Reverse Gender Role Equestria (RGRE) 2,148 members · 291 stories
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Seriously, has anyone considered this in a RGRE scenario? How would a stallion like Bulk be seen in RGRE? Would he be considered attractive? A muscular janefilly coltfriend? Is there a fetish for overly muscular colt in RGRE?

I don’t think this has been brought up before.

Taking into account that more feminine woman (I think I said that right) are conventionally more attractive to the general public(For whatever reason), in an RGRE world, the more masculine the male, the more conventionally attractive.
That's just my view on it, however, and is not definitive.

Also, if I offended people, I deeply apologize.

I would say that physical strength, to the point of bodybuilding, is more of the working gender's ideal, thus muscular mares are more common than muscular stallions. As such, hyper-muscled stallions would likely be a niche taste for mares.

So its just the roles that are switched, but not the physical markers of attraction?

He's probably seen not differently than we see an exotic babe. Or he's probably a step abode that and he makes his dough by posing for fetish magazines. And he would have been accepted into the Wonderbolts no matter what, as he would have been a Pamela Anderson or a Sharon Stone: 90% eye candy, 10% talent.

Wasn't he wearing a dress in one episode?

If it was that, then we would simply have guys with vaginas and girls with dicks. To be true to form, the real change should be to show girls as sexual aggressors and guys as sexual gatekeepers, and then reason other changes that derive from girls not being sexual gatekeepers and guys not being sexual aggressors. First change I can envision is that military and governance are sexually opposite roles, so wars would be a lot less common if female politicians would have had to send the beefcakes to die.

I figure there's two main ways for it to be seen in RGRE society.

1) He's the equivalent of an IRL extreme muscle girl.

2) He's a hyper-masculine airhead. IE: The RGR equivalent of a bimbo.

I haven't seen that much of Bulk Biceps in RGRE stories. I can't think of one to be honest. Heck, I've seen even Prince Blueblood instead of him!

I can see mares taking advantage of him, though.

I have two points about this:

1) The end goal of bodybuilding is not strength, but rather beauty. Bodybuilders lift weights to achieve a sculpted, muscular body. That's why it's called "body-building."

Bodybuilders actually tend to avoid training certain muscle groups, to get the "proper look." Usually around the core muscles, so as to keep an especially slim waistline. They also keep to very restrictive diets, so they can maintain their toned appearance.

Due to Newtonian physics—IE: leverage—lifting extremely heavy weights requires you to be heavy yourself, so having very low body fat is actually unhelpful for that goal. Also, having a weak core can easily lead to getting a hernia while trying to lift something heavy, so it's a really bad idea to avoid core training if you're trying to actually be strong.

Strongmen and powerlifters are the ones who lift weights to achieve strength, and they look very different from bodybuilders.

EDIT: This is all to say that, in an RGR society, it's possible that bodybuilding would be seen as a vain way to improve one's attractiveness.

2) Careers that require heavy physical labor are still dominated by well-built males, even in Equestria. Construction, farming, guarding, and so on, are all professions that are overwhelmingly staffed by males.

I would personally take this as a sign that strength would likely still be seen as a masculine trait in RGRE, and is likely still considered a desirable thing to have in a male partner. Unless the writer were to say that RGRE is non-compliant with canon, and retcon those career paths as being female dominated in their story. Which does happen.

1) There are differences in how men and women exercise/lift weights for aesthetic goals. Women tend to strive for toned, slim figures without bulging muscles. It's the aesthetic of fitness, rather than the inaccurate appearance of strength of male bodybuilding. but more on which gender would choose which in the next point:

2) There are two major archetypes of RGRE setting, one vastly easier and thus used, than the other. The more common one is "If a man does it on earth, a mare does it on equestria" It's a lot easier to worldbuild, since the broad strokes are familiar to everyone. The less common one is "Female values are ascendant over male values" which is a lot more complex. You get things like stallions being told their place is in the fields, farming the land while mares do the sophisticated work of governance and crafts. Men are looked down upon for working out their emotions in physical exertion and activities, fashion becomes an important part navigating and participating in office and national politics, fewer singular leaders and more committees, romance novels are a prestigious genre with copious amounts of literary analysis, etc.

In the common RGRE setting, mares do the physical labor, and tend to be more muscular than stallions and thus the strength aesthetic is a mare aesthetic. In the less common RGRE setting, then yes, strength is a masculine trait and thus cultivated by stallions. It would actually be interesting to see more stories set in the latter RGRE, though it can be rather difficult for a man to accurately write a world dominated by feminine values and attitudes.

This is all true. I personally find the latter setting more interesting, but it is more difficult to fully understand—and therefore, write—such a world. Especially for men.

But to link it back to my initial comment ITT: In setting 1, Bulk would be seen as akin to a muscle girl; whereas in setting 2, he would be seen as akin to a bimbo.

It's interesting how the concept of "Reversed Gender Roles" can be taken in such radically different directions. Instinctively, one would assume that reversing something could only play out in one way: the reverse of the original position. But in this case, said reversal can be done in multiple ways.

how dare you let me know this existed.
*sets to read*

In 3 chapter of Scarfaced Stalion there is Bulk Biceps.

Generally Scarfaced Stalion portrays positive reaction from mares for muscular stallion.

I know, I’m the author. :rainbowlaugh:

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