The Official Generation Five Site 698 members · 1,996 stories
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Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Hello, everypony. It appears that I have one final update on the whole transition phase for this group that’s gone on since yesterday. I normally don’t make two threads in one day, but I’m making an exception this time due to this being another very important announcement. Eldorado came through about an hour ago and transferred ownership of the group to me. The reason why this had to be done is mainly because SweetAI Belle actually brought up a very good point in my inauguration thread. With Crystalbreeze having been MIA since January, there’s a very high chance that they left the fandom at some point and therefore could delete their account on this site. And because deleting accounts also results in everything they’ve ever done being wiped, this group was also in danger.

So in the best interest of the community and the survival of this group, The BlueEM2 and I met earlier today and agreed that the role of Group Founder must be transferred. So that’s what I asked Eldorado to do after I got home today. I understand that this transition may be sudden and could be hard to deal with at first, but we’ll be there with you guys every step of the way, and we want you guys to know that this group is not going anywhere. We’re still here, and we’ll still be discussing ponies until the end of time. Y’all are just under new ownership, which isn’t too drastic of a change. Blue and I were already the co-owners before, but this just makes it official, and it ensures that nothing can take this place away in the event that something horrible happens. I’m planning on doing some changes to the front page of the group as my first order of business to make it more accessible to newcomers. This is because this group was created back before G5 even came out, and the description very evidently reflects that. So in order to make sure people know that we aren’t a walking time capsule lost to history, I want the description to reflect more of the new era of G5, and what we set out to do going forward.

Not everything about the group layout will be changed, as there are a lot of aspects from the Crystalbreeze administration I still want to keep front and center. Crystalbreeze is the entire reason that this group exists after all, and I want to keep their legacy alive and protect it in spite of me gaining the ownership position. The changes to the layout are going to be very minor at best, as this is just to ensure that it clearly shows to outsiders that we are an active group that hasn’t been lost to time. Certain things like the fact I’m introducing writing help and story promotions for feedback should also be reflected in the bio, and I’m currently 50/50 about updating the profile picture. I do really like the Alicorn Sunny pic, so that may not happen, but it really depends on what I feel like doing. I’m definitely going to create a dedicated Rules thread this weekend though as some of the best groups like The Writers’ Group have that front and center, and it’ll be one of the pinned forums. As I stated before, I’m going to try and turn this group into a community of not only dedicated fans, but passionate writers as well. I find the idea of having a group willing to help you with G5 fics quite beneficial to those wanting to write for this new era of MLP. It’ll help breed the next generation of authors and save narrative fics from the gutter. Feedback is a huge part of helping us grow and I’m sure there are a lot of you who want to write some juicy G5 stories, but don’t yet possess the knowhow on how to really take over the scene. Well, that’s what we’re here for! We want you to know that we’re here to help you in every step of the writing process so you can write the next Forgotten, Worthless, or [insert well-known G5 story name here].

I also think that encouraging more discussion around G5 and the sharing of opinions should be a priority for us as well. As I stated before, going wild with reviews, analysis, and any discussions at all have always made this fandom great and we should be more open to sharing our thoughts and experiences. I know I lived through an era of this fandom where that was abundant, and I want to take what I’ve learned from the analysis community in its prime and encourage that kind of passion here. I’m fully aware that it hasn’t always been easy for a lot of you to do that, as any discussion around G5 has been the frequent target of trolling and flame wars by those who prefer to make things miserable for other members here, but with Blue and I cracking down on this sort of negative behavior, I want to make it clear that your right to free speech is protected under our leadership. You don’t have anything to be afraid of, and civil discussions shall be championed here. The era of lawlessness is over, and we’re working on rebuilding this group from the ground up into a place that will stand the test of time and that you all will be very proud of.

It hasn’t always been easy, but we have passed the test. And as G5 moves into its new era, so are we. Once again, thank you all for your support. Not a day goes by that I don’t appreciate it. Hoof to heart.

Hope it works out. And nice batpony guard Avatar

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Thanks! Yeah, I love batponies way too much, especially the Night Guards. :twilightsheepish:

Me too, got 2 of my own and a unicorn night guard

Group Admin

Well then I know the G5 group is in good hands. Or hooves if you will. Congratulations!

Things do change.

CrystalBreeze? Do drop in sometime. It will be like seeing the composer of an old 2012 brony song pop into the YouTube comments to say hello.

Group Admin

I really would like for the Alicorn Sunny pic to stay as the group’s profile picture, but I understand if you don’t want to keep it.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

It mainly comes down to what best represents G5 as a whole for me. A picture of the whole Mane 5 group with Misty for me would make a lot more sense, or a picture that represents some of this generation’s core themes. I do really like the Alicorn Sunny picture though, which is why I’m 50/50 on it and it might not be removed at all for that reason, but I’m still in the process of figuring out what to do.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Why not change the background art to the Mane 5 + Misty? That seems a good compromise to me. The front pagw text also needs some pruning.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

The background art, I’m not sure. Whenever I try uploading that to my other groups, it usually comes out with a less than stellar resolution and I don’t want to risk that with this group. Plus, I think the art should stay the way it is as it’s pretty iconic. If I was to change anything about the layout, it would just be the front page text and the profile picture. The background art can stay.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Fair enough.

So when do we break out the thumb screws and leeches for those who don't fall in line?

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

That will only happen to those who break the explicitly stated rules. I’ll be making sure that no one gets harassed for their opinions as the right to free speech is very important to me. Of course, the ultimate test of our authority will be when good ‘ol Ohvist gets back from being sent to the Phantom Zone. If they behave badly again (which they most likely will), we’ll be forced to take action.


Of course, the ultimate test of our authority will be when good ‘ol Ohvist gets back from being sent to the Phantom Zone.

Heh... noice use of the words Phantom Zone. ^^

-wonders where those words are from.- :P

Huh. I'd been wondering where Ohvist went.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

He's currently serving a two-week ban for repeated rules violations.

With how often they purposely derail forums, should be permanent I feel. There's disagreeing with people, and then there's whatever nonsense they spew out every chance they get.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

If he stops doing it after this ban, we'll keep him in. If he goes right back to his nonsense, permaban.

I kind of guess the one who was in charge of the group is not here anymore so I guess that's pretty awesome that you guys are taking in charge now

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