Daybreaker 589 members · 119 stories
Comments ( 17 )
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What ideology would the Solar Empress embrace? Personally, I think Fascist, but what is your take?

Oh yeah. Fascist 100%. It's all about her and only her.

Some sort of Theocratic Monarchy with no nobility... So, Chuch-Dictatorship.

This. She would most certainly elevate herself to the image of godhood, maybe even make her subjects pray to her on a daily basis.


I think Fascist

Yup. And a psychopath.

Question, what have you read about fascism? No seriously what do you actually know? Have you read Mein Kampf or Mussolini' 'My Rise'? You know straight from the horse's mouth, pun not intended.
Have you read Gaetano Mosca's The Ruling Class, Georges Sorel' Reflections on Violence just to list a few of the pre-World War 1 philosophical works that formed the basis of the idea.

Most don't need to read the mad words of a Fash or any other loon to know what fascism is. People should never trust someone online to inform them honestly on such things, /pol and American fetishism for totalitarian ideology has spread too far for that.

Just my opinions though.


Most don't need to read the mad words of a Fash or any other loon to know what fascism is. People should never trust someone online to inform them honestly on such things, /pol and American fetishism for totalitarian ideology has spread too far for that.

Didn't you that according to post-modernism everything is relative? And thus madness is relative.

I am not trusting any one online, I am pointing out to historical texts from pre-World War 1 that is the bases of the political ideology.

Also citation needed

Post-modernism and relativism. Just what exactly do you think I am?
"I'm pointing out to historical texts". Given my initial assumption on the context of your first post and the implications that can be drawn from it I judged you dishonest in intention. Suggesting OP might be ignorant of fascism, seemingly defensive of the ideology and asking that people read a few 20th century works that contributed to something as nebulous as it smacks of a hidden agenda. Especially considering that this is a thread on Daybreaker and not the true nature of fascism.

You need to be a tad more clear as to what requires citation.

This is all off topic, I think. If you think Daybreaker is not a fascist then provide an alternative. Autocracy is all I can think of at the moment.


Post-modernism and relativism. Just what exactly do you think I am?

Since you used the term 'Fasch', I'd figured a post-modernist.

Given my initial assumption on the context of your first post and the implications that can be drawn from it I judged you dishonest in intention.

And there in lines everything wrong with your argument, you assumed

Suggesting OP might be ignorant of fascism, seemingly defensive of the ideology and asking that people read a few 20th century works that contributed to something as nebulous as it smacks of a hidden agenda.

That is your erroneous inference. Addressing those texts were for the purpose of people looking up and actually learn how the ideology developed and how to actually counter it with it's own text

You need to be a tad more clear as to what requires citation.


/pol and American fetishism for totalitarian ideology has spread too far for that.

Yes, I did read too much into that. Being extremely paranoid and breaking with reality is usually a boon for me.
Regarding my source, anecdotes don't count for much.


Regarding my source, anecdotes don't count for much.

Then why did you bring it up?

Why not? The comments section is for comments.
I have more than anecdotes but I'm not invested enough in this conversation to bring up anything else. This is a group dedicated to Daybreaker and a thread about her ideology, it's not about standard sociology , history or politics. If you wish genuine discussion instead of indifference then send me a pm. I thought we cleared it up by now, my assumption was incorrect. Stop harping on a tangent. It's annoying.


Totalitarianism and personality-worship are hardly limited to fascism!

For my own take, I'd sort of point to my fic on her: Self-worship, possessed of intense vanity opposite to Celestia's generally quiet and humble approach. A government dedicated to getting everyone else to join in on the worship, to the extent that art and education are quashed in order to ensure everyone thinks correctly.

So, sort of like a radical theocracy.


The fuck is going on here?

Fascism/Royalism is Daybreaker's ideology in my view.

This is a late reply, but I actually wrote a 3 part storyline that delves into this somewhat. Link to part 1 of it can be found here should you be interested.

Essentially, Daybreaker still holds the same ideals as Celestia at her core, though the way to achieve and protect them is heavily distorted and/or radicalised. Daybreaker, like Celestia, aims to upkeep and protect Harmony and protect her little Ponies, for example. However, while Celestia is a relative pacifist, Daybreaker believes that Harmony can only be achieved through strict Order, as Order guarantees stability and safety, and as such the protection of Ponykind and Harmony.

Did I mention there was war in the Alternate Universe of this? Because there is. Like, a gigantic one between Changelings and Ponies. Again, check it out if you wanna.

So in the end, Daybreaker still earnestly considers herself to be the good guy, despite establishing a Authoritarian State with herself at the centre while eliminating those who try to disrupt Order (since disrupting Order means disrupting Harmony in her eyes).

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