The Official Generation Five Site 698 members · 1,996 stories
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Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Hey, everypony. This is probably the thread you’ve all been waiting for, but I wish that it was under better circumstances. As of today, former member The Ohvist has been permanently banned from this group. Yes, I’m actually dropping the permaban hammer on him. In the course of just a single night, he has clearly shown me that he is not willing to change and has broken the rules three straight times since getting back. I see now that my original judgement was correct and that he should have never gotten the second chance he did. He took advantage of our leniency and broke my trust as I genuinely thought he had learned his lesson. In an effort to make sure that something like this never happens again, I am fulfilling my promise of making a dedicated Rules Thread, and know that policies will be much more strictly enforced.

After all, what would we be without rules to follow? I’ve certainly had the unfortunate experience of seeing just what happens when there’s no one around to enforce guidelines. Some of the best pages like The Writers’ Group have that front and center, and its mods are very dedicated to making sure they’re followed. So these are the updated rules of the group. I’ve tried to go in as much detail as possible as to what and how exactly they’re applied, so there’s no arguments needed if anything goes wrong. I also wanted to make them as fair as possible (meaning that they would be rules that I myself would consent to, though I don’t know how I would ban myself if I didn’t follow them, so there’s that weird conundrum), but feel free to shoot us questions if there’s anything you don’t understand or need clarification on. Without further ado, here they are at long last:

1. Follow site rules.

This should be pretty self-explanatory. We can’t protect you if you break site rules on this group as we are merely a state under the control of a central government. As the local administration, we are required to make sure that everyone follows the rules of the site. It’s pretty crucial.

So just make sure you follow the site rules and we’re good.

2. Post stories only about G5 or those that involve crossovers with G4. (old G5 stories are acceptable)!

I’m aware that there are countless groups that allow G4 stories, but this is a group exclusively designed for sharing G5 fics with the world and giving this generation the attention it deserves. Do not post stories that have no relation to G5 whatsoever. This excludes crossover stories that involve G4 characters ending up in G5 Equestria or vice versa, which are allowed under the crossover banner (i.e: Generational Divide by Boltstrike, the Forgotten Saga by milesprower06). Before taking ownership of the group, I noticed that Crystalbreeze didn’t really make it clear whether or not crossovers were allowed. Now obviously, they were, but you couldn’t really tell that at a first glance. The whole only stories about G5 thing was kinda limiting, even for my standards, so I amended the rule to explicitly state that crossover stories are allowed because honestly, they’re the best!

But these are the extent that G4 involvement should be. Stories will be removed from folders if they have no relation to G5 whatsoever and you will be sent a PM by either of us telling you that we’ve done this. I want as much of a transparent system as possible here, so the PM option will be used in situations like this. That way you know exactly what you did and how you can fix it.

3. Put stories in the proper folders.

This kinda goes hand in hand with the last rule and should be basic common knowledge. Do not put stories in the wrong folders. We have busy lives and we don’t want to be cleaning up your mess. If a story has this genre, put it in the folder that explicitly states that genre name. If it doesn’t include that, don’t. I won’t judge stories based off of what’s in the explicitly stated genre tags as that’s kinda limiting, but I also don’t have time to read over a hundred stories to determine whether they belong in a folder or not. Nobody has the time for that and it’s just exhausting. My interpretation of this rule is more lenient as I know from my own experience that stories can encompass more genres beyond what is explicitly stated, but because I’m not judging stories on their tags, therein lies a potential issue that might arise.

I want to trust that you guys have the common decency to promote your stories in a responsible way, so please don’t make the job harder for Blue and I than it already is. Put stories in the proper folders or they will be removed and you will be given a warning. Don’t worry though. The Folders are constantly expanding as I look at other groups and see what they’re doing. If you have a story befitting a certain genre, but you don’t see the folder for it, let us know as soon as you can and we’ll see what we can do to remedy that.

