Students of Friendship 369 members · 1,527 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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DISCLAIMER: This is a thread dedicated to shipping, so if you have a problem with seeing ships you hate, please do not read further. Don't start any ship wars, please.

So, I'm just curious, what do the majority of the Young Six fans ship? Although the show may not ever insert any hint of romance between them, I have plenty of ships already.

Tell me, my friends, just which of them do you ship? I might even work on stories knowing what you all like. You can also share ships you disapprove of (just not outright hate, please. You know the difference.).

(Also I meant ships among themselves, so no Smolder/Spike or something like that...)

Personally, I like:

What I don't ship is:

Personally, Gallus and Silverstream are my favorite ships along with Ocellus and Sandbar

My favorite ship is Sandbar and Gallus!!!:heart:

Yona/Sandbar :heart:


My favorite Young Six Ship is Gallus x Silverstream, and the second one is Sandbar x Ocellus. But I like Gallus x Smolder and Yona x Gallus too.

Gallus x Sandbar is my OTP!!, :heart:

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