Reverse Gender Role Equestria (RGRE) 2,150 members · 291 stories
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Hello, everyone.

I am having trouble tracking down a RRGE fanfic featuring Moondancer and Anon comedic smut.

I remember it went as follows:

Moondancer's friends are in disbelief about Moondancer's words of praise regarding her coltfriend's ... proficiency and lasting time while having sex, so they track her home and watch from the window as Anon enters her home and proceed to have sex like rabbits.

There is a crotchboobjob during said time, which the observing mares didn't like but couldn't help but find it hot nevertheless.

The next morning Moondancer wakes up far more refreshed than normal during her estrus ... and sees that her time was yesterday.

I can't remember the title, the search function doesn't even show it no matter the tags used.

Any help in this matter will be welcomed, even if the author deleted the story--which would be a tragedy, but still--I hold hope that I have it saved in my HD but I can't remember the title to start looking.

Thanks in advance for your kind help! :)

I just found it using less tags at fimfetch, it is Enduring Affection by Fuggman.

I'll leave the opening post just in case anyone wishes to find a backup.

Still, thanks a bunch for the attention.

Could you send a link of the story?

Thank you

I remember that story, but I can't find it anywhere.

I could be misremembering, but I thought it was written by Uh-hmmm. But it's not in his stories, or Fuggman's. I also checked the PonePaste archives, and found nothing there either.

If you do have a link, it would be good if you could share it.


Yo, tried to find it myself, and managed to get it after a few tries/methods.
FimFetch search is still feels kinda weird/unstable tho... -.-"

Here is the Link if anyone want it ^^



The gentleanon Evo above me got the proper link. It is indeed Enduring Affection by Fuggmann.

Thanks for all the replies! :)

Doing the most. What a G.

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