4. Certainly no spoilers (only if doing it in a thread and hiding it with this)!

Now…I know what you’re thinking. “But we like to discuss spoilers immediately after the episode comes out!” I know, I know. That’s what the spoiler tag is for. When should you use it? Well, only if you cannot wait to discuss something urgently and it’s instantly after the episode’s release. To my knowledge, a spoiler stops being a spoiler after a 24 hour to 48 hour period as it’s assumed you’ve watched the piece of content already, so you’re free to discuss any new plot revelations or character beats without the black bar after that period of time. But doing so beforehand should be hidden with the spoiler tag for those not within the loop. It’s a common courtesy and one I think we can all agree should be in place. If you are unsure how to apply the black spoiler tag, just ask me and I’ll give you a little tutorial on how to do it. Believe me, it took me quite a bit to figure it out too back when I was new here and in that time, I had gotten my fair share of earfuls from others.

So don’t be like past me and respect others’ rights to not be spoiled. Additionally, you will be required to mark all discussion threads with the word SPOILERS in square brackets in front of the title for 48 hours after an episode drops. That way people know when to scroll past if they haven’t watched that episode yet and don’t want to be spoiled. Believe me, I think FaolanCortez already made it quite clear how horrible it is to be spoiled on stuff in his vids. That’s all.

5. After promoting something of yours, wait at least 48 hours before repeating it or doing a similar promotion.

I want to turn this group into a genuine hub for creators to share their G5 stuff and get feedback from the community, whether it be video essays, music videos, passion projects like stories, or anything that once defined this fandom and made it great. That being said, there’s a certain line that needs to be drawn when it does come to promotion. I’ve seen some pretty harsh waiting periods in some groups (like 7 full days for The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau, holy f*ck). So I decided to be a bit nicer and only give a 48 hour delay between promotions. So after promoting something of yours or someone else’s on a thread, you will be required to wait at least 48 hours before repeating it or giving a similar promotion.

I understand the itch to hammer the point home by let the algorithm know that your story is superior to everyone else’s and that you NEED to read it (heck, I can relate to the feeling immensely if you couldn’t already tell), but there comes a point where too much promotion just becomes spam and the other threads get lost in the clutter. We don’t want our forums to be cluttered with promotions from you talented people every hour of the day, so 48 hours it is. That should be sufficient enough time to give the numerous discussion threads time to breathe and have engagement from other users. And to this end, there should only be ONE thing promoted a day. I might make an exception in some cases if I think the promotion thread is exciting enough and it would hurt me too much to delete it, but generally, there should only be one thing promoted a day, so that other threads have time to breathe.

As I stated in my inauguration thread, self-promotion should not only be allowed, but encouraged as well. But if we don’t put a limit on how many promotions there can be, and the amount of time there should be for each, then we might just overload Fimfiction and I’ll be getting banished to the moon by knighty for breaking the site. So in the spirit of preventing the apocalypse and giving genuine discussion time to breathe…follow this rule, okay?

6. Be respectful to each other and no fighting!

This is a very important rule and one that ties back to one of the reasons why I decided to take up the position of office as admin to begin with. There are just WAY too many flame wars in this group, most of them started by toxic G5 haters who can’t keep their damn mouths shut for one minute. So I’m cracking down on these next few rules in particular. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT goad a person into fighting you and don’t be disrespectful to them. And this applies to both sides of the battlefield. Inflammatory language meant to incite fights will not be allowed and neither are threads that are meant to kickstart a flame war. What constitutes this sort of behavior will largely be up to staff discretion, but a good example of this was A Man Undercover’s thread not too long ago in the lead up to Chapter 6’s release, where he reacted to Opaline’s villain song by calling her a terrible “wannabe villain with no style, personality” etc. Now obviously, you have the innate right to think her a horrible antagonist, but inflammatory language like that will only incite anger and outrage by those like me and others who think the opposite. There are ways to say this opinion in a respectful manner and get genuine responses from others that don’t outright derail a thread. I instantly deleted that post upon seeing it before anything bad could happen, and that applies to any other harshly negative opinion on G5.

If you’re in a bad mood and want to vent about something in this generation that irks you, don’t make a thread insulting it for some sort of pretend catharsis and CERTAINLY do not threaten to make a full on video essay desecrating an aspect of G5 you don’t like (lookin’ at you, Ohvist). That kind of rhetoric will only serve to make others angry and in some extreme cases, might result in an instant temporary suspension from the group for a two-week period, no questions asked. Instead go outside, smell the roses, and clear your head of that kind of vengeful attitude. Then come back and make the thread calling that thing out in a nicer way that gets others to understand you instead of ratio’ing you to hay and back. Believe me, it works. I’ve said a lot of things I didn’t mean in the past, but when I took a break from the whole debate and just calmed myself down by doing other things, it worked, and I came back with reasonable arguments.

