her favourite this, that, and the other? Well… they knew she liked cocoa. They didn’t probe.

Her shy friend knew a little bit more: saw the outbursts of anger around one pair of parents; saw the insecure, shielding smile around the other.

So whenever she was shouting in self-defence, her shy friend kept quiet, later praising the triple backflip where it’d get moderate compliments over cocoa.

Cultivated confidence.

Her friend knew neither too much nor too little. Her friend knew just enough.

Group Admin

You have just under a week left!

Group Admin

A day and a bit left!

Fair warning, if the entry list stays small I'll do what I've done in similar circumstances in the past and just pick a winner this time, not an hon mensh.


A Truth for Sonata ("I Hardly No Her")

by Mockingbirb

Flash lay next to the lake, gasping for breath. Sonata knelt next to him.

"Adagio and Aria get the best swimmers as their servant boytoys, and I get the boy who can't even dogpaddle. Do you know why?"

Flash coughed. "They made you choose last?"

"Not just that." Sonata touched his cheek. "When Adagio ordered every boy to win the swimming race, and you almost drowned, you discovered something. You learned, even if a siren tells you to do a thing, maybe sometimes you still can't do it."

Flash nodded.

"So someday, if I order you to say you love me...maybe you'll only be able to say it if you mean it. But Adagio will never know what that's like." Her eyes narrowed. "Say you love me."

Flash's fists clenched. "Thank you for rescuing me from drowning. But I don't love you."

Sonata dimpled. "I believe you. Isn't it wonderful?"

Group Admin

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And that's the deadline! Thank you to everyone who entered this month. :twilightsmile: As usual I'll now take a few days to have a think. In the meantime...

...feedback is open!

Now THAT is some excellent wordplay, and a truly magnificent story.

I do find myself curious about the backstory, though.

Glad to have ya back!

I now have a full story set in the same AU as this flashfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/522057/what-my-destiny-is-telling-me

EWhat My Destiny is Telling Me
Five months into her existence as a human, Sunset confides her anxieties and frustrations about the turns in her life and what the future holds for her to her new adoptive sibling - Rarity.
EileenSaysHi · 3.5k words  ·  166  4 · 2.2k views
Group Admin

Results will be posted tomorrow, everyone. What I'll say right now is that every single one of this month's entries had something about it that made me smile, or think, or chuckle, or wince. That was fantastic to see. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

7722940 7722960 7723053 7723226 7726369 7726445 7730386

Results time! With only six eligible entries (plus Frazzle2Dazzle's ineligible one) there's just the one non-prize this month. But sheesh, you guys made it a tough choice. Let's just say I spent longer thinking about this than I have done in some past 15-entry contests. So...

Winner: Impossible Numbers -- yeah, okay, judge-baiting works. :rainbowwild: No, seriously, this was one of the reasons I took so long to decide -- because I wanted to be sure that I wasn't just going, "Yay, Fluttershy!" and boosting it because of that. But... no. I really do like that fic an awful lot. It's lovely. Not a single name used, yet we all know who it's about and what's going on.

Congrats on a winning return! You know the form, so please let me know your choice for next month's prompt. Thank you once again to everyone who entered; you're all brilliant people! :yay:

Feedback remains open, of course.


:pinkiehappy: YES! I DID IT! :pinkiehappy:

:rainbowdetermined2: And now for next month's prompt. I've been thinking of Kingdom Hearts lately, so how about something that'd work as a metaphor in its own right while being a kind of reference to that game? I'm thinking...

Even the Heartless Have a Heart

:scootangel: Cue the redemption fics!

Group Admin

Okie dokie lokie! (Yes, that Pinkie anination is to blame...) I have precisely zero experience of Kingdom Hearts in any flavour, but the prompt is an interesting one anyway. :yay:

“And this month folks, Impossible Numbers made an Impossible Return! Coming back swinging, we look forward to how they perform going forward!”

Congrats! Can’t wait to write out the prompt you gave next month. Looks like a doozy.

I was debating whether or not it was worth posting this, but I figure there's no harm in doing so.
I had this story ready-ish to post sometime before Impossible Numbers showed up again, but I lost a draft and proceeded to get caught complicated feelings about college campuses. Anyway, It would've been ineligible either way:

Something was missing...

Rainbow's mind churned lazily. Last week... The week before... She'd almost had it, last night... The girl, standing, apart... She reached to her left.

The covers were cold.

Groggily, Rainbow recognized that always woke up first. Not today.

There was a note.

I left because I woke up. No. Sorry, su- I guess I woke up first--

There were several more scribbled lines like this until finally, crammed in at the bottom was,

Have to go. Sorry. Thanks.

Rainbow stared at the note in befuddlement. She knew she had to be missing something.


Rainbow had never gotten ready so quickly. She just had to tell her friends about her night.

Rainbow found her friends having lunch at the usual spot on campus.

"I just had the most amazing night!" Rainbow cheered.

"Just?" Rarity scoffed. "It's practically afternoon already, darling."

"Don't worry, Dash," Twilight extricated her silverware and empty plate from Dash's spot, "she's just upset you weren't there for math."

Rarity protested, "Whenever I fall asleep in Hitchbottom's class-- my hair, my makeup; it's ruined. It's bad for my reputation!"

"You don't even go on dates, Rarity," Twilight said.

"Why don't you just drop the class?" Rainbow said.

"First of all, Twilight, It's not about dates. It's my brand as a fashionista. Honestly, what do even think reputation is? Second, I can't drop it, it's required for my degree!"

Rainbow looked for a rebuttal... "Well Twilight has a boyfriend," she pointed out.

"Yes. I know. It's very disappointing."

"How was your night, Rainbow?" Twilight asked.

"Oh It was awesome! Cider, dancing, roller skates~" Rainbow closed her eyes, clutching the sides of her sweater. "And, there was this girl..."

"Oh?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, she was awesome. I... took her home, if you know what I mean."

Rarity sighed, "Are we in middle school?"

Rainbow continued, "But before that, we really hit it off. We both like sports, she's really smart, outgoing. Charming, pretty..." Rainbow trailed into silence, apparently done with her explanation.

"Well," Rarity said, "who was she?"

"I dunno! All she left was this note." Rainbow held out the note.

Twilight took it, looking it over. Then flipped to the backside. "You read the inside?"

"Inside?" Rainbow thought maybe Twilight was talking about the back of the note, "There's nothing there, Twilight."

Twilight rubbed the note, and it unfolded.

Rainbow immediately felt stupid.

Twilight scanned the note...

"Well?" Rarity asked.

Twilight frowned. "It says, 'Applejack.'"

It's a college AU kind of thing where the girls never really got to meet each other. I thought it was an interesting idea since it's important throughout the G4 franchise that the Mane 6 is together. I was aiming for this fic to come away with a kind of hollow feeling. I think I'll revise it at some point.

Edit: Typos, formatting revision.


:rainbowlaugh: For some reason, I read that in an old-timey radio voice. I love it.

Thanks for the congrats. It's good to be back in action.

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