Pandemic 284 members · 30 stories
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As I've been reading, or in some cases listening to, the stories, there's something that I've not gotten a clear picture of in my head: pony sizes. The partial image in my head shows that humans clearly tower over adult ponies, and that foals [especially Partials] are tiny and can easily fit in small spaces. I also know that pony furniture is lower to the ground to account for their smaller stature. Could anyone give me rough size estimates for ponies in the Adult, Infant, and Adolescent phases? It doesn't have to be numbers; even just a comparison to another object would be helpful.

The above post is based on general figures from the show, but based on what little is presented in the stories they’re somewhat smaller. The average stallion would be lucky to be knee height for most people. Standing up on hind legs measures a little over sitting hight. Not a lot of information is given but it’s there if you look.

I have read other ponies on Earth stories where the average pony is waist hight for most people but in the Pandemic stories they are rather small.

It's going to vary by pony. I typically view them as somewhere between a person's knee and waist in height–which again varies by what human you are comparing them to. Foals are shorter than the average human's knees, and young foals are smaller than that.

That explains ponies basically being able to be picked up like a medium-sized dog. Definitely gives me a much better idea of sizes and just what I needed to help picture the scale. I think that'd make an adult between 2 to (roughly) 3¼ ft, a foal < 2 ft or shorter, and infants probably around 9-15 in. I guess that'd put a teen partway through their growth at about 2½ ft.

Edit: Unrelated topic. I wonder if, by the time of the Cataclysm of Riverview, there would be some level of pony 'idol' culture. I can't help but chuckle at the idea of a country-singing night-pony whose schtick is fortune telling and games.

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