Threads will also be locked or deleted if they devolve into an all-out flame war and the offending party given a warning. This is a fun group meant to discuss talking pastel-colored ponies, so let's keep it that way. We're all friends here at the end of the day, and we're united in a common passion for this generation. Don't let silly minor differences divide you.

7. Engaging in the spread of misinformation in an attempt to deceive others about a piece of G5 media is not allowed.

This is also important. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you should try and force it on others through dubious means. In the wake of a phenomenon I like to call “Endinggate” (the whole conspiracy theory wave about G5 being cancelled), I am officially cracking down on the spread of misinformation on this generation. I’ve seen a lot of it going around, so I’m doing what many companies did after the whole 2020 election Big Lie and implementing a policy that penalizes any attempt to defame the entirety of G5 or an aspect of it through dubious means. What exactly constitutes misinformation, you may be asking? Well I’ll tell you (and this is an admittedly broad definition on my part), it’s anything that cannot be officially verified by OBJECTIVE facts in G5 itself. We’re allowed to have our own opinions, sure, but at what point does having an opinion become deceiving others? I have some examples that I’ll get into in a bit, but essentially, our opinions are formed by what we see on screen. We review MLP media based off of what we objectively see play out in the episodes themselves, and that in turn, informs our opinions. Now, if we were to say, misrepresent elements from a piece of G5 media, intentionally or not, and try to pass that off as the truth, then that would be considered misinformation under group policy. I know this sounds trivial and like I’m policing speech, but trust me, I’m not. A lot of people have attempted to pass false information onto their audiences that can be disproven just by looking at what happens in G5 itself.

Ponytubers in the analysis community for example have misrepresented elements from Make Your Mark episodes for example and try to say that the show is bad through easily disprovable arguments. And so many people are angry enough at G5 for even existing and “daring to ruin the precious legacy of G4” that they’ll believe anything without thinking for a second what they’re being told. And when you try to tell them the opposite, they put their defenses up and attack you. This will not be tolerated any longer. And here are some more examples of banned arguments that constitute misinformation under group policy:

  1. G5 is nothing more than a shallow copy and paste ripoff of Fallout: Equestria with the same plot beats. Accusing a professional studio of plagiarizing fan work has to be the most ridiculous and laughable shit that I’ve ever seen, and clearly shows that we have a toxic superiority complex. This is the mantra that The Ohvist carried with him to the point where it destroyed him, and even when I debunked it at length, he still felt content to bet with me that it’ll come true one day. How’d that work out for you, buddy?
  2. My Little Pony: A New Generation directly ripped off the plots of Raya and The Last Dragon and Encanto. No, this is not a joke. Someone actually claimed this. A Man Undercover and I have since buried the hatchet in regards to this debate, and I have no animosity towards him for it whatsoever anymore, but I want to make it clear that attempting to spout that rhetoric in this group again will not be tolerated in the slightest. Anyone who believes this has never heard of story tropes and clearly believes that if the piece of work shares even a little bit of similarity to other works via pre-existing tropes, then it clearly MUST be derivative and a shallow copy. Don’t look at me; I’m not laughing my rear end off, you are. Don’t try to convince others of this as I will not be a happy camper if I still see it floating around in discussions.
  3. Sunny is a shallow Mary Sue who is always right about everything and has no flaws to her whatsoever. Like…what do you even want me to say here? I already debunked this argument at length in previous threads and my own defense video will shine more light on why this argument is just stupid. But TL;DR, Sunny actually went through a tangible and emotional arc during the movie and has actual character flaws that are fully demonstrated. Now whether or not you want to say she’s a better protagonist than Twilight like me is up to you and failure to conform to my opinion ISN’T misinformation, as it’s just your opinion at the end of the day. What IS misinformation, however, is attempting to spread this false narrative that Sunny is a soulless Mary Sue with no flaws while the movie clearly presents everything to the direct contrary. Spread this narrative and you will be given a warning that counts towards a strike.
  4. A New Generation was a woke political hit piece. It absolutely was not, this needs no explanation. I know the alt-right fearmongering trend for this generation has since died out in recent years, but I’m aware that there are at least some of you that still believe this. All I can say is, if you still have that belief, keep it to yourself.
  5. G5 is just Hasbro pulling a Disney Star Wars sequel trilogy. No it absolutely is not. Outside of the basic conceptual premise, these are absolutely nothing alike. One actually expands on its new characters and delivers an engaging story with an original villain to boot, while the other absolutely destroys its new characters due to racist backlash and we end up with a Luke Skywalker that failed and “somehow Palpatine returned.” G5 never pulled any of this. Spike is shown to be as brave and glorious as ever in Chapter 6 and even confirms with a throwaway line that Equestria losing magic and becoming divided wasn’t Twilight’s mess. So that argument has already well been flushed down the sewers and drained into the ocean. I will not be tolerating any attempts to still push this narrative in discussions whatsoever. If you still wanna continue to lie to others about this and get your easy hate clicks with no effort put in, then this isn’t the group for you. Go somewhere else.

