Reverse Gender Role Equestria (RGRE) 2,148 members · 291 stories
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Howdy, everyone. Buckle in, it's gonna be a long one. This was an idea I wanted to talk about, but it took a lot for me to properly explain my thoughts.

TL;DR: I wanna talk about potential RGRE equivalences for gendered terms, such as virgin, housewife, bachelor, mistress, etc. Bonus points for creativity and making it horse related.

I've been thinking about phrases and how they apply to RGR settings. I know I'm not the only one, as there are already a few phrases and terms popular in RGRE stories.

As an example, there's "janefilly," which applies to most human males in RGRE settings. IE: Men who are masculine by Earth's standards, but feminine by RGR standards.

The term comes from the IRL term "janegirl" which is the equal and opposite term for "tomboy". In other words, a janegirl is a boy or man who has a feminine personality and/or tendencies. Take that term, replace the "girl" with "filly," and you've got a term perfect for RGR Equestria.

I think there are more terms and phrases that could be given this treatment.

For example, "Virgin" is a term that only applied to women until very recently. It used to be that there was no term for a male virgin, because male virginity isn't seen as something valuable. The concept of male sexual purity is somewhat oxymoronic, culturally speaking. Male sexuality is corruptive, by nature. Which is why female virginity is important, worth preserving, and also highly sought-after.

In an RGR culture, this dichotomy would obviously be reversed. But my thought is, would RGR Equestria use the same word?

The word "virgin" comes directly from Latin. In really old Latin, the word "virga" referred to young seed sprouts, which were symbolically linked with purity. Later on, the word "virgo" referred more specifically to unmarried women. Later still, "virginem" came to refer to unmarried women who have not had sex.

To make a long story short: Basically, our word for the concept of a woman's sexual purity comes from centuries of euphemistically referring to it with other terms associated with purity.

In any Equestria that speaks English, it can easily be argued that "virgin" can be applied to males with little issue. But it's more fun and creative to come up with a unique word for that concept. Also, in an Equestria that does not speak English, it stands to reason that ponies would already have a different word.

Keeping the euphemisms for purity in mind, we can simply take a look at words that refer to that concept, and try them out.

To stick with the "sprout" metaphor, a virgin could be referred to as a sprout, or as any number of synonyms. Bud, shoot, bloom, flower, blossom, seedling, and burgeon strike me as potential terms. Though that last one is rarely used as a noun these days.

To make it more "horse-y" we could apply another term to make a portmanteau. Hayseed, haysprout, daisybloom, rosebud, etc.

If you want to screw with Applebloom, maybe her name is a euphemism for a virgin. That would make her parents pretty rude, though.

There are plenty of other things that are used so symbolize purity, though. Examples include: The color white; sunlight; water; gardens; forests; white birds such as doves and swans; white flowers such as lilies and lotuses; and more. That said, it seems likely to me that a society of equines would have different values and ideas for purity than humans would.

I think grass fields would be more "pure" to their minds than forests. Flowers would probably be more important to earth ponies, and birds would be more important to pegasi. The obvious correlation for unicorns would be magic; but I doubt the concept of magic as a whole would be seen as pure, as we know that dark and corruptive magic exists.

But all that was just for one word. Any words or phrases that spring to your mind for potential RGRE-ificaiton?

Side-note: Any ideas for how the tiny horsies would refer to male genitalia? There's a wide variety in our world, but most of them are pretty crass. I think many ponies would find some of our euphemisms for dick to be very rude and embarrassing.

Well, I kind of have a reverse of what you are talking about. I’ve noticed a large usage of the word stallionism when the whole root of the word, feminism, kinda just means female, not woman. So that being said instead of stallionism shouldn’t it just be masculism, you know, for males?

There are some other words that could be used in certain situation in RGRE, instead of maiden it would be bachelor and instead of damsel it would be swain.
This is actuelly really interesting to discuss, because I got into an interesting discussion when someone commented on my story "Scarfaced Stallion" were I had used the word brothel. The thing is, I didn't realise that the word specifically meant "a house that men visit". So with that knowledge I wondered: What would the reverse gender term for brothel be? Is there a word for a house that is visited by women (or in this case mares) to enjoy the company of single sexy stallion?

As for the virgin word, it could be different for each clan. Since earth ponies value nature and agriculture, they might say "Sproutcolt" or "Budcolt", pegasi might use bird terms and say "Dovecolt" or "Swancolt", while unicorn who most are nobles and have a rich history with royalty like Celestia might say "Suncolt" or "Blesscolt".
There could also just be a general word for male virgin that's connected to magic, or it could be a word that is used for a stallion that never experienced love before, a loveless colt so to speak. A word that is basically a combination of "love" (Latin: amare), "cold" (Latin: frigus), "untouched" (Latin: intactus) and "soul" (Latin: anima).

There is also words like "iuventus" which means youth, manhood, youthfulness, juvenility, immaturity and callowness. Another word that could be used would be "pullus" which most of the time means "young animal" (mostly for chick and foal, which could work for both ponies and griffons in this), but it also means darling, someone you hold dear.

Somewhat, but not necessarily. Masculism would make more sense for an RGR Earth. But pony terms are mostly based off of horse puns, which is why stallionism is the go-to for RGR Equestria.

I knew about some of those, but I didn't know about all of them. Some are really good, too. Thanks. :twilightsmile:

Interesting stuff. I hadn't heard that brothel used to mean a house, so I looked it up. However, it seems like that's not fully correct.

Brothel used to be a fairly derogatory word for a prostitute. Eventually, the term fell out of fashion, and the go-to meaning for the word came to be just a shortening of the term "brothel-house".

There's some vindication for whoever told you that, though. Because bordello did once refer to a type of house; and it's theorized that, because "brothel" and "bordello" sound similar, the two got confused and eventually took on the same meaning.

