Reverse Gender Role Equestria (RGRE) 2,148 members · 291 stories
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Okay, so, I have been wondering how doable is that?

I mean, nowadays gender roles are mostly gone. Sure, there some tendencies, like men taking more dangerous, but better paying Jobs. Women more social, etc.

How do you make it work with stallions being rare, without reducing them to cripples or something along those lines?

There are many good RGRE's that take a mature take on the genre. And I'm not talking about sexual, I'm talking about taking the concept seriously.

Hell, I'm listening to one right now. "The Long and short of it."

There is also "Preunification Anon by Spooples"

and also Blurring Realities By Morgan83

As well as my stories which are all RGRE with a serious take. While RGRE started as a joke, mainly being AHIE stories. (AssHole In Equestria), many, many stories have been written that take the concept seriously. I don't see why you haven't found these yet. There are a LOT of them.

“…the perverted tickler of buff men in hairy underwear, left the realm of sleep to join those who had decided to start a productive and early day” -Hotel_Chicken

Perhaps I didn't look hard enough. Though I ignore 2nd person narration and anthro tags, so that could also be the case.

I actually thought about RGRE in my previous thread. Basically, RGRE only works as long as Stallions are rarely born or die very often. Here are my musings. Copy pasted:

One more thing I wanted to add, since I actually went and read about Polygyny in animals and why monogamy tends to happen.

It all depends on the resources and the environment. Let's assume there is a species that lives in an area full of food, water, shelter, etc.

In that case, the females of their species do not need male's help to raise the offspring, as there is plenty of supplies to go around. This prompts them to look for the best of the best of their species. Why? Because, they want their offspring to be strong and just as good. They do not need other males to help them, they are self sufficient. In fact, we can see this very phenomeon happening right now with humans and single mothers, who get provided plenty of help by the goverments around the world, assuming they are in developed countries, etc.

It also leads to less genetic diversity, because one male mates with many females, while others are left behind. So, even a species that has got almost 1:1 gender ratio, only 20% or less of the males get to mate, leaving the rest to take care of themselves. The monogamy in animals tends to happen, when there is a scarity of resources and both parents need to work together, so that their offspring gets to live.

However, as evidenced by our own species, that's not exactly the case. Logic would dictate that we would have less children when resources are scarce, etc. However, the most impoverished families tend to have the most children for a multitude of reasons: High child mortality rates; Limited access to education; Early Marriage and Gender roles; Limited access to contraception, etc. The full list can be found in this article, for anyone interested:

In contract, rich people who should have more than enough resources don't really get that many children. A billionare (in $) could easily have about 100 children, each with different woman, assuming he spends 1 000 000$ to raise them to their adulthood. That doesn't happen and our own species has seen nothing but a decline in the amount of births as the people got prosperous.

Now, ponies don't have the same level of technology and problems as we do. There are still plenty of manual jobs and limited manufacturing. Many business should be family only, like big Apple family with everyone doing their part, as it's hard labour. And paying for ten ponies to do the same job, while family tends to be a bit cheaper, seems like a logical conclusion.

So, how does it all play into RGRE?

In a war-torn Equestria I could see Stallions going to the front and dying in hundreds or thousands, while leaving behind only a handful of them, prefferably those with good genes. We can see the same mindset in human society. If there is a group of 10 (5 males, 5 females), four males can die and they still will be able to reproduce. However, a loss of single female would be far more costly. Males of human species have been considered disposable for a reason.

This could explain a skewed ratio in such chaotic times. But, the same couldn't be said about peaceful Equestria, where we first meet Twilight and her friends. I could see Equestria being Matriachal, due to the sheer influence Celestia holds over the ponies, meaning most stallions would never reach high ranks and positions, similar to how most CEOs are men (they tend to work harder and more too, but that's beside the point). So, after 1000 years of prosperity, I can see both genders being more or less even when it comes to numbers, thus making monogamy more appealling.