Those are all the arguments that will most likely get you instantly suspended. Other false narratives are more tolerable in my opinion and can be discussed without fear of instant removal, but Blue and I will still enforce them. For example, if we’re able to present reasonable arguments to the contrary using hard evidence and you still try and push that onto others using the inflammatory language mentioned above, then we will be having a VERY different conversation, and it may result in you still getting banned despite not meeting the above criteria if you are stubborn about it and try to gaslight us into thinking we’re wrong through dubious means. We’re not, and you cannot convince us that what we see objectively on screen didn’t just happen. Look, I like diverse discussions and engaging in them, but engaging with false narratives is something that this group has suffered from for a while now. And as Group Owner, I feel the personal need to crack down on what I myself see as immoral behavior meant to deceive and not educate.

HOWEVER, I do feel the need to add a provision clause to this rule that allows old theories to be discussed. Upon submitting an early version of this thread to TheBlueEM2 via PM in order to get his thoughts, he actually pointed out something that wasn’t exactly clarified in my initial draft. Do old G5 theories (like the one about Opaline being a corrupted Twilight Sparkle) count as misinformation, since the shows themselves already debunked them? I’d actually say no. Like, if we’re talking about them from a retrospective point of view and saying things along the lines of “Oh this would’ve so been better if it was canon,” then I wouldn’t count that as misinformation in the slightest. I love my “What If” scenarios and I want to clarify that discussing old theories that were abundant back in G5’s early days doesn’t count towards the misinformation policy. I actually like hearing what you would’ve done better if you were in charge of either series, and alternate scenarios where one thing was changed and creates an entire new timeline is definitely my jam (I grew up on Star Wars Theory’s “What If” videos after all).

So do not think that you’re not allowed to discuss old theories now. You absolutely are, so as long as you don’t try to still pass these off as definitive canon.

8. Keep discussions relevant and on-topic.

You will be given a warning if you derail a thread in order to rant about something you don’t like and it will be instantly locked. People want to discuss topics they like with others in peace, so if you have a personal grievance, make your own thread about it or talk to one of the admins via PMs. Failure to follow this rule after two previous violations will result in a ban. There isn’t really much to be said here, but this is another rule that I will be enforcing HEAVILY. People make discussion threads because they want people’s input on questions that THEY have, not you. If you haven’t made your own thread talking about your own gripe yet, that must mean that the topic isn’t as important to you as you would like us to believe. Because people always find the time to ask questions about what might happen or has happened in G5, whether it’s good or bad. If you feel the need to invade a thread that isn’t about that and spam your own shit, then that must mean that you’re insecure about asking others yourself. In which case, why should we take your argument seriously?