Swain is a good term, though. Like that one. I can imagine some chestbeard going, "Stand back, m'swain! I'll handle this!" and Anon's just like, "I don't even know what that word means, but I hate it. Never say that word again."

I also like "dovecolt" and "suncolt" those seem pretty well tied into pony culture.

Not sure I like "sproutcolt" or "budcolt," though. They seem like a bit of a mouthful, but I can't say I could come up with anything better.

Maybe "sprigin?" As in, from "sprig." Weak, I know. But it would come with the added bonus of ponies calling Anon a "sprigin," and his first thought is, "Spriggan? Are they calling me a fairy?"

Maybe, because of her connection to sunlight, and her white coat, Celestia herself could become a symbol of purity. If that were the case, perhaps a euphemism for virgin could be "celestine," or "celestial." If it's a setting where Celestia is fairly promiscuous, maybe those terms would become sarcastic or backhanded.

I like the reasoning behind "iuventus" and "pullus," but they seem a bit esoteric, unfortunately.

Then again, the same logic applies to most possible terms. If the meaning of the word isn't self-explanatory, its usefulness is somewhat diminished. Still good for world-building, though. You'd just need a scene where the meaning of the word is explained.

Sprigin would work perfectly, the explaination for why it's so different from the other two could be because it's an older term. Because earth ponies are so traditional (like the Apple and Pie family) and rarely like change, they kept the old word instead of making up a newer modern version, like "sproutcolt", to describe a virgin colt. While pegasi now use "dovecolt" and unicorns use "suncolt".

As for "iuventus" and "pullus" being an esoteric term, that could also be explained with it being an older word used by ponies like Luna and the Pillars, since they come from a different time. There could also be some specific families of nobles like the Blueblood family using the term, since they go so far back with the Royal sisters. Also, "pullus" could be used to describe more than just ponies. The griffons and other races may be using it, if they haven't come up with a more modern one.

Now that's some tasty world-building. :moustache:

Luna: "What!? Thou were a pullus!? Thou made made us climax 6 times before thee!"

Anon: "Humans have great endurance and can go for hours with only a 5 to 10 minute break between each time we orgasm."

Luna: "... Once we've had a glass of refreshments, we shall go again and this time we will be victorious!"

Anon: "Since when did sex become a competition?"

One hour later, Anon had to stop, because Luna's twentieth orgasm made her go temporarily catatonic.

And that's the story of how he became the alicorn prince of sex.

I don't really think a male version of a pure virgin would be a thing. There are 2 important points to female virginity that would not matter for males.

1. The hymen gives an easy (even though inaccurate check since it can break during sports and other non sexual activities) test to see if a womens virginity is still intact. There is nothing similar for men.

2. The most important reason why virginity was (and still is in some cultures) such a prized trait is the paternal bloodline. The only way men could guarantee that their offspring is actually theirs (before genetic testing) was to ensure their wife never slept with any one else. If she was not a virgin before he married her (most marriages in the past were arranged especially among the ruling class) there was a chance she is already pregnant with someone elses child. Additionally people already married really young so forbidding sex before marriage was actually used to protect young girls.
For women there is no guessing whether a child is theirs. The simple rule of thump "If it popped out of you, it is probably yours" is extremely accurate after all.


There is nothing similar for men.

Cringe levels. :derpytongue2:

You know, for some reason, this is the kind of situation that would be the most difficult for me to write about.

the 'breaks' between sex. Those little moments where you just talk, drink or eat something with your partner, then back to sex.
And, even if I try to use 'RGRE' terms, I also try to avoid them, because some people would get confused. Not because they don't know, but because they've seen these words in other stories, and they may have a different meaning for them and for me.

Would you care to elaborate? Or are we just down to pointing fingers? There is even a surgical procedure to reattach the hymen. So people are taking this piece of skin very seriously. I am just pointing out existing practices. I do not support them.

It's a joke about incels.

Careful, bro. Trying to bring logic into RGR is a treacherous road. Going down it will inevitably lead you to a terrible conclusion:

RGR doesn't make sense at all.

I can only agree with that. But trying to logically analyse things that make no sense can also be a lot of fun. After all there are hundreds of pages long forum discussions whether the Enterprise could defeat a star destroyer or if superman can beat one punch man.

I can see your point in the use of RGRE terms, when first read a story that had the word chestbeard in it, I was so confused. Which is funny considering it’s not that tricky of a word. It’s just the pony term for a neckbeard, but instead of it being facial hair, it’s the chestfluff of mares.

Remembered this thread and just thought of two other words that could be used to describe a virgin colt, Hymnia and Parthenos. Since MLP takes a lot from greek mythology, these words could as well be older, classy or scientific terms used to describe a virgin colt. I’m mostly leaning towards Hymnia being a term for virgin colt since the accepted genderswap version of Luna is named Artemis and Hymnia was a surname for the goddess Artemis, under which she was worshipped throughout Arcadia. She had a temple between Orchomnenus and Mantineia, and her priestess was at first always a virgin, until after the time of Aristocrates it was decreed that she should be a married woman. The roles are of course reversed in RGRE and it could be a term directed towards stallions in the old days that worshipped Luna, as to reference the greek tradition.
Parthenos is more of a general term meaning virgin and epithet applied by the Greeks to several goddesses, most famous being Athena Parthenos. But it’s also given to Hestia, Persephone and once again, Artemis.

Now for the hard part: What is a physical sign of virginity for colts? Would it be the weight of the testes? What about color of semen? What if an orgasm is what makes the balls drop? I don’t know I’m just throwing ideas out. Maybe someone versed in horse anatomy has a clue. Please, this question has haunted me for years!

I’m going to hell for this thread.

This is a very informative thread :derpyderp1:

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