Pandemic 284 members · 30 stories
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Sir Chaos Omega
Group Admin

There would be no stopping it, humanity as a species would be doomed.

I am more concerned with what the stages of the transformation of the world would be, what would be the plan to transform everyone

They would need to make sure there was no way to stop them once it was in process. This would mean doing everything in their power to shut the portal to Equestria down; finding out if the United States government has copies of the instructions for the cure and eliminating those if they exist; make sure they have a clear military advantage over the US and the ability to counter military of both US and Russia if they attack; they would want to capture or kill both Sunset Blessing and Twilight Sparkle. They would try to accomplish all these things before unleashing ETS.

Most of these things they are already working on. Although some of these elements they haven't attempted yet (haven't directly attacked Twilight Sparkle as of yet, is an example,

Secondary goals that aren't needed to be accomplished before ETS is unleashed but still would be looked into include wanting to capture or eliminate those that they view as potential threats (but not as big a threat as their two primary targets above) : Bob, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunburst are all ponies they suspect could also come up with counters to ETS. There are also a number of powerful and influential ponies and humans (Sunrise Storm and Wild Growth would be prominent examples) that they would want to remove. Finally, they would target Storytellers not aligned with China (Jenny would be primary among these, but there are other lesser Storytellers they'd try to kill as well).

and what do you think this world would look like, except that everyone would be ponies what the political shape of this world would be

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If China's making ETS: Why would they want to transform all humanity into ponies? Why would they want to devastate their own economy and military, by removing everyone's hands? Not to mention the massive political instability, which could end of the People's Republic of China.

ETS would be an injection, pill, or spell. Not a contagious disease. China would use magic to gain a massive military and economic advantage over the rest of the world. Her biggest challenge may be fending off intelligence agencies who want to acquire the secret of ETS, and break China's magic-monopoly.

The emergence of ponies has made them resurrect dreams of a perfect communist society, which has always been purely theoretical and not plausible. So it is completely ideological for them. They believe perfect communism system is unachievable with humans, but with ponies they think it is achievable. They believe that ponies everywhere will happily turn to a pure communist system if there are no more humans.

Star Singer's vision is the original story does show the ponies being able to achieve this, but it also leaves them at the mercy of the Devourers. At this stage, China wants ETS, but have come to believe in the Devourer threat. Therefore they want ETS with the intention of unleashing it after the Devourer threat has passed. This is also an ideal time because much of the world's middle and nuclear arsenals will be at a low after having thrown everything and the kitchen sink at the Devourers, meaning China feels there is a low chance of effective retaliation at that point.

Aren't you getting the cause and effect reversed? Sunset included a message in ETS, and that message sparked communist dreams. But if it's the Chinese government making ETS, rather than Sunset, then Sunset's message never happens.

Sunset's message from the original ETS was enough for them to think "Hey, we can actually do this. Ponies are inclined to accept this, its only because things didn't go all the way that they were forced to reintegrate into the old system."

And they also suffer from the same fallacy as most ideologies, which is, the belief that everyone will happily accept their system if they just experience how much better it is.

Wait. You're talking about China recreating ETS, after (or during) the original outbreak? Not China having created it instead of Sunset? In other words: They still get Sunset's message?

In that case: It would still be utterly detrimental to the interests of the People's Republic of China, to turn all people into ponies. Not to mention, profoundly immoral and insane. But look at modern-day America and Western Europe, look at the crazy stuff they're getting into. I can picture some Chinese equivalent of the Woke movement wanting to turn everyone into ponies. And if the Woke Chinese have control of the government, we're in trouble!

this makes me wonder if the final ASGeek2012 story in this universe will be 1st half trying to stop the devourer and 2nd half trying to stop ETS 2.0

and what was the case of partially transformed in china? what happened to those who didn't want to be human again?

Most of the rehumanization of partials in developed nations happened before the Shimmerists came to power in China. Just like the USA, there were some outliers who were initially treated the same way. Those that continued to hold out after the Shimmerist takeover (a very long holdout) eventually were given permission to migrate to Equestria to be fully transformed there. Many of them did return to China, along with ponies from other nations that had been transformed in Equestria but were unable to return home (although many also stayed in Equestria).

and what was the case with partially transformed children?

Kids over a certain age went through same process. The only ones where it gets complicated were partial toddlers and infants, who are unable to give any permissions. They had to wait years then go through the same process. Although, after the Shimmerist takeover there was more a push for them to be sent to Equestria to be fully transformed rather than rehumanize.

Issues with partials were more widespread in less developed nations. This is because getting rehumanization teams and clinics set up in these places was more difficult, or near impossible in some instances, and you see more sizable partial populations there despite there being less overall ponies.

there is also the question of what if the parents of such a child are human and they want the child to go through a complete transformation, can they also get permission to do so?

The Equestrians wouldn't allow it, and would find it unneeded. Further, their treaties prohibit them from fully transforming anyone but partials, and they aren't going to endanger their diplomatic relations with the majority of nations. The only exception to this was Jean Martinez, who had her resonance collapsing, and had to get special permission. Bursa could fall under the same exception, but she could also be labeled as a partial.

I wonder what the world's reaction would be if the Chinese managed to create a permanent transformation spell, but instead of forcing the transformation, they would allow people who want to be ponies to transform, of course something like this wouldn't happen for they will most likely hide it until the devourer is destroyed .

I'm still wondering what the education of people in China looks like, what do they do to make people believe that they are worse than ponies and want to be a pony and?

Lack of magic, ponies are better farmers, can control the weather, and can do other magic. It is portrayed as humans are at a disadvantage to ponies and should want to be ponies.

and how is the treatment of people with magic in china, is it just not talked about or is it shown as worse?

Humans with magic that fall in with the Shimmerist agenda are held up as examples of model citizens. Those that don't are labeled as enemies of the common good.

Comment posted by AvoidingFever17 deleted May 17th, 2023

There was a game that had a similar plot but instead of ponies it was furries

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