We don’t exist to handhold you. The features exist for a reason and you’re allowed to make threads about anything you want, so use it! The beauty of Groups is that they exist to be a hub for like-minded individuals. You don’t have to be afraid of saying something as long as it falls within the designated rules. Use what has been given to you and contribute your own thoughts. Make your own thread to express your praise or critiques. Don’t hijack other threads to do that just because a lot of people already commented on a previous discussion. If we find your topic interesting enough, we’ll gladly engage with you, it doesn’t matter who you are. Don’t be afraid of not getting engagement. If you don’t get the answer you want, you can always try again a different day.

9. Be detailed in your request threads.

This is actually another new feature I’m implementing into the group; the ability to request story reviews. As part of my attempt to turn this group into a hybrid free discussion/writing community group, I’m introducing the option of story reviews! If you want your story reviewed by either of us, then go ahead and make a thread asking for it! I’m quite busy myself and I know Blue is as well, but we’ll try our best to respond within a reasonable period of time. But the thing is…ya gotta be detailed about it in regards to what feedback you want. Do you want grammar suggestions, other editing help? Do you want us to take the time and review the whole story, or just certain parts to help with further writing? I can’t claim to read minds, so you gotta specify what exactly you want. You even have the option to ask for a Private Review, meaning that we review your story via PM and not a public thread if you’re that nervous. If that’s what you want, then you have our full promises of confidentiality, but you gotta specify that’s what you desire. It shouldn’t be too hard, and there really isn’t any ban associated with not following this rule. You just won’t get that review from either of us if your request is too broad or general.

10. Last, but not least have fun more than ever because G5 is rolling!

Oh, I just had to keep this one from the Old Regime. What better rule could there possibly be for a group than to just have fun and be yourself? It’s the best rule, honestly. Just kick back, relax, and let’s build a better fandom together one step at a time. Everypony is welcome here and this is THE place for you to discuss anything G5 related. So let’s have some fun together, shall we? We’ll do our part…hoof to heart.

And…that is all! As always, feel free to ask questions or request clarifications if you don’t understand something. We’re always happy to help. See you all soon!

i appreciate your dedication. i really hope you don't overwork yourself

we need more guys like you on fim

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Thanks for your concern. And don’t worry, I’ll be alright. As of now, I haven’t really overworked myself (yet) as I’m spacing out things quite nicely and taking things one step at a time.

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor


That being said, there’s a certain line that needs to be drawn when it does come to promotion. I’ve seen some pretty harsh waiting periods in some groups (like 7 full days for The Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau, holy f*ck). So I decided to be a bit nicer and only give a 48 hour delay between promotions.

Believe me, some people see whatever waiting period you put between promotions and spam promotions at exactly that interval. And when it's a promotion that always causes a flamewar... :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Really? Oh dear. Well, I’ll be on a lookout for that going forward. Thanks for the heads up.

if you say so, i just saw it too often how group admins weren't online in years, or that some don't care

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

I can see that. Heck, that’s a key reason why Blue and I took ownership to begin with, because the old admins haven’t been around enforcing things for quite a while. But know that we’re here, and we’re not going away.

and i appreciate greatly that. apart from tthat, who to turn too if there's a question?

And my appreciation is even more, wen see how youtube and xbox mess up latly, no offense

Admiral Producer
Group Admin


and i appreciate greatly that. apart from tthat, who to turn too if there's a question?

You can turn to Blue and I at any time for questions. Just shoot any of us a PM or comment on our user pages if you have any questions about the group rules outside of this thread.

sure thing, my fellow guard pony

:twilightsheepish:said it as my avtatar is a lunar guard too, actually

Honestly, #1 on the fake information bit is blatantly ignoring a few things by people spouting it. Two companies own Fallout and MLP, and as far as I know, Bethesda and Hasbro have never collaborated on anything. Correct me if they have.

There's also the fact that Hasbro cannot use fanmade content for legal reasons. The couple of times they did were special exceptions for Make-A-Wish, and not even Hasbro is heartless enough to turn those kids down.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

True, but we have to remember the person who said this. Common sense isn’t really a term I’d use to describe Ohvist having.


My Little Pony: A New Generation directly ripped off the plots of Raya and The Last Dragon and Encanto. No, this is not a joke. Someone actually claimed this.

For the record, this is my opinion and mine alone. I do not intend on forcing others to think the same way as me nor actually try to act like I’m right about everything. The only intention I have is to help others understand why I have certain opinions and see where I’m coming from.