However, if the resources are plentiful and mares do not need stallions to raise their foals would they really practice monogamy? Or would they rather turn to polyamory? If herds are a thing, we can assume the mares could be quite promiscious. This would lead to plenty of stallions never able to get laid and have children, which would make for a very unstable society. If anything, monogamy forced by the culture, religion, etc has helped society develop, judging by the humanity itself.

Of course, I am open to a discussion, but so far I can't see how would sapient species with 1:1 ratio make polygyny work. That only reason for RGRE to work, would be if there truly were less stallions caused by: Curse, Genetics, Insert-Plot-Device-Here. Like for every 5 fillies born, there is one colt or something along those lines.

I believe that the majority of FIM stories run on the concept that the birth rate is 4 to 1. For every 4 mares born, 1 male is born. Many people have successfully argued that this is supported by the series itself. Almost all RGRE stories go by this basic belief as well. There is no war, no high mortality rates, simply a 4 to 1 birth rate. The concept that the birthrate is 1 to 1 isn't the majority at all. Remember that in the actual series itself, females are shown to outnumber males by a VAST amount. Especially in crowd scenes.

Also, yes, the better RGRE stories are anthro. Authors cant seem to do good quadruped RGRE stories, I don't know why. It actually stumps me. Although as I listed above there are some good quadruped RGRE stories as well. I can think of three off the top of my head, one being the above mentioned "The long and short of it."

Please do consider reading the stories I listed in my previous comment. While I know you have a distaste for anthro, they really are well written and good examples of what you are looking for. (again, "The long and short of it." is quadruped.)



Though I ignore 2nd person narration and anthro tags,

Also, I'm not surprised at all that you are having trouble tracking down good stories, by ignoring 2nd person narration and anthro tags, aren't you cutting out 2/3rd's the stories on the site? This isn't a dig, I very much respect your right to personal taste. Still my point does stand. You say you have trouble finding good stories and yet your own choice has cut out at the very least, at the very least, half the stories on the site.


Subtle rgre? Strictly sticking to reversing gender stereotypes might be a bit too limiting. In some cultures, like in India, it was consdered respectable to fulfill non-gender-normative duties. Make them more horselike, take elements from Viking culture, where the woman was the head of the household, etc. Find as many of those as you can, mash them together, and there you go.

It did and does exist, but rare. Conflicts with equality, according to some. In a mariarchal society in which herds are centered around mares and ther foals, it could still be plausible. I should point out that even in areas where it is common, it is less than a third who practices it.

Horses make it work though and I think it would be possible to write a story like that. Matriarchal society, with mares being competent fighters as well, stallions in the military or bachelor herds, trading or fighting. Perhaps semi-sedentary. Bits and pieces taken from various cultures, with added polygamy. It does require research, which many writers here really seem to hate.

What I don't see is how full RGRE is possible, when some gender roles are a result of practicality.

It’s a matter of preferrence I guess.

I thoroughly enjoyed the long and short of it + some more I mentioned in my previous threads.

I guess I will try those, thanks.

i agree with him on this. I get livid reading 2nd person, if for no other reason, than taking offence at implying i would do something the characters do or sayi never would. it feels demeaning and brings up all the redflags in roleplay under the "god modding."

basically "I came here for a story about characters interacting, don't tell me how i think."


I get livid reading 2nd person, if for no other reason, than taking offence at implying i would do something

Oh my god, I could not agree more. My kryptonite is characters doing the opposite of what I would in a story, or even worse, doing the most asinine thing in a story like some kindergartener paste eater.

If I come across a story like that, I simply drop the story so fast the Authors grandkids feel it. 😜

Remember, I never said the guy was wrong in his choices, just that he is limiting himself. Take me for example, I read everything, and I've had times where I've gone two-three months where I'm just dropping story after story. There just wasn't anything out there other than crap at the time. It happens.

"not only was love blind but it must have some severe mental disorders too." -Recteik Shade

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