Daybreaker 589 members · 119 stories
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So I watched "A Royal Problem" again just for fun and to get my brain into gear for my stories, and I noticed a line that Celestia said to Daybreaker.

Daybreaker: "You can't destroy me! I've everything you WANT to be!"

Celestia: "No you're not! You are not real, and you will never exist AGAIN!"

After rewatching that scene i began to think about how Daybreaker and Celestia exchanged dialogue that strange.

I could chock it up to Starlights nightmare gone wild and this is how she would perceive a confrontation like this would occur, but Celestia and Daybreaker seemed too... honest in their dialogue.

This led me to thinking...

"Was Daybreaker a real part of Celestia? like Nightmare Moon was a part of Luna?"

If so, what happened to her? Celestia said that "You will never exist again!" Which to me says that Daybreaker must have existed at one point and somehow, be it through magic or some other means, Celestia could have repressed Daybreaker if she was real... keeping her hidden as to not endanger her kingdom.

As we have seen, Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker are both corrupt versions of Celestia and Luna, but Their personalities are very different.

While Nightmare Moon is cold and reserved, with brief moments of hammy laughter, uses intimidation as her weapon, rarely using brute force when it comes to magic. This is probably due to her being a creature of envy.

Daybreaker is loud and raucous, screeching in madness and unleashing powerful bursts of magic. Her appearance is more jagged, with spiky orange armor and orange and yellow slit eyes. To me, Daybreaker is a monster of pride, a extreme exaggeration of Celestia, as opposed to Nightmare Moon's much more subtle change from Luna.

But back on topic, after thinking about this for so long, I came to an interesting proposal about how G4 would end.

"What if Celestia really turns into Daybreaker and she is the final villain of the series?"

This could be one way to send the series off on a bittersweet note, sweet because Twilight and her friends have finally defeated or befriended all of the enemies to Equestria, but bitter because Twilight would have to battle her mentor, somepony sho had taught her so much.

What do you all think?

I think it is a case like Nightmare Moon. She's real but not entirely. She IS inside Celestia but that's all she is. A evil darkside to Celestia who is selfish and beyond arrogant who seeks only her own benefit.

That is a good point, but what about Daybreaker being the final villain?

Entirely possible. But I doubt she'll take over Celestia. Maybe break free or someone inadvertently sets her free.

The question would be how would Starlight (whos dream/nightmare that was) know what the evil Celestia looked like. For NMM you have the storybooks and Nightmare Night at least.

Its like the "We have never seen an Alicorns birth in Equestria" comment Luna made for Flurry, can be they werent born alicorns or that since they were born before Equestria was formed they simply mean in the time since Equestrias unification they havent seen an alicorn being born.

I see Daybreakers helm... that is all I recognize.


The FUNdamentals of Magic w/ Princess Celestia: Magical Objects 💎 (Ep.4) - My Little Pony

Honestly I think that Daybreaker was just manifestation of Starlight's nightmare because she feared two sisters would turn evil because of her. She is a potential breakdown Celestia could have like Luna did or characters in EQG since unstable emotions and magic mix very badly.

Oh sorry, you asked about Daybreaker being final villain. Honestly I don't see it because I doubt they would recycle concept from one time episode like that. Daybreaker could be part of a larger problem or something. I definitely do want to see more of her since she shows Celestia's side that Celestia fears.

I'm pretty sure that helm is what caused her to become Daybreaker. It's a corruptive item like the Alicorn Amulet. That's why Celestia fears Daybreaker, because while it is corruptive, it can only use what's already there. Daybreaker is what she could be.

So it's like the One Ring? Interesting...

Check this out :P

Now do y'all think Daybreaker is real? :3


I could chock it up to Starlights nightmare gone wild and this is how she would perceive a confrontation like this would occur, but Celestia and Daybreaker seemed too... honest in their dialogue.

This led me to thinking...

"Was Daybreaker a real part of Celestia? like Nightmare Moon was a part of Luna?"

My interpretation has always been that Daybreaker was something Celestia brought with her into the dream, rather than a product of Starlight's psyche. (In fact, it's quite possible that so was Nightmare Moon, since I find it unlikely Starlight would know what NNM looked like or how she behaved.)

Anyway, I suspect Daybreaker was simply a manifestation of Celestia's own fears of being corrupted - basically what Celestia imagines she would be if she ever turned evil. She also seems to think this may be a real possibility, if unlikely, going by Daybreaker's comments

If so, what happened to her? Celestia said that "You will never exist again!" Which to me says that Daybreaker must have existed at one point and somehow, be it through magic or some other means, .