Also, I do not believe in the Story Tropes website having any sense of legitimacy when it comes to writing & storytelling.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin


For the record, this is my opinion and mine alone. I do not intend on forcing others to think the same way as me nor actually try to act like I’m right about everything.

I’m aware. When I said “someone actually claimed this,” I was referring to you. And I know you don’t ever intend to come off as acting like you’re right about everything, but when you spout these kinds of things, and especially the last time we had this encounter, it certainly came off that way. It actually took me a couple days following that infamous thread to realize you weren’t actively trying to be an a**hole and that this is just what you believe, as weird as it is.

But these kinds of arguments are objectively false and can start flame wars, as well as detail threads into chaos, so in the best interests of the whole group, it isn’t allowed anymore.

Well, if that’s the case, I won’t be posting my reviews of “Make Your Mark” episodes in this group. They’ll probably contain statements that’ll go against the group rules, and I’d rather not risk causing trouble.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

If that’s what you want, but there are definitely many other ways you can word them that don’t actively break the stated rules. I even said that there are other ways you can word your criticism that aren’t outright hateful and won’t spark outrage. Constructive criticism is allowed as it’s part of civil discussion. You don’t have to just move your review threads cold turkey, you know. I actually like reading your reviews and I think we’d all like it if you stayed. It’s up to you though.

I appreciate you telling me this. Since you gave such kind and supportive words, I’ll experiment by posting my review of the first episode here to see what happens. And no worries, I’ll be giving each episode a 2nd look, and make sure to go in with a cool head.

G5 is nothing more than a shallow copy and paste ripoff of Fallout: Equestria with the same plot beats. 


Well, aside from the weird rule about misinformation, I think all of this makes a lot of sense.

In the case of the misinformation rule, a lot of the examples are opinions and I personally feel that opinions should be allowed, so long as they don't go too far.

I agree.

Heck, even though I made a review of “A New Generation” that was generally negative, I never intended on using it to spread “misinformation”, so to speak. Merely to express how I felt about it and what I thought of it from a personal standpoint.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

That’s exactly what I believe as well. I’m a firm believer in free speech, but there should be some minute limitations, just as the First Amendment isn’t 100% absolute. The examples I listed aren’t productive arguments and won’t lead to healthy discussions. They also rely on gross misreadings of G5’s events in order to be even remotely plausible.

So to us, these aren’t normal opinions and won’t be missed, considering how rare they are.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Thanks. I look forward to reading them.

Permaban anyone named Mixmaster226 if you wanna avoid flame wars. He makes Ohvist seem normal and tame by comparison. But if you've been around long enough, you probably know that name.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

I looked up Mixmaster’s name in our members database and didn’t see him show up. But if he does decide to join at any point, you have my word that he’ll be INSTANTLY banned.

Group Admin

A user who was just permanently banned from the group for constantly derailing threads by going off topic and for starting arguments all the time.

I have one Questions
long story short
I have a G4 story, where... at the end who meat Operlin, and ... and it ends as the ponies split
can we have a folder that is... "(G4 with G5 referents)"

Thanks a bunch, not to be mean to the guy but I am actually concerned about him. I think it is kinda scary that he wants to harass writers and his constant whining about Gen 5 has made the fandom not fun.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

That would fall under the Crossover banner. I don’t think we need a new folder for that as of now.

I wouldn't call it Crossover
it's more like a Cameo

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor

No problem. It probably says something that I have a list of specific promotions that require more than a week between them.

If it gives you an idea about Mixmaster, look at any of his locked threads here:

--Sweetie Belle

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

If it gives you an idea about Mixmaster, look at any of his locked threads here:

Thanks. Oh, he and I have certainly had our history in those threads all right. I won’t hesitate to ban him should he try and join this group to harass users. I’m curious though why you and the other admins in The Insane Creator’s Guild and The Shameless Self Promotion Bureau haven’t banned him from those groups yet, considering all the trouble he’s been causing you guys.

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor

It's been close, and he has been banned from TWG. For that matter, he's at a month minimum between promotions. It just tends to take a fair amount and a good couple chances (which he's already exhausted) before I ban someone. (One factor is that if I ban him, it won't be for the promotion itself, but for behavior...)

With the ICG, I'm even more reluctant to ban people, as I don't technically run it, though pragmatically I mostly am. And, of course, there's the factor that he's not actually currently a member of the ICG, which makes it pretty hard to ban him from it. :unsuresweetie:

--Sweetie Belle

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

That’s fair. I always assumed that he was a member of ICG considering he made a thread there once. I always thought you had to be a group member in order to make a thread, so that’s honestly news to me. You learn something new everyday, I guess. :twilightsheepish:

SweetAI Belle
Group Contributor

You do have to, but you don't have to stay there.

I think he actually left right after I replied to him in the thread...

--Sweetie Belle

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

That makes sense. He doesn’t really strike me as someone that can take the heat from an admin, so I find the prospect of him turning tail and fleeing the scene after that quite hilarious.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

Ohvist was a particular proponent of that theory in his time here. Frankly, one would have to do insane mental gymnastics to get to such a conclusion, but low and behold, he did it. Like, how low can you stoop in your hatred for something? And despite this lack of basic common sense, he thinks he has the authority to make a video bashing Opaline. I am never going to stop meming on this pitch as it’s like the perfect match of comical insanity made in Heaven.

Just about every post he makes on this website is his claim to go back and revise G4 to which even he knows is unrealistic. I get the fact that he didn't like how it ended and a lot of us won't argue against that, but it just won't get changed no matter how much he complains about it. Unless he is part of the writing team, nothing is going to be changed. Although I will always view G4 as having a missed opportunity to revive Megan and probably her siblings Danny and Molly, I don't go constantly mentioning that which is why this is a fanfiction website where that can be made yet he has yet to make any especially with the episodes he feels were done wrong despite being here longer than a lot of us. More importantly, he talks about wanting a revise a previous generation more than anything else here, which is what makes a good number of his posts annoying.

Happy to see that some clear rules have been set, though it also seems some discussion will be required to delineate issues of ambiguity (particularly the misinformation part. I agree we should stow that tide but we ought to be aware of the finnicky nature of opinion and misinformation, but that can be ironed out through examples, when they prop up.)

I'd like to suggest that threads that are talking about any recent episodes or specials (I've seen several posted already) be given the label "[SPOILERS]" in the thread title, just so that people can know when to scroll past. I haven't gotten around to Chapter 6 but some threads have been posted already without a clear indication that it's spoiler territory. Is that feasible?


Admiral Producer
Group Admin

That’s feasible. I can include a tidbit that requires all discussion threads to be marked with [SPOILERS] for the 24-48 hour period. Of course, this isn’t absolute beyond that, but it should give enough people time to get caught up on whatever they need to watch to the point where it isn’t spoiling everyone anymore. So I’ll go ahead and add that right now. Thanks for the tip.

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

To paraphrase Jeremy Clarkson, "Ohvist says many things. Not all of them are sensible."

Group Admin

Um... who is Ohvist?

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Ohvist was a user here who frequently started flame wars and spread misinformation about G5. His favourite claim was to call Sunny a Mary Sue (which is objectively false). He particularly enjoyed winding myself and Admiral up.

He's now permabanned from the group, but he's still spreading nonsense about G5 in other groups.

Group Admin

Why doesn't Eldorado ban him or something?

Just curious

The Blue EM2
Group Admin

Technically, he hasn't broken any site rules.

Admiral Producer
Group Admin

I’m not too worried about that as I don’t see too many threads about G5 spouting up that he’s invaded. The last time I saw him was on A Man Undercover’s blog post review earlier, in which case, why am I not surprised the two tolerate each other? To each their own, I guess, considering that AMU and I have since buried the hatchet, but I don’t think anyone could put up with Ohvist’s shenanigans even out of politeness. If I’m being honest, I haven’t even thought about Ohvist in ages, considering that he’s languishing in his own self-pity while here we are thriving without him.

I still don’t see anything resembling an Opaline video essay from him and meanwhile, I’m on track to release my second defense video soon. So I think it’s clear who won the YouTube G5 content creation war between us. All I can do now is rest easy and be glad he won’t be harassing anyone here ever again.

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