Well, this is where it gets a bit philosophical, but technically "existing" can apply to things that are not strictly speaking "real." It can be said that Daybreaker did exist as a dream, or as a psychological construct personifying a hidden aspect of Celestia.

Plus, the dream world in MLP is apparently an actual place. We know this since Luna actually goes there physically when she enters dreams, and because the Tantabus threatened to tear it's way into the waking world. So, there's that. Pony dreams may actually be pretty real to begin with.

But I assume Celestia simply meant: "You, the nightmare of me turning evil, will not be dreamt again."

As we have seen, Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker are both corrupt versions of Celestia and Luna, but Their personalities are very different.

Well, I think that goes without saying, since they are just dark versions of Celestia and Luna, who are different characters.

Daybreaker's personality also makes sense, I think: There are rare times when Celestia shows signs that she is not quite as serene as she appears, and she has carried a very heavy responsibility for at least a thousand years. It wouldn't surprise me at all if there's a part of her who just wants to start setting fire to things.

But back on topic, after thinking about this for so long, I came to an interesting proposal about how G4 would end.

"What if Celestia really turns into Daybreaker and she is the final villain of the series?"

It would certainly be dramatic and make for a good bookend. (It starts with stopping Nightmare Moon, ends with stopping Daybreaker.) However, I think it's very unlikely simply because I can't imagine a believable way it could happen.

I mean, it's not like Luna randomly got possessed by a demon or something. It took a lot of unspoken resentment and bitterness building up for Nightmare Moon to happen. And consider how this show works: The villains typically go bad specifically because they don't understand friendship or get overwhelmed by negativity. I just don't think Celestia is at risk of that.

If anything, The Royal Problem suggests she has been concerned with the possibility, and may have been thinking about it for a very long time. So, she would probably be on her guard and most likely go talk to Twilight and Luna immediately if she thought there was even the slightest chance she might be turning bad. She may even have arranged for emergency measures in case that would somehow occur.

i mean, I guess I could see the writers pull something like that and just handwave the cause, because - let's be honest - the writing quality has never been stellar. It would probably seem kinda forced, though, which would be a shame.

Ahem.... what do you think of the picture on my comment above :I


Well, I never pay much attention to the comics canon and there's not a lot of context to go by, but it seems Mr Evil Shadow Pony is saying that he's from some alternate world and that he knows Celestia and Luna have the potential to turn into highly dangerous villains, because that was true where he was originally from as well.

I don't really think there's much more to it than that, though: He's from a world where Daybreaker was apparently a thing, so he thinks this other Celestia can turn into her as well.

Blah Blah Blah. It does confirm that Daybreaker wasn't a figment of Starlight's Dream.

No. She is a cartoon character from a fictional story.

Is that an official IDW comic?


Actually it just confirms that Daybreaker was real in whatever world the shadow guy came from. Meanwhile, the episode that introduced her confirms that he was right in so far that if Celestia turned evil, she'd decide to call herself Daybreaker. This implies that Celestia was the one who caused Daybreaker to appear rather than Starlight, which you may note was my theory to begin with.

But the fact that Darkness McShadow up there had encountered a Daybreaker in an alternate world doesn't prove that the Daybreaker we saw was anything more than a bad dream.

Wow... when did this issue come out?

Also, WHY didn't the Pony of Shadows look like that on the show?!

earlier in the year 2018 :3

Well I better get looking. Also, while I have you here, go check my stories out! Plz? :fluttershysad:

I'd say Celestia may have brought Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon into the dream, as they don't manifest until after Celestia enters it, and Daybreaker outright reveals herself only once Celestia speaks, and seems to take more time mocking Celestia then I would expect for a mere fabrication, whereas Nightmare doesn't even glance at Luna when she enters.

As for her being the villain, 6548976 repeating things is pretty much the fall-back for the writers, and I wouldn't be surprised if they tried something like that to wrap things up:applejackunsure: I doubt they'd pull it off well, but it could be interesting to see Daybreaker fully on the scene.

6549505 A way they could do it is have Celestia be either tricked by a new lesser villain to or unwittingly put on the Alicorn Amulet, as we haven't seen it in all this time and it certainly would be a way to see it used again.

Nah, she's Starlight's over exaggerated assumption of what a 'Nightmare Celestia' would actually be like.

6548916 It's possible that Daybreaker is a persona that at least was partially created by Celestia out of what she feared a dark version of herself might be like, especially since Daybreaker is noticeably similar to Nightmare Moon yet noticeably different at the same time.

You got that right :3 she does Exist :3

Uh.... I'm trying to think of one ^